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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Reduced pressure welding
- - By Hugh Cunningham (*) Date 07-31-2007 08:33
What is the effect on weld quality of welding at altitude?  I have work to review where the welding will be done at a height in excess of 2000 ft, or at about 96% of Sea Level pressure.  Would this (albeit slightly) reduced pressure require a new WPS and WPQR?  I can't see anything in D1.1 or the AISC Code.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-31-2007 08:39 Edited 07-31-2007 08:46
Sorry....but what an interesting question!!!  What process and materials are involved??  I have a hard time seeing that height as a problem but I wonder greatly about much higher altitudes say 15,000+  with some gas shielded process.    Sorry I have no answer at all but I bet somone here will.
Parent - - By Hugh Cunningham (*) Date 08-01-2007 06:56
Many thanks for everyone's interest.  This work is on top of the tallest building in the world, currently under construction in the Middle East.  It's already past 520m, and nowhere near its final height yet.  We are still at the concrete construction stage, but in a couple of months the centre core construction changes to a steel lattice and spire.  Some of the connections will be bolted, but a lot will be welded.  The welding process will all be SMAW, the welders are good and their defect rate has been low, but there has been a rather lax atttitude to strictly following procedures and staying within the range for essential variables.  The steel is ASTM A572 Grade 50 with thicknesses up to 65mm at this height.  There will be both full and partial penetration butt (groove) welds, with no fillet welds at structurally important joints.

I'm not a welder, but part of my job is to review and advise on construction procedures/problems for all things "steel".  Are there any particular changes in weld quality I need to look out for?  Are there any types of weld defect that might be more prevalent?  I accept that this is no different to welding up a mountain, and not a very high mopuntain at that, but those welds would have been qualified at that altitude and the variables set to suit the conditions.  My welds have all been qualified at sea level.

Again, many thanks for your interest.

Parent - - By chall (***) Date 08-01-2007 12:15
I'm sure you have a rigourous NDE plan, including UT of all moment connections.  If you can't resolve the question regarding the change in pressure's impact on weld quality, perhaps you could increase the NDE frequency for a period of time and compare the results (as you reach higher levels).  If an increase in defect rate is noted, it would not take much to run additional test coupons at the highest possible level and have them destructively analyzed.  If you note defects that are attributable to the welding conditions (ie - clearly not welding outside established parameters, or poor technique by the welder), it would be worth digging deeper.

Another avenue to pursue would be to look into some of the FEMA standards.  I know they publish specifications related to seismic influences and how to mitigate their influence during construction.  Maybe they have something that addresses this.

If your search doesn't turn up any literature, maybe you should undertake the study as the construction progresses and publish your results.

My personal opinion is that the most significant influence will be on the shielding event.  I believe the reduced pressure's impact on the relatively violent shielding introduced by the SMAW process will be negligible.  Still, it would be interesting to have the same welder do identical test coupons at the most extreme height difference; and have them tested.

Parent - By Hugh Cunningham (*) Date 08-02-2007 13:35

Many thanks for your comments.  Yes, we have very strict NDE - 100% UT and MPI, with MPI at mid thickness on the thicker welds (some of the beams lower down that are now encased in concrete have 100mm thick web and flanges).

Obviously, as this is a "work in progress" I cannot go higher than the current top to run test welds, unless I was to find a mountain somewhere, and there aren't too many of those around here.

I'll follow your suggestion and have test welds made.  My biggest concern was also the effect on shielding, but I also wondereed if the heat input needed to be reduced slightly and if this variation was outside the WPS limit (although probably not given the relatively large range of variables in volts, currrent and travel speed).

Best regards,

Parent - - By chall (***) Date 07-31-2007 13:00
Wet welding of carbon steel (underwater welding) requires requalification of a WPS once the depth (pressure) changes by one atmosphere.  This is a generalization of the Underwater Welding Code, but as a comparison for the purposes of your question, it seems like a 4% reduction in pressure could be considered negligible.

Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 07-31-2007 14:16
This is an interesting question, and at some point it may have an effect, but as Tommy and Charles indicated it may take some elevation before the effect is beyond normal scatter bands.
Contractors based in Denver, for example, transpose their WPS's to other parts of the country, or the world, with no evidence of variations in results that could prove problematic.
But maybe if your qualifying for the Eisenhower tunnel on I70 in Co or a Bavarian Chalet at Tioga Pass Ca, or a yak stable in Katmandu you might notice something.
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 07-31-2007 17:04

I fully agree with the others - an interesting question!

