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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / SA-234 Chem requirements or not
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 04-28-2008 20:25
What's the opinion on this?
A Purchase order calls for a material SA-234 wpb 8" SCH 40 Butt weld cap purchased under ASME boiler and pressure vessel code section VIII DIV 1 usage.
Now here is the situation I have received a Certificate of Compliance for this material (along with others on the same C of C) I looked at my code book for SA-234 WPB the spec calls out  CAR, MAN,PHOS,SUL,SI,CHR,MOLY,NIC,CU,VAN.
The C of C has all Chems except MOLY and VAN (no value for these two chems).
I have questioned this and asked that these be given some value on the report (for all I know they were left out unintentionally. What I was given back in response was a copy of an ASTM spec (Date issue unknown) and a note stating that there is no requirement for those Chems (although there are other reported Chems that have no requirements on the C of C).
ASME states other acceptable astm specs 82a thru 04
My copy of ASTM -02 is identical to my ASME -04 (except ASTM gives a max on COLUMBIUM) both give max values for VAN, and MOLY.
  I have been told that a blank should be taken as 0.0000% or it need not be reported. The unknown issue of ASTM implies that there are no requirements for those chems.
  Any opinion would be helpful on how I can resolve this, or steps can take to get to the bottom it.
  Not quite sure if this is an issue or I just can't see the forest though the trees.
if any1 needs more info or a better expination please ask.

Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 04-28-2008 21:28
1st question - does the cert mention that the mat'l conforms to ASME as well as ASTM?

2nd question - does the cert state that variables not mentioned have a value of "0.00"?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 04-29-2008 10:58
The C of C only has a Material Grade and the Chems in question have no value or reference to blanks being = to 0.00
Parent - - By new tito (***) Date 04-30-2008 15:47
I just looked through the SA-234 spec (from the 04/06 ASME sec II) - para. 16.1.1 states that .....When the amount of the element is less than 0.02%, the analysis for that element may be reported as "<0.02%".

Looks pretty clear to needs to be listed.  I'd get them to send another C of C at least stating that the elements not listed are <0.02%, if applicable.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 04-30-2008 16:36
I have been given a copy of the orig test report the Chems in question were 0.00, and now im satisfied. although this has caused me to wonder about a few other issues that im sure after some research ill be looking for an opinion on.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / SA-234 Chem requirements or not

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