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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / JUST SAYING!
- - By HEAD WELDER (*) Date 02-04-2012 17:58
If your a WELDER and have to post on this forum to know how to weld PIPE, i dont want you welding **** for me! lmao
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-04-2012 18:38
Welcome to the forum Golden Arm.

Don't worry about the forum though... There are plenty of folks who post here that have earned their stripes that are willing to help folks who are working hard to aspire to the greatness of a "HEAD WELDER".
Parent - - By HEAD WELDER (*) Date 02-04-2012 18:52
well ill tell ya lawrence if your being sincere thank you and if your being a smartass only ***gots and sailors are named Lawrence! lmao just saying!
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 02-04-2012 19:05
You are stirring up a hornets nest head welder. The guy who is asking for help is an accomplished welder but is doing an unfamiliar process. Lawrence has forgotten more about welding than a smart fella like you has had time to learn. So crawl back under your rock and shut your smart mouth.
Parent - By alan domagala (**) Date 02-04-2012 19:09
Your not making a very good first impression here HEAD WELDER.
Im not the only one here that knows that the REAL HEAD WELDERS dont put less experienced welders down.
Since this is only your 2nd post, why dont you tell us your background?
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-04-2012 19:11 Edited 02-04-2012 19:15
Guess from the sounds of it you need to fork out the dough and build your own website where you can revel in your own glory. I own a company and if somebody comes around and says he knows everything I don't want his azz working for me. Think they need to alter the old saying, "you can't fix stupid" to include arrogance.

Lawrence is a wealth of knowledge respected by tons of folks on here including me and for a doofus to come in here and start spouting off at the mouth with just 3 posts I think I agree with Pickupman, shut your pile hole and crawl back to mama's bosom. Just full of them I swear.....need to change my quote down below to include idiots as well.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 02-04-2012 19:31
I wonder if a certain someone has reinvented himself.......again?
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-04-2012 19:56
Oh yeah......(scratching head)
Parent - - By TRC (***) Date 02-04-2012 20:16
I rember him from a job long ago. I think his name was Richard.... no no no I rember now, they called him Dick
Parent - - By jbndt (**) Date 02-04-2012 20:21
Last name is Head ... :twisted:
Parent - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 02-04-2012 20:33 Edited 02-04-2012 20:40
Sounds like Mr. Dick / head welder has incomplete fusion of the mouth and a gas pockett in his arse. I bet he thinks porosity is a fungus he got from that 250 pound bar hag last week.
You know Dick the one with an orffice flange for lips.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 02-04-2012 21:03
Note to Richard Head; Lawrence was using sarcasm. Look it up when you are looking for your CPA/ your line of work which is, wait for it.....a** clown.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 02-07-2012 04:32
John, if you are watching and/or listening, you will notice that this is the one and only interjection I have made at this point............simply to show you that I have no point of view on this one.
Parent - By 2006strat (***) Date 02-08-2012 20:55
Man i am only 27,  i havent welded everything YET, but i know the men on this post will help out almost anybody that runs up on something they havent seen before.  I respect the guys who help me.  I would rather ask for help if i needed it then think i knew how and burn my name over something so simple.  In this buisness,  "your only good as your last weld".  I like what i do everyday.
- - By weldwade (***) Date 02-04-2012 22:10
Its obvious that this guy likes to open his mouth... good name for yourself HEAD welder
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 02-04-2012 22:54
Guys threads like this are just not even worth the waste of space here on the forum.
- - By jbndt (**) Date 02-05-2012 00:28
Welcome to the forum Mark, the well HEAD WELDER …

You’ve made one hell of a first impression!

Ah, Louisiana … You “coon-asses” are hard to understand even in print!   :lol:
(Note the ‘emocon’.)

Parent - - By HEAD WELDER (*) Date 02-05-2012 00:45 Edited 02-05-2012 05:15
Parent - - By HEAD WELDER (*) Date 02-05-2012 01:16 Edited 02-05-2012 05:16
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-05-2012 01:37
Well typically when a guy first comes onto this forum he introduces himself or gives it a few months before he starts spouting off like a smart azz to people he don't know. It's pretty hard to pick up sarcasm and things in print and when you start a post raggin' on a guy that's been on this forum for quite awhile your likely to raise a few eyebrows from others. There's lots of guys on here that cut each other up all the time, some here I can do it with cause we know each other. Nothing about who you are but first impressions as they say can make or break you. It's not that we are the type of guys to "pull the worst out of what someone says" it's because you sounded like an a-hole with your original post.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 02-05-2012 01:46
Welcome to the forum Mark. We will rewind and start over. Pull up a chair and lets get to know each other. :grin:
Parent - - By HEAD WELDER (*) Date 02-05-2012 01:55
ite man that sounds good ,but i gotta know what does reinventing myself mean,lmao
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 02-05-2012 02:10
Well....... thats a long story. There is a certain party that surfaces here from time to time under assumed identities and stirs up all kinds of hate and discontent, then submerges again for awhile. We have to be careful and talk quietly or he will reappear. Nuff said?
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 02-05-2012 02:28
HEADWELDER,   I guess your talking to or about me in your post. Let me tell YOU about me. Own a welding & fabrication business since 1982 out of Pittsburgh PA.  Built biz. from ground up have had up to 10 employees. Work union I.W. local #3 in the field have 2-3 full time in shop now. (been with me for 10 & 15 yrs.)  Unfortunately things have gone sideways for last 3 yrs. Contracts not as big as before and ALOT of price cutting going on. Haven't got a steady check from the biz. since 09. But my guys get paid and my bills get paid.  Come to the realization that the biz. needs to change !!!!!! See W. PA. is boomin' with the Marcelllus Shale and have persued work from there. Doing ok fabing ladders,stairs,guards, rails,etc.  But I would like to get into station work but need to learn a FEW things.  Can weld steel ,aluminum, stainless, etc.  Can TIG,MIG, Stick weld uphill , certified  for commercial piping  but need  to learn downhill 1104 API to get into the piping end. I'm 50 yrs.old, to young to retire and believe in leading by example. Once I learn I will bring my guys with me so we all can earn a better livin' and be more versitile !!!! In closing I know 1 thing, if a guy like you come struttin' into my shop you'd be leavin' real quick cause I see better than I hear and I've sent ALOT of BSers on their way in 30 yrs. of business!!!!!!!!:wink:
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 02-05-2012 02:36
Dam sound like a friend of mine been welding for over 20 years and has welded on every kinda metal known to man and still can't weld for **** but likes to bragggggggg how great he is. NO ONE gives sh*t.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-06-2012 17:38
Haha!! I've met guys like that in other professions. How you been Chris!? You stil hard at it?
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 02-06-2012 18:59 Edited 02-06-2012 19:03
pm sent

I just don't get some people, that friend of mine i tried explaining, people don't want to hear that s**t but he still never got it. Great guy and all but a terrible welder. It's true you either got it or you don't and some people who have that God givin talent seem to piss there life away on drugs but the very few who seem to make it that I have met are truly great.
- - By mjjjracing (*) Date 02-09-2012 00:49 Edited 02-09-2012 00:53
I would love to have a Young welder with motivation and drive to work with us, There are too many loud mouth know it alls out there,JUST SAYING
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 02-09-2012 01:18
mjjjracing what kinda welding or work do you do?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / JUST SAYING!

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