Although I am unfortunately not able to reply the coherences with the US American Standards you have mentioned, the question has a strong physical appeal for me.

There have been carried out some very interesting investigations over the time in regard to the specific influence of the ambient pressure on the welding arc appearance - in particular in non consumable electrode welding processes (Gas Shielded Tungsten Arc Welding or Plasma Arc Welding) - as well as on the metal transfer behaviour in Gas Shielded Metal Arc Welding (GMAW).

Also nowadays especially some Japanese scientists are investigating the physical coherences in using a hollow tungsten electrode in vacuum for achieving deep penetration effects under using extremely low gas flow rates (>= 0.17 ml/s). Due to the vacuum it is possible to achieve an arc behaviour which is impossible to achieve under "normal" atmospheric pressure conditions.

However, although I do not know what kind of welding process you are going to use in approx. 2000 ft. height, I would like to deal here with an interesting investigation, been accomplished by some scientists and members of the Paton Electric Welding Institute in Kiev (the Ukraine). I suppose by concluding their results it should be possible for you to decide if the reduction of 4% of the ambient atmospheric pressure might have any drastic negative influences on your welding process.  

The Ukrainians (at point in time the investigations have been executed - the late 1970's - the Ukraine was still part of the former Soviet Union) have studied the "electrode melting and metal transfer in welding under conditions of variable gravitational forces" with a specific view on the usage of GMAW in space (you know they have later built the "MIR" space station). Therefore they have used three different filler materials (1.0 mm in diameter):

·  18%Cr 8% Ni Stainless Steel (~ comparable with ER 308)
·  Aluminum alloy (no further composition details known)
·  Titanium alloy (no further composition details known)

They have used relative low welding currents (35 - 80 Ampere) and welding voltages (14 - 16.5 Volts) and Direct Current Electrode Positive Polarity to have the opportunity to use their High Speed Observation Equipment in a way, that it fulfils the specific demands with regard to droplet growth and metal droplet transition.

By accomplishing the experiments in a flying laboratory they were able to vary the gravitational force "g" in a range between

·  g = 0.1... ~ 20 m/s^2

What they could find out was truly interesting since they could see that the molten metal droplet growth under slight gravitational forces conditions increased up to "...several times larger than the wire electrode diameter...", please see also the attached Welding_Under_Weightlessness.pdf.

Simultaneously "...the duration of droplet existence on the electrode tip increases in some experiments amounts to 12 seconds...".

As imaginable, the transfer of such as large droplets is not comparable with a short circuit free "spray" transfer but rather with a "dip" or "short-arc" transfer and thus mainly being caused by surface tension induced forces. They have also found out some more interesting peculiarities in the relationship between the wire feed speed and the perpendicular to the wire feed direction axis droplet movement. The droplet "...revolves..." strongly before it is transferred into the molten pool which is again a strong function of mass and volume over the time. This again is depending to the height of the gravitational force and reaches the highest values under the condition of "...weightlessness...".

However, all these negative influences - making a "normal" GMA welding impossible - could be improved, and thus stable welding conditions could be reached, by regulating wire feed speed (current) and voltage in a way that the arc length was reduced for achieving a "...periodically short circuiting of wire electrode and weld pool surface..." which causes "...that the molten electrode metal flows into the weld pool under surface tension forces...". In other words: Adjusting conditions of a "short-arc" transfer.

What they have also tried out - under having only constricted possibilities in their experimental set-up - was to superimpose a pulse current peak in both, to detaching a large grown droplet and for "...controlled transfer..." by using a 50 Hz frequency for detaching the droplets periodically.

Both measures - "short-arc" transfer and "pulsed" transfer have worked properly in using all the three different filler materials, also (!) under "weightlessness" conditions.

Under considering the aspects mentioned above, I would venture to state that the slight reduction of ~ 4% in ambient pressure would have such  significant - or let me better say - drastically negative influences on the droplet transfer mechanisms, that those - as far as even to be observed - could not be controlled by the welding power supply or -equipment, respectively.

In particular when considering the fact, that the Ukrainians have proven to be able already in the 1970's, under using an experimental set-up and welding in a flying laboratory under weightless conditions.

