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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Congratulations to
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-19-2014 23:42
Congratulations to the Superbowl Champion Bron....err uh AFC Champion Broncos!!!!!!:grin::grin::grin::grin:   I was hopeful for the playoffs but got my most dreaded match up against New England (hurt or not they are a scoring MACHINE).  They made it look easy, TOP was ridiculously lopsided.   The Denver defense really really stepped up, I was a little worried watching the secondary but Tom Brady did not show up....I guess he cannot play as well with grass stains on his uniform.  :grin::grin:   By the way Elway (the original Brett Farve), good for you brother!

Either way whether Seattle or San Fran it will be a great match up for the Superbowl and one worth watching.  I like the fact that a lot of young guys are gonna get a chance at a ring on both of those teams.  I am more worried about playing Seattle cause of such an excellent defense however I am rooting for them....The Seahawks in a Superbowl???  Never thought I would/could see that in my lifetime.  Shall see how it goes it is kickoff, gtg...
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 01-20-2014 01:22
Yea......Broncos got a good team, ol' Manning still has something left to give.... (Colts didn't think so) so good for him..... Brady?????? All's I can say is "hell of a competitor " ....Doesn't like to lose, unfortunately in this world your not real popular when it appears you have it all/ charmed life.....Your average Joe likes to see a little rain on his (Brady's) parade !!!!!!!!!! My pick is the Seahawks only cause they helped the Steelers get in the Super Bowl once upon a time.... Other than that like to see Manning win one........ Only cause plans usually NEVER go like they should, for once I'd like to see a "PLAN A" come to fruition....... Btw Tommy: Did you learn anything from Hillbilly, those are some of the best learnin' experiences you can get/ priceless .....
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-20-2014 13:17
Some of us old/ex Broncos fans are betting on if they will give the game away in the second, third or the last 5 minutes of the fourth quarter. :eek:

It would not be the first time they had a great team, made it to the big game and then gave the game away.

If they would have won every Superbowl that they SHOULD have won they would be the winningest team around. :lol:

Good luck to them.

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-20-2014 13:24

"If they would have won every Superbowl that they SHOULD have"...
That would have been ol' Wrongway, ahem I mean Elway's signature move wouldn't it?
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 01-20-2014 14:15
Yes indeed! It was not just him though. It was like the whole team would fall apart. :cry: :sad:

Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 01-20-2014 20:55
Between Brady and Elway, I honestly think that Brady has the better arm, but in Elway’s defense, he’s almost 54 years old.  I’m glad that he finally won a Super Bowl before he retired.  He really deserved it.  I just hate that it was against my team, the Packers.  A lot of fans don’t know this about Elway, but before that win, he'd given up on eating cereal because he'd previously lost three bowls.
Seriously, I’m happy for Peyton and I’m pulling for him because I think the Colts did him dirty.  With Peyton in Denver, I really believe that the Broncos are set to become the next dynasty and it wouldn’t surprise me if every player in the NFL wanted to be traded there, especially now that pot has been legalized in Colorado.  Actually, the first piece of their dynasty puzzle was put into place in 2010 when the Broncos traded Brandon Marshall to the Miami Dolphins for two first round picks and a felon to be named later.  Speaking of felons, by the time former Patriot tight end Aaron Hernandez gets out of jail, he won’t have a tight end left.  Anyway, after yesterday’s game, maybe they should change their name from the New England Tom Brady and 52 Other Guys, to the New England Tampons because they’re only good for one period and they don’t have a second string.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 01-21-2014 22:12 Edited 01-22-2014 19:03
You're cracking me up Scott.
That's too dag on funny!

Guess I'm pulling for the Broncos with the best quaterback ever Peyton Manning plus this is as close as the Panthers have been to a Superbowl in 10 years...with former Panther coach John Fox.
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 01-22-2014 14:01
I hated to see John Fox leave Carolina.  He's a good coach and I'm happy for him with his success in Denver.  I'm pulling for the Broncos in general, but I'm pulling more Fox and Manning, and hoping that they prove all their doubters wrong.  The burden of winning seems to always fall on the head coach, but each player still has a job to do, and I believe that doing their job is part of their job.  You'd think that by making all that money, every player would be highly motivated to actually do their job, and do it well.  The last time I checked, the minimum salary was around $375,000 for a rookie and it goes up with experience.  Players in their third season make around $600,000 minimum, and those in their tenth season make over $900,000.  According to the collective bargaining agreement, there are incremental increases each year until 2014, so, a 2012 rookie made around $390,000, a 2013 rookie made around $405,000 and for 2014, a rookie will make around $420,000, and that doesn’t include any extra incentives to cover bail money.  If that aint enough motivation to do your job, then what is? I've always said that grinding builds character.  I bet if any of those guys had to come into our shop and grind steel for a couple hours, they'd have a change of heart.  I think some of them take the money for granted.  In their defense, if I made as much money as they do, I’d probably be the same way.  I’d probably buy a souped up Hummer that gets 10 feet to the gallon and hire a chauffeur to drive me to the end of my driveway just to get the mail, and that’s the only thing I’d use them for.  No.  Wait.  I almost forgot.  I’d make the chauffeur take out the trash because I’ve always hated doing that.  I’d also have 6 stock brokers, at least 21 female doctors (3 different ones for each day of the week), 2 lawyers, 4 accountants, and 8 other lawyers just to watch the first 2 lawyers.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 01-22-2014 19:09
I hated to see Fox go too. He was not the problem...guess they figured that out eventually.
Manning was chucked aside for youth and he has always been a class act on top of being IMO, the best QB of all time. He is like a surgeon and just fun to watch run the offense.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-23-2014 00:57
well for all you less then impressed by Mr. Elway.....there is one reason I really liked him;  Heart..plain and simple.  When the team fell apart around him he never quit, he would just decide I am a running back for this blown play and according to today's standards would just sacrifice his body for the sake of yardage or a "chance" of a first down.  Most talented arm, certainly not, smartest qb, certainly not...dedicated give it your all every time athlete...yea I think he is one of the few who can say that.  He is why I became a Broncos fan, even "when" money could buy a superbowl team, that money certainly was not spent in the AFC back then.

