Then my suggestion is the following:
Knowing the chemical composition of the abrasion resistant steel (ARS), which you know (or at least should know), get in touch with a couple of reputable eletrode manufactureres, such as Esab, Lincoln, Eutectic Castoline etc. and ask for their recommendation, i.e., what type of electrode within their fabrication line they recommend. Ask them to send you some literature on the eletrodes, i.e., catalogs, pamphlets, instructions sheets etc. and, of course, prices.
With this material on hand, you should be able to make up your own decision on which brand and type to use. Then, before buying the electrodes, ask the selected manufacturer to send you the written instructions on how to use them in your particular case. Written instructions are always better than verbal, which you can misunderstand or forget. Tell him: "No instructions, no purchase".
If any doubt arises before the job is complete, you can always give a telephone call to the supplier and ask for his advice.
Good luck