Best regards,
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-01-2007 05:24
I wonder, Stephan, how does an arc behave in a vacuum, a complete vacuum, if no gas is introduced?
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 08-01-2007 14:22
If I may add a little perspective here. I know 520m or 600m or 700m seems high because its a building. But elevation wise, its nothing. Much of the North American continent (or Europe or Asia) is that high or higher. But I can certainly sympathize with the idea that perhaps standing on top of this monster (if you could even get me up there) would perhaps cause one to think.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-01-2007 15:10

I got an answer to your question at a welding expo presentation about 10 years ago.

A College/NASA group were doing experiments in zero gravity vacuum welding.   They took a vacuum chamber and put it on a C130 and did eliptical dives to make Zero Gravity.

First they discoverd an arc requires plasma to transfer and that means an atmosphere of some sort.  So they actually milled out the center of the tungsten electrodes and ran a puff of inert through the hole to get the arc to strike.

They seemed happy with the results but the pictures of the welds were not all that impressive :)
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-01-2007 15:53

very first of all a heartily "Thanks" for asking this pretty interesting question.

Although Hugh has already replied and has clarified what kind of interesting welding application he has to inspect (really enviable), and also Lawrence has made a great comment I would like to (try) to answer you.

Honestly I have considered how to answer before I started writing since you have to know that I could read a great statement in the July's AWS Welding Journal. It has been a part of an advertisement where an appreciated welder said:

"... There's a thousand ways to do a job wrong, and only one to do it right."

And this - I guess - should also count for an explanation and in particular twice when it is planned as a contribution for this outstanding good forum!

Well, your question is more than eligible and to answer it directly and without any detouring:

I am nearly sure that you are right! Under consideration of my humble knowledge in physics I guess that in a complete vacuum - e.g. in aerospace - it should not be possible to generate a welding arc without having a medium which is ionisable just as a "shielding" gas. On the other hand it seems like a contradiction, since when I have no kind of "detrimental" constituents like existing within the surrounding atmosphere on earth (nitrogen, oxygen,...) one does not need a shielding to protect the weld pool against them.

But now, if you allow, as an addition please let me try to describe what the physical background of the Japanese experiments was or what their current considerations are, respectively.

Due to the Japanese surveys are based on Gas Tungsten Arc Welding I am going to deal now - in opposition to what we have spoken about in the Ukrainian experiments - with the GTA Welding under atmospheric pressures and - to compare - under low pressures (no complete vacuum as in space). This is what the Japanese researchers have conducted when they used the hollow Tungsten electrode for welding in a vacuum chamber and using very low gas flow rates. Without wanting to debase the work of the Japanese colleagues in any way, their investigations would have never been carried out when not many other researchers over a very long period in time would have conducted physical surveys on the nature of welding arcs. Among them were brilliantly US- (as Lawrence mentioned); Russian-; Australian-; German-; Japanese- and Researchers of many other countries in the world. As you can imagine, the quantitative (i.e. mathematical) details behind all the surveys are tremendous.

Therefore I request your understanding when I repeat myself, saying once again that I would like to avoid the usage of any intricate mathematical formalism. Strictly following the wise hint one of the greatest US-physicists - Richard Feynman - who should have said that one should firstly try to find a theoretical solution of a specific problem and the cohering mathematics are early enough to be formulated afterwards.

Although, what in particular Henry (ssbn727) and Jeff (js55) have discussed and posted about NEWTON and LEIBNIZ and the Greek philosophers was truly an enjoyment :-). Hurry up Stephan..!

Basically one perhaps should start with the predication that any arc is existing as a plasma which again is a kind of electrical conductor. This again means that I need anything which contains carriers for the electric charge and that again means that I need electrons which are a part of any atomic nucleus. When I have a - as you mentioned - complete vacuum - whereas I set the aerospace vacuum as the basis for being "complete" - I presume that within this "emptiness" are no - or better said - nearly no and thus definitely too less atoms, molecules or what kind of particles ever contained which could be used to being ionised.

But, by the way, here we have - from my personal point of view - the first surprise to be observed.

