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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / How NOT to speak a foreign language...
- - By Superflux (****) Date 03-26-2014 23:40 Edited 03-27-2014 00:14
Well after a 6 week vacation (for lack of a better word), I managed to get "invited" to come back to Club Med Pipeline here on the North east shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
My former employer got booted off this gig (yeah, it's a looonnnngggg story). Me not being part of the clique (the only American onsite), was originally not supposed to return and fortuitously slid back in due to a colleague dragging up. I'm just lucky to have a job I enjoy, earn a decent paycheck and get to commute 34 hours to work and home every four weeks. Furthermore, I broke ground on this gig in August and hope to see it thru to the final turnover report. Enuff background info and on to the story.

I've always felt that if you are coming to my country, or I to yours, the only polite thing to do is try to learn the language of the land. It also helps when trying to meet members of the opposite gender, even though many people across the planet speak better English (most folks under 35 are taught English in school nowadays in the rest of the world) than many Americans or Scotts' for that matter. I never pass on an opportunity to bash a Scotchman for their butchering of the English language...
After 40 some odd years of construction work running grinders, jack hammers, (up to) 2" drive impact wrenches, air-arcs and other noisy tools of the trades, it's fair to say my hearing is not that of an Orchestra Conductor. Lacking audial acuity, I miss out on the nuances and subtleties of inflection and enunciation.
One of the customs here is we have servers that bring (coffee or tea anytime in the office for us management pukes!) tea or chai as it is called locally, for breaks.
Me being the good sport that I am have learned (or thought I had) to ask; "I would like a cup of coffee with cream/milk please, thank you very much". I noticed the men in the office chortling as I said this.
I say: "Khave, soos lu, tesh-la-ku, adedum."
Apparently I have been saying; "I like my coffee while putting on make-up"........
The local language is a bizarre combination of Latin, Greek and some archaic local dialect. Not particularly easily learned. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it! No, I'd rather not say exactly where I am and the details have been changed to protect the innocent as well as the guilty.

Hey ya know, as I always say, "It's the thought that counts"! I'm OK with providing entertainment to the staff... I'm sure my efforts are appreciated.

Just another grueling day on the job...
25 kilometers past my feet and on the other side of those clouds is the Syrian border.
Attachment: ClubMed.jpg (0B)
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-27-2014 04:07
So you're either in Turkey or Cyprus right? Unless you're in Israel and me thinks not for the latter.:twisted::smile::grin::lol::roll::wink::eek::cool:

Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 03-29-2014 19:46
I like coffee doing anything.
Not gonna judge you buddy if you like yours while applying make up :grin:
Each to his own.

Hey man, glad you got another opportunity on Club Med!

I'm still chilling up here on the N. Slope...they are in need of another Mechanical QC/CWI if you know anybody. It will probably be 2 weeks on 2 off. I'm doing threes.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 03-29-2014 21:34

Since they most likely do NOT get you in and out of the 48 ( all offers I've entertained would only do the Anchorage to Slope), 2 on and 2 off would eat up all of your earnings and leave little to keep the Misses and whining kids fed.
Hey and BTW, I can QC just fine with or with out make up. Besides, make up aint gonna make me any more "do-able", even in a Bangkok "House of the Rising Sun".
Now coffee... that's another quandary. Got's ta have my "Go Juice".
So, do things slow down after the "Ice Out"?
Do North Slope Skeeters carry malaria?

Bucket List....
I've been to 49 states. I was even in Hawaii BEFORE it was a state (Whew, talk about dating one's self!!! Got the PassPort Stamp to verify) and Alaska is last on the list.
Since I live in Wyoming, the land of 3 Seasons (Last Winter, This Winter and Next Winter...) I'm not overly anxious to get up to the "Great White North" and shake out a toe in my boot at the end of the day.
I'll run this thru my system and send anyone your way.
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 03-30-2014 17:15
The mosquitoes don't carry malaria but they tell me that they are brutal in the summer here. I arrived last August, Caribou was still here but not the skeeters.

You're right, most companies do not fly you from your house, a few do but ASRC does not.

The vast majority of our time is spent in the shop and office. Tie in welds, bolt up inspections, sleeves and hot taps require QC in the field. Haven't lost any toes but the fingers ain't liking it too much.

Access to the tundra will be more difficult when the ice melts but they schedule the shut downs in the Facilities during the warmer months so we'll still be busy(ish).

On the coffee, I recently have upped my game. I drink it strong and black, always have but I've started using Kerry Gold Unsalted butter (Irish grass fed), MCT oil and quality coffee beans blended and it's like methamphetamine (not that I know from experience). Taste great and tons of energy and focus.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-04-2014 06:08
I like the fact that you are at least putting forth the effort to try and speak the language a little. When I was in Japan I tried to learn as much as I could so I was not the stereotypical "dumb American".

I heard something the other day, can't remember exact details but it involved a foreign born person who's native language was not English and a young kid. The man said something to the American born father and son, in an accent. When the son and father walked away the son commented on how stupid the guy was because he mispronounced a word, a simple word. Luckily the father was not an idiot and explained that most of the world knows one, two or three languages other than their native language whereas us Americans for the most part only speak English. My wife started learning English in the 2nd grade I think is what she said. My kids will get two semesters of Spanish in high school as required for graduation, 2 semesters? Our school only has Spanish as it is so small. I had 4 years of German in high school but have not used it in forever and kind of speak Japanese, a work in progress.

I think we get looked down upon due to this. I know most do not care but you travel to another country it would be nice if you could get by using the local lingo. I guess it is like the Amigo's here, asking me if I speak Spanish when out on a job or something, no, I don't. Never plan on visiting Mexico so have no need to know Spanish and since I am in America I should not have to learn Spanish right?