As far as Denver building a dynasty right now I think not....Manning will get his ring and be done...if he carries on great but not for long certainly no dynasty.  BUT the cool part if Peyton is willing and John is willing, between the two they can draft and coach up a monster to carry the team forth.  After all with FOX, ELWAY and PEYTON around no stupid decisions like Kyle Orton or Tim Tebow are likely to have any chance......BTW Tebow your an idiot for not taking up the receiver offer.   BYE BYE Shanahan  good luck to you in retirement, you had great eye for talent but lacked the personality to deal with your choices apparently, you deserved the chance at RGIII and the Redskins...they could have been better but for your lack of coaching ability.

Go Broncos! and go especially Mr. Champ Bailey, go get your ring brother!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-23-2014 01:06
BTW on NFL players being overpaid cocaine addicts, rapists, thugs in general etc.  Have you ever looked at MLB salaries?   Last time I looked the centerfield for the yankees was not taking 50 hits a game from a 350lb lineman, third baseman never had anyone clipping his legs out from under him that weighed in over 250 more then 5 times a game at the very best.  True they play four times the games but lets get real about the risk.  Oh heck the Miami Heat center and power forward....lets see what they get paid per year and look at the physical abuse suffered.   Sorry your wrong, NFL players are paid a generous salary but they must take a real risk on their future health....the other sports pay vastly more yet the risk is not even close.
- - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-03-2014 17:37
Awfully quite in this thread this morning.

I am not even a Broncos fan anymore and I lost money on them AGAIN!!

I was in a pool for when they would blow the game. I had the first ten minutes of the third quarter and the last five minutes of the fourth quarter.

Lost my money on Denvers first play of the game! :mad::lol:

Attachment: photo1.JPG (0B)
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 02-03-2014 20:37
It would have been more appropriate to call it the Stoner Bowl, in honor of two states who allow legal recreational use of marijuana….  Colorado (Denver Broncos), and Washington (Seattle Seahawks).  I’ve been wondering if the halftime committee was stoned when they chose Bruno Mars for the halftime show.  Why not Pink Floyd? What more appropriate halftime show for the Stoner Bowl than Pink Floyd? Last night’s halftime show was referred to as the concert of the year.  I just referred to it as the piss break.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 02-03-2014 22:08
No doubt!! At least the Seattle Seahawks waited until after the game to burn a bowl (pun intended). I think the "Mile High" Denver Broncos were doing the old "Puff, puff pass..... the interception" way before the kick off.

Bruno Mars??? Yeah, somebody was high when they called that one.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-04-2014 03:06
Pretty much everything after mid second quarter became a piss break for me! :mad:   I made the comment that some certain receivers took a vegas payday on that game.  It is more then difficult to believe that the highest scoring offense of ALL time basically got shut out.  Utter disgust from the Bronco's camp.  I did see a bit of irony in "the best corner in the game"  a.k.a Richard Sherman had some trouble getting to his feet a couple of times....I guess it is a little tougher for him when the ball actually gets thrown his way.  Anyway congrats to Seattle.

Halftime show=lame, national anthem by opera singer= kinda lame, Broadway Joe screwing up the coin toss in a fur coat (thereby jinxing the Broncos) Lame, overall blowout game before halftime SUPER lame.  Worst super bowl in many moons.  Real glad I did not waste $2500 on a ticket to that!
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 02-05-2014 00:44
Worst Superbowl ever if your a bronco's fan, I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. :cool::cool::cool:
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 02-05-2014 14:08
Yeah, the Broncos offense was pretty much non existent.  They didn't have much of a running game or a passing game.  In the pocket, Manning was about as mobile as a tree, and the last great run by a Bronco was that run in '94 when Al Cowlings was giving OJ a ride.  I expected a little more but the Seattle defense simply dominated.  Fortunately for the Broncos, choking is covered by Obamacare.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 02-05-2014 16:01
I have a pic of that!
Attachment: Bronco.jpg (0B)
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