When we are going to weld under (earth) atmospheric conditions, the very first action in "igniting" a welding arc is the acceleration of a non neutral particle - just as a free electron - been generated by a stochastical reaction between e.g. the cosmic radiation with a gas atom or molecule in the atmosphere and thus being a result of this reaction. Presume you're using arc welding equipment and thus creating a weld circuit you're having an open circuit voltage existing between the anode (in GMAW normally the wire electrode) and the cathode (workpiece). When I am now feeding the wire electrode towards the workpiece to start the welding process, in between both there is also a - sure very less, but however - number of the mentioned non neutral particles. Due to approaching anode and cathode and decreasing the distance between them, the electrical field force is being increased. The lower the distance between anode and cathode, the higher the field force and the higher the probability to accelerate one (or more) of these non neutral particles - let's stay at the electron, which is a negative charge carrier - toward the electrical opposite pole. In this case toward the anode. On the other hand it is important that the distance between both electrical poles is not too low due to the electron must have a sufficient path length to be accelerated highly enough to receive enough kinetic energy for the collision with the gas atoms or molecules. The physicists talk about a specific cross section which was firstly surveyed and stated by a German physicist named CARL RAMSAUER. This cross section, which is a way for describing the interaction between an accelerated electron and the gas particles of the surrounding atmosphere is thus called the "RAMSAUER Cross Section" (in German: "Ramsauer-Querschnitt"). This is more or less important for the following explanations. But I would like to come to that a bit later on.

Once accelerated and on its way to the opposite direction the electron starts the first ionisation activities. This - so at least the physicists models and calculations - is the very first action in any kind of welding arc ignition! OK, this tiny bit of ionisation is surely much to less to initiate the charge carrier avalanche and thus ignite the arc finally, but however, here is it where everything begins. The second step, and this is the major mechanism in consumable electrode arc welding is by creating a short circuit between anode and cathode, to have a vaporisation of metallic material and this metallic vapour is lowering again the ionisation potential threshold value and thus improving the conductivity of the gap atmosphere between anode and cathode. The plasma is formed and the arc is being ignited. Oh, not to forget, in non consumable electrode arc welding (e.g. GTAW) the bridging of the "non conductivity" of the gaseous atmosphere between anode (normally the workpiece) and cathode (normally the tungsten electrode) is often accomplished by using "High Frequency". This is of course well-known but causes the same sequences (improving or initiating the ionisation conditions) as mentioned above.

Let's now presume furthermore that we are using - just comparable to the Japanese people who have used a hollow tungsten electrode in a vacuum chamber in their experiments - a conventional Direct Current Electrode Negative TIG-arc under atmospheric conditions. And let's also assume that the arc has been ignited under a "normal" shielding gas as Argon having a "normal" welding purity of 99.996%. I would like to neglect all the very specific details - from my point of view - being the true reasons, responsible for the "infinity" of welding-physics investigations just as tungsten electrode composition, base material composition (very important but however), different or changing welding parameters,.... Rather I would like to deal with the specific basics considered as being in charge for the outer shape of a TIG-arc burning under (earth) atmospheric pressure. Due to I won't like to overloading the response also neglecting the (interesting) background of energy-, current-, and thermal density distribution within such an arc I would like only to deal with the major aspect for making the TIG-arc - as we commonly know it - "bell-" or conical shaped. Specific investigations proved that the thermodynamical behaviour of a TIG-arc as mentioned, is being mainly influenced by the tungsten cathode area behaviour (mainly constant under constant cathode conical angle), it is strongly assumed that the relatively stiff bell shape is being created by a phenomenon called "cathode jet". Simplified this can be seen as a kind of "mass flow" being induced by arc current and its electromagnetical field. By varying e.g. the arc length one can influence the "inner" plasma properties as electron density or temperature, respectively on the anode surface and thus change e.g. fusion profile or penetration depth. Beside this - of course - the physical shielding gas properties have a strong influence on the outer shape of the arc, the shape does differ when using different shielding gases. Argon compared with Helium has a more bell shaped form due to its lower thermal conductivity which is again among other specific physical properties a function of its temperature. Therefore the arc has a strong and high energy conducting core and is loosing thermal energy in radial direction. This is, by the way, also the reason for having a strong kind of "finger"-penetration in using pure Argon e.g. in MIG-welding of aluminum and its alloys, or Argon rich shielding gases in welding steel materials.

This arc shape however is of course to be observed under "normal" atmospheric conditions, i.e. 1.013,25 hPa, or 101.325,00 Pa.

And now I would like to come to the conditions of reduced surrounding pressure. Since the atmospheric pressure has a strong influence on the density distribution of the shielding gas, the gas physical functional conditions like the effective "RAMSAUER Cross Section" and others being responsible for the ionisation behaviour, cathode jet velocity, arc stability,..., and whose values are being fixed normally under atmospheric pressure conditions but of course varying temperature ranges.

