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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / E7016?
- - By norcalwelder (**) Date 03-30-2007 18:01
Hey guys I just was trying to use some 7016 rod I had, but I couldnt maintain an arc. I was using 175-200 amps ac, but it wouldnt let me do anything other than spark. Whats the problem?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-30-2007 18:18
Need about 45 OCV min to run on AC...must be about a 3/16" dia to have the amperage that high.
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 03-30-2007 19:11
Yeah its 3/16. I just have a AC225 buzzbox.... I cant really ajust the voltage. (If thats what you mean)
Parent - - By npartin Date 03-30-2007 19:45
check your OCV by  taking a DVOM between electrode and work clamps,  and see what it is at the stinger, if you have access to it see if it can run on DC  that may be what the rod is designed around more so than AC.. havent used 7016 so not sure totally on  changablity from DC to AC processes..
most buzzboxes OCV is around 76-80 Vac
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 03-30-2007 20:05
Could you spell out what OCV and DVOM means plz. (I could guess....)
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-30-2007 20:16
Open Circuit Voltage = check the voltage across the ground and the rod holder(without welding).
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-31-2007 06:32
DVOM = Digital Voltage Ohms Meter

Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 03-31-2007 07:47
7016, i think u had better give up trying to use your 225 welder to weld with the 3/16 rods or u will burn it out.
3/16 rod is way too much for your machine; especially when u take into account the duty cylce on those little machines.
The 7016 rod is a pain to use anyway.
Parent - By norcalwelder (**) Date 03-31-2007 15:54
Yeah the duty cylce is pretty low..... There isnt much I ned them for away.=)
Thanks for your help guys.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-31-2007 16:10
I was under the impression E7016 was a DC reverse polarity electrode. Am I missing something?

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By welder5354 (**) Date 03-31-2007 19:54
According to the manufactor E7016 can be used with AC>>>and DC+ & DC-.
It's not your perfect rod for welding.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-31-2007 20:03
I usually see the electrode stamped as EXX16-AC or EXX18-AC when the low hydrogen electrode can be used with AC.

Just curious, what brand are you using?

Thanks -Al
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 03-31-2007 21:29
IDK. I bought the welder last year and it came with them in a box with some un-ID-ible rod. These were stamped with just 7016.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-31-2007 21:36
You got me. What is IDK?

Contributing factors to their difficulty to use could be they are old, in an open container, and saturated with moisture which has degraded the flux coating.

Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 04-01-2007 14:42
IDK=I don't know. Sry I'm so used to using all kinds of shortcuts in typing.
Parent - - By webbcity (***) Date 04-01-2007 16:20
norcalwelder , thanks for clearing that (idk) up some of the abbreviations i see on the forum are hard for me to understand . now i have learned something new today . also good luck with your torch i did notice in your picture the hoses looked not as good as they could be and the hose clamps were not swaged crimp type . e-mail me your snail mail address , when our snow is gone and i can get into some of our containers i'll find a crimping tool and send it to you . good luck with your welding , i envy you at your age you have a world of welding ahead . willie
Parent - - By norcalwelder (**) Date 04-02-2007 00:00
Thank you very much. I am blessed with the equipment I have and the friends to give me advice. Any ideas on what kind of hose I need?
Parent - By hogan (****) Date 04-02-2007 17:55
7016 is just like 7015 except that it can run on ac
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / E7016?

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