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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Cwi's with an ACCP card trying ti fet remote PE stamps on ca
- - By basecamp2 (*) Date 09-04-2010 20:22
I have held a CWI and an ACCP for years. I put the ACCP Card on my resume cause it looks good. I never thouth it was worth anything. But I kept the card up. There is a job at a Nuke in Tn. Who wants me to have both Remote and a boiler, pressure pipe coded Drums, heast exchangers. and refinery reastors stamps on the ACCP card.
Twice I have has formal classes for the SNT-TC-1A CP-189 AND PASSED BOTH TIMES.

wHEN i REQUESTED THE FORM FOR  Remote and Pressue equipment The ASNT  sent the same form. ThenI noticed that the most important page, page 2 of 3 did not have a single placeto enter my name, or Phone # or address, CWI # There was not a place for any of my personal information, so I guess i could send this to Joe Inspector in Death Valley tell him I worked for him for 4 years  on pressure pipe in Ten Buck AK. I could send it in as mine.

This complete ASNT/ACCP program is a VERY BIG SHAM
Parent - - By L51174 (**) Date 09-07-2010 12:13
So is your ACCP certification through the CWI/ACCP agreement or did get formal training and log experience enough to aquire ASNT ACCP level II VT certs? Either way, it seems you would be providing these credentials to the inspection contractor rather than the nuc plant itself. And, if you have verifiable experience logged in remote visual etc, why not just present that to the inspection contractor and let them do the verification?

I mean, if the ACCP program is such a sham why participate in it at all, when you can get certifications from your employer that will be accepted by the nuc plant and you could go to work?

When i got my ASNT level III's I of course had the option to go the route of ACCP Professional, but after talking to several prospective employers, found out that it wasnt of that much value, since the requirement to demonstrate that I could write a relevant procedure would have to be performed anyway.
Parent - By basecamp2 (*) Date 09-13-2010 23:02
Your are correct to the site contractor. The contractor was just
audited by the NRC and had a few small problems with their inspectort certification, I was told the contractor woul not be hireing any more inspection personal without informly running the Resume by the sith NRC personal first.
Parent - By basecamp2 (*) Date 09-13-2010 22:57
as ya'll can tell I can't spell when excited
Parent - - By basecamp2 (*) Date 09-13-2010 23:07
I should have not called the ACCP program a sham, it's a good program, like every thing trying to grow there is some pains in all growth. I was just in a very very large whats going on nervous breakdown. I should never put thoses thoughts in writeing.
Shouda hada cold beer first?
Parent - By L51174 (**) Date 09-14-2010 12:10
I do that too, though its usually after a few beers that I become outwardly opinionated lol. It seems though that if you are qualified and certifiable by the contractor the NRC shouldnt have a problem. I hope it works out for you though, I hate to see any qualified person denied work over a technicality.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Cwi's with an ACCP card trying ti fet remote PE stamps on ca

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