Presuming a definite surrounding pressure we can thus assume a definite gas particle density or concentration, respectively. Hereby we can assume to achieve a definite gaseous effective cross section wherein the electrons can be accelerated, interact with other particles and thus inducing and maintaining the ionisation. The lower the surrounding pressure, the higher the gas partial pressure and lower the density of (normally shielding-) gas particles. Hereby the effective cross section of electron to gas particle interaction is decreased and thus the probability to ionising the gas particles is reduced since - the probability of an electron to gas atom or molecule collision is reduced.  Hereby I assume one would no more achieve a "well" bell or conical shaped outer arc appearance (under presuming to use Argon as a shielding gas) but no more controllable and "conventional" known TIG-arc is possible to create.

What have now the Japanese people done?

They have created a hollow tungsten electrode (used as the cathode) which was - as far as I know - also been known earlier to use for experiments referring to welding in space, i.e. "complete" vacuum. But what they wanted to achieve was the practical usage of this technology as well for "earth" applications. As far as I could find out by the presentations they held on this topic, by using the hollow tungsten cathode in a vacuum chamber generating no "complete" vacuum but strongly reduced surrounding pressures (>= 3 Pascal) combined with very low gas flow rates (e.g. 0.17... 1.7 ml/s) they could create welding conditions, or let me better say "TIG-arcs" having had the appearance of a "beam". And also the electron density they could achieve - using the lowest gas flow rates of 17 tenths of a thousandths of a litre - and which is an indirect indicator for the energy transfer between the cathode and the anode and thus an indicator of the welding efficiency again, was proven to be as far as possible comparable with the appearance of an electron beam(!), please see also the attached "electron_density.pdf". As you know, when using an electron beam in a vacuum (i.e. reduced surrounding pressure) it is possible to achieve extremely high energy densities by achieving free electron path lengths of several meters. Hereby the probability for an electron - to gas atom or molecule collision is drastically reduced and the amounts of "lost" efficiency are stringently low.

The very interesting investigations - conducted by using different "shielding" gases (Argon - Helium - Neon - Xenon) and different anode materials (copper and aluminum) - could show that intricate - but controllable - physical coherences between the aspects as mentioned above (free electron path length,...), geometrical factors (inner/outer diameter of hollow cathode) combined with density and gas flow rate of the used gas can increase the penetration depth in a remarkable amount, please see also the attached "penetration_profile.pdf".

Therefore and concluding now, once again, Dave, you are certainly right when you suppose that without any kind of ionisable medium ("shielding" gas) one is unable to create a welding arc in a complete vacuum as it is observable in space. The Japanese people - and other enlightened researchers before them - however have found a way - from my very own and humble standpoint - to create a highly effective and stable arc welding process which could - normally - also being used in a "complete" vacuum, which has of course to be approved. But the Japanese do still stand - as far as I guess - with both feet on the earth and having ideas to use this "universal" process under "earth-conditions".

So far my humble try of an explanation..

My very best regards to you,
Attachment: electron_density.pdf (63k)
Attachment: penetration_profile.pdf (93k)
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-02-2007 03:59
Stephan, I wondered because on one hand in a vacuum there is nothing to ionise, but on the other it takes less voltage to jump a gap. So I guess in a vacuum, with enough voltage We would have sparks jumping from the electrode to the work, and if it is anything like the EDM process, each one would blow a little crater in the work. So I guess the comment I made in another thread about welding with bare electrodes on the space station [outside, in space] would not work out. With regard to Feynman, He wrote a book about the non technical aspects of His life, called "Surely You must be joking, Dr. Feynman" Have You read it? It is pretty interesting.
Parent - By Stephan (***) Date 08-02-2007 08:15

hmmm, I honestly do not know if an aerospace- or complete vacuum contains any ionisable "gas" particles, but following Heisenbergs theory there should at least exist the probability to find some very few of them...  

Thus it is a pretty interesting idea what you are thinking about.

It would certainly give a nice "fireworks" consisting of ionised particles :-)

Thanks also for the hint referring to Richard Feynman. No, I haven't read this book - yet.

But now as you are recommending it, I guess I will order it.

Up to now I have read:

- QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter


- The Character of Physical Laws

Great books and also very recommendable.

Furthermore I had some looks into his truly wonderful "Lectures on Physics".

Honestly I would have been lucky if I would have had enough savvy having been able to study physics, but...

However, who knows?

If I would have had, perhaps I would have never had the chance to ever ignite a welding arc and... to talk to you and all the other great people in the forum!

Thanks for replying and best regards
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