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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Weldment Creation Software?
- - By pipes (**) Date 11-01-2012 03:57
Hi all, does anybody know of some good software I can buy to draw weldments? This is nothing for industry. Almost everything I draw is for student use. I draw everything from simple joints to complex pressure vessels and right now I am using Word...I know, I know, it's horrible. I have Mastercam and solid works which are great but I need something to add weld symbols as well. If anyone knows of anything I would certainly appreciate the recommendation, thanks!
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-01-2012 10:25
I do NOTHING complicated... But I have drawn many welds and joints with Microsoft Visio   It has a decent set of drop and drag weld symbols

It can be added to office suite by your IT staff right onto your laptop or desk computer.
Parent - By pipes (**) Date 11-02-2012 03:38
Thanks Larry! I'll call IT tomorrow and I'm sure I'll have it installed within 9 months easy! ;)
Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 11-01-2012 11:02
Hey pipes,
You can use any photo editing software to draw weldments and weld symbols (except Microsoft Paint).  I import a snapshot of the joint, from CAD, and doctor it up in Photoshop.

If I need to quickly sketch up a joint and weld details, I use Visio, it's pretty decent.

Parent - - By pipes (**) Date 11-02-2012 03:39
Thanks guys!
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-02-2012 05:31
I use excel most of the time for one offs etc.
Here is a file with some useful pictures that can be copied and pasted into any excel file. Sorry not many welding related one's but a few vessels etc.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Weldment Creation Software?

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