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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / 254 SMo
- - By Mauricio Ibarra (*) Date 08-19-2000 17:06
What filler metal must I use to weld 254 SMo (stainless steel with 6% Mo and 0.2% N)? I will use GTAW process for the root and SMAW for the fill.

Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 08-21-2000 14:00
254 SMo is the trade mark of a stainless steel manufacured by Avesta of Sweden. Get in touch with their local representative and he'll give you every possible assistance. If you can't find a representative in your area, I'll give you the address and phone number of Avesta in Sweden.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By Neal (*) Date 08-23-2000 02:21
I have welded quite a bit of it in the brackish water portion of the Hudson River. We use Inconel 625 with good results. Be careful to use good tool segregation practice so as not to contaminate the good stainless with carbon steel. In a brackish environment these areas can be potential sites for failure.
Parent - By - Date 08-29-2000 11:21
Neal is right. 625/ENiCrMo-3 is a suitable filler metal for 254SMo.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / 254 SMo

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