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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Vehicle Insurance
- - By txwelder (*) Date 07-17-2008 16:28
I've been doing pipleline work for well over 20 years and have never heard of this one.  Let me know if you have.  One of my welding buddies' boys is buying a welding truck already rigged out from him and it does have insurance coverage.  His son is claiming that because he is not listed as a driver on the proof of insurance that a company held his rig pay!?  (sounds fishy to me!!!!)  The son also claims he will not be able to work for any pipeline company unless he is a listed driver!?  I have never heard of that or had that problem.  I think as long as the vehicle/rig has insurance coverage in the actual owner's name, it shouldn't matter who is using it!  That's kinda like if we had to borrow a welding rig from a friend, we won't be listed on his insurance.  So, let me have your opinion on this line of bs!
Parent - By snuffman (***) Date 07-17-2008 16:38
Sounds like bs to me. Why would they have a problem if the law doesnt? If I borrow your truck tomorow amd total it the cop doesnt care if Im on the insurance he wants to no if the vehicle is insured. If the vehicle is not insured then he will ask if Im insured. Sounds fishy
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 07-17-2008 16:38
Sounds like a loop hole for not having to pay the guy. They should have asked for the insurance card before they let him on the job. And then to say something when money is owed sounds kind of funny to me!!!
Parent - - By txwelder (*) Date 07-17-2008 16:43
Well thanks for the replies.  That's exactly what I told my buddy.  It shouldn't matter as long as the vehicle is insured!  I think his son is a pretty good welder, but has already been through several companies in 2 years.  Seems he has a problem with not being able to get up and get to work in time, maybe too much drinking in the evenings!!!  So, I think he's just looking for excuses to give his ol' man.  I guess he thinks us ol' timers are stupid enough to believe his bs!
Parent - - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-17-2008 17:40
A company tried that with me once. I used a buddy's rig for a job and they said the same thing ... I started to load up tools and valves and they freaked. All of a sudden it wasn't a problem anymore... they got my money and I unloaded the tools and valves and went back to work. Of course they haven't called me for work since then but I don't want to work for a outfit like that anyway. Money earned needs to be money paid!
Parent - - By txwelder (*) Date 07-17-2008 18:04
Well I agree with what you're saying 100%.  And, the insurance thing is something that should be addressed at the time the company hires you.  I think this man's boy is just feeding him a bunch of bs.  He wants the $$ but don't want to work for it.  This guy's been through more pipeline companies than most of us have worked for or tested for in 20 plus years.  I'm sure his reputation about not being able to show up on time or not showing up like he's suppose to has finally bit him in is a__.  I say take the truck away from him and make him do something else.  Doesn't care enough about the money or mature enough to do a real man's work!!!
Parent - By pypLynr (***) Date 07-17-2008 18:11
He is making it hard for us honest welders .
Parent - - By Jenn (***) Date 07-17-2008 18:07
Yeah that sounds like a "story" to me....
Parent - - By txwelder (*) Date 07-17-2008 19:15
Well i guess his dad shouldn't have given him a welder, than agreed to sell him a truck to use either.  The guy (or I guess I should say man, he's 28) doesn't appreciate any of it.  It's a shame he doesn't use the talent he has to make a good living for his wife and kids.  One of these days he'll regret it!
Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 07-17-2008 20:06 Edited 07-17-2008 20:09
Parent - - By tnhnt (***) Date 07-17-2008 22:16
Sounds like to me he is a 28 year old boy that still needs his hand held. His dad should buckle down on him and stop helping so much or the kid will never do anything on his own!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-17-2008 23:44
My first car was a 1973 plymouth fury III. My dad bought it for $600.00 He then made me work for it until I had earned that $600.00 worth. And I did NOT get that car until it was payed for. I took damn good care of that thing as a result.

What is earned is taken better care of and appreciated WAY more than what is given. JMHO

Parent - - By snuffman (***) Date 07-18-2008 02:55
Parent - - By txwelder (*) Date 07-21-2008 19:47
I agree with everything you all are saying and believe me, the dad has been told all of this.  He told his son the other day that he needed to take his stuff off the and park it in his father's yard.  His son said, well dad, I'll have you a truck payment this weekend and I'm suppose to going on a job Monday.  Well, he was still home this morning.  So, once again, he's told his father exactly what he wanted to hear.

They don't live with the father, but live in one of the father's rent houses and is suppose to pay $350.00 rent.  Guess what?  He's going on 3 months behind on that, too.  We've (his friends and family) told the father all we can and until he listens and does something to make this punk grow up, there is nothing else we can do.  So, I know I shouldn't, but when it all comes to a head, I think I'm going to have to say "We told you so"!

I appreciate all of the responses and comments received.  Sure sounds like we're all on the same page, just with the father would hurry up and get there! 
Parent - - By jkin (**) Date 07-22-2008 05:15
Never had to give any company auto insurance when I was out there, But who knows I here things from these rig welders I never heard of before. I worked on ones machine couple weeks ago said they wanted auto insurance also and to be bonded and all this. I told him that was horse s!*#t and there just tring save there on a@#, oh well never know now days
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 07-22-2008 13:29
I did experiance the auto insurance deal once. Peance Creek(sp) area in CO to be able to drive on the ranch, 4x4 and proof of insurance was required, BUT this was up front information. They would not hold back pay due to the fact that they would not let you on site to earn any money without 4x4 and insurance.

Parent - By cwf07 (***) Date 07-23-2008 09:11
Here in GA. anybody drive the truck,car doesn't matter got to be list on the insurance or they want pay in a accident. Some insurance is a waste of money.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Vehicle Insurance

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