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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I screwed up
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-22-2007 23:28
As I sit here doing my 12 0z curl exercises I reflect on my mistakes of yesterday.

.032 4" 321 pipe "necked down" to .020 with two flanges of .032  (btw penetration is strictly not allowed on the flanges)
4.5 hours work fitting for the sheet metal guy
2 hours for the machinist
4 hours welding time
part value  $18.5 g
destroying it in the blink of an eye....priceless

I had all done up but the last 4" of a butt weld and......wait for it..........I grabbed a 4130 filler instead and did the last of it with that.


Oh well that one is headed for the scrap yard LOL   Jeez I had a near perfect record till this......

My dad use to say " A man that never made any mistakes never got any work done"        It did not help that much this time...stupid mistake...I got flagged rods even!!

oh well back to work tommorow
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 07-22-2007 23:44

Your a good man

We both know you diddn't have to say anything.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 07-23-2007 04:11
Don't beat yourself up too bad over this Tommy.
I know from your prior post that you are a professional that takes pride it your work but your dad was right. With age I seem to take my mistakes a little better.

If I told you my worst experience you wouldn't feel so bad about 18.5g. But I don't really want to open a thread like that...
Parent - - By reddoggoose (**) Date 07-23-2007 04:01
Oh well ...Sh*t happens. Used to work in a machine shop when I was younger and I rember some advice that was given to me. "The faster you go, the further behind you get". I am especially guilty of being in a hurry and making a stupid mistake. Everybody makes mistakes, the difference between a good hand and an idiot is the idiot never learns from them.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 07-23-2007 12:10
Look at the positive aspect of all this in that i bet you'll never do that again!!;-)
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-23-2007 12:23
It reminds me of the time I submitted a WPS to the fellas at GE.

They called me and congratulated me for doing a fine job and wanted to know if I applied for a patent for my new welding process.

I figured they must be inhaling some toxic fumes wafting around in their offices, but respectfully asked them what they were talking about.

They replied that they were interested in hearing more about the TIG process I discovered that didn't need shielding gas.

It was then that I just knew there must be someone in their office contaminating the air with "weed smoke" or something equally hallucinogenic.

Again I asked them, "What are you talking about? What WPS are you reading?"

It turned out that I completely omitted the section for "shielding gases" when I formatted the WPS on my computer. I'm sure they could see my face turn red over the phone line!

My wife's uncle used to say, "The only person that hasn't broken a tool or lost a tool is the guy that never used one."

I've managed to break and lose a few in my time.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-24-2007 07:32 Edited 07-24-2007 07:52
THX all

Arrgg  I get hard on myself because I hold what seems to be much higher standards for myself then is common in my workplace....thats just me and I rekon thats what makes me do good work

I nearly spewed my beer when I read your post...thats d**m funny man!!!!! sorry LOL


Thank you for the kind words.  And your right we both know I could have let it go....  I am just not capable of that even if it cost my job.  Secondary to that  this particular part goes from inside thru and outside the pressure dome....carries a lot of water...(have you guessed yet LOL)    I think about rust thru in a few years and two or three gallons of water sloshing around the control cables at 40,000 feet.....probably would make for a newsworthy flight huh?   I have to live with what I do and sleep at night and thats my bottom line and always has been.   Too bad thats the exception in that industry.  Nothing got said bout it other than a pat on the back for scrapping it out instead of passing it on...

p.s.  I still have the lowest scrap rate in the shop!!! With sheet metal, machining or welding Bwhahahah!! (yes I have been checking charts) btw I have seperated all my fillers into individual holders/stands so I never make this mistake again!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / I screwed up

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