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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / D1.1 Root Pass
- - By Mark Tyree Date 07-10-2008 03:44
I talked to a gentlemen on the phone from Odesa Texas. He said that the from root to cap will all be welded with low-hydrogen rod. I have never put in a root pass with 7018 period. I have expierience with 6010 root passes up and downhill. Does anyone have some advice they can give me about putting a root pass in with 7018.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 07-10-2008 03:46
might have better luck posting it under topic general!
Parent - - By motgar (**) Date 07-10-2008 13:20
Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 07-10-2008 13:28
Structural specs typically require E70xx electrodes.  A lot of welders prefer 60 series electrodes on root passes, but we don't allow it on our projects.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-10-2008 14:51
Don't whip the low hydrogen elecrode as you would with a cellulose covered electrode such as E6010 or E7010 while making the root pass. 

Hold a short arc, use a slight "whip", but keep the electrode in the molten puddle such that you move to the leading edge of the puddle and then back to the trailing edge of the puddle.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By mrwizard57 Date 07-11-2008 20:57
I just came from jk spruce II sanantonio 2" 180 tube all lohi 3/32 back looked like the front,don't whip it push side to side 10 to 12 degree angle and keep moving didn't use a grinder for the whole test,if you slow down you'll sag in the back also only had about a 1/16 gap ran the rod at 80 24
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / D1.1 Root Pass

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