Even though they are laughing it up I'd say they respect you more for giving it a shot rather than just thinking that they must change or speak English for you.

Cool picture! Always like seeing your posts with the pictures of these far off lands you get to visit!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-05-2014 02:55

I was doing another SS pipe job for "that company", had my son out there and because of his olive skin he was hit up on about his spanglish skills.....Down here (and I am certain in cali) there are guaranteed positions available with the state for "spanish speaking Americans" to cut down on the issues with lines at the DMV, TAX office, Employment office etc etc.   This burns me a bit as it in all reality is discrimination in hiring which according to the feds we simply cannot have.  If I am a visitor to a foreign land I have ZERO expectations that you will accommodate my lack of ability to speak you native tongue....far as I am concerned that is ON ME a.k.a. My responsibility to overcome my handicaps while a guest in your land.  If you can accommodate my lack of verbal skills that is wonderful but certainly no expectation of the United States it seems we have adopted a policy of I am so sorry let me bend over backwards till I am kissing my own arse for you.  So since it is like that then why does every government office not have interpreters for every single spoken language on the planet??  Are we just worried about democratic voting or????

Rant over
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-05-2014 21:39
Funny you should say that! My wife has said several times "why they can help so many Spanish and they don't have Japanese". I always tell her it's because she is very intelligent and not lazy with common sense. Meaning, she has the sense to understand that the country she is visiting or living is not supposed to bend over and kiss their own arse to accommodate foreigners!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-07-2014 09:25 Edited 04-07-2014 09:27
Here we go again... You guys just don't get it!

These Spanish speaking people are not visitors or guests... In fact, they were here way before most if not all of the people's family heritages in the US even started (unless they crossed the land bridge from Asia and have been here ever since) and I don't know if anyone has noticed but, the Spanish speaking population has just surpassed the population of African Americans in this country and making them the #1 minority in the USA! And they have plenty of representation in our government which as we all know is so influential in funding the use of Spanish language in many different aspects of our lives.

Most if not all of these immigrants that come here to live do eventually learn English after some time living here but te recently arrived persons have never  heard the English language except for maybe some that had access to American TV...

I believe that a law should be passed that requires every legal resident regardless of what language they prefer, to learn how to speak, read & write in English by the time they have completed living in the USA for 5 years and to apply for citizenship shortly thereafter... If they don't they will be taxed into complying or face deportation instead

The bottom line is this, Too many of these Spanish speaking immigrants have come to the USA to escape many different types of persecution from countries that have had dictators and despots, excessive drug trafficking, misled into thinking that their lives would end up much better only to find out the mistake they made and end up stuck here because of the fact that it's still much worse where they came from... They then realize that they do not understand anyone who's a native and gravitate to locations where there are concentrations of other Spanish speaking people who end up communicating only in Spanish much like the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Jewish, Russian immigrant enclaves/neighborhoods do also, and oh yes it is political from both sides of the aisle as politicians placate these and many more minorities during election time and neglecting them for the most part afterwards...

Now I don't know if you have noticed this but, I have yet to meet a first generation (Born here) American prefer to speak there parent's native language and I think it's because their parents push their children to learn our language (English) even though they do not do the same for themselves... And I think that by doing so, they sacrifice their own future possible opportunities by learning the language themselves and instead focus more on working low paying jobs so that they may use whatever money they have to support their children's education... So, please take a look at this issue from inside out instead looking in from outside... I wouldn't worry about what language will be spoken in the future friends because it will be English - for the most part.:eek::surprised::grin::smile::lol::twisted::wink::cool:

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-07-2014 21:45
"Spanish speaking people are not visitors or guests..."

That alone is why they need to learn English, as guests I could understand a person visiting and not speaking the lingo. If you are hopping the border and planning on living here then no exceptions. I don't see the need to change grocery store signage to accommodate, changing labels on food to accommodate and everything else.  

"I believe that a law should be passed that requires every legal resident regardless of what language they prefer, to learn how to speak, read & write in English by the time they have completed living in the USA for 5 years and to apply for citizenship shortly thereafter... If they don't they will be taxed into complying or face deportation instead"

I strongly disagree with that statement in bold. My wife has been here almost twenty years. The little side business she has done she paid taxes on money earned. A full time worker bee now and she pays medicare, ssn and whatever else the government can conjure up in taxes. She is not a citizen but a resident alien and that is how she likes it. She will not give up her citizenship nor would I ever ask her to and I would defend her right to keep her citizenship of her native country. If it came down to brass tacks and they would deport her, so long boys, I'd move with her and my dual citizenship kids as well. Asking her or others like her to give up her citizenship would be like asking you, Henry, to give up yours.

Guess this subject is a bit more sensitive to me because I know what it takes to be a citizen who finds the woman he wants to marry halfway around the world and then fight INS to get her into the country legally so you can marry her. What an ordeal that was, should have had her just hop a freighter over here, would have been easier I think, then she could have been awarded amnesty. If I moved to Japan they would not accommodate me. Register a car? Insurance? I better know the lingo. Getting a job and having to have a super translate in order for me to get my job done or me asking for me to say ask if they speak English would be ridiculous to even think.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-08-2014 06:43
I believe you misunderstood my sarcasm when I wrote that because you need to re-read how I continue after that ludicrist statement which is what many folks are saying and are totally ignorant about this issue... Maybe I should have typed it with italics instead which would have probably given you a better heads up into figuring that I was being sarcastic... Oh well, my mistake for that... And just so you know, my real intent was to be referring to illegal immigrants otherwise known as undocumented people by the other side of the aisle...

The bottom line is this, Too many of these Spanish speaking immigrants have come to the USA to escape many different types of persecution from countries that have had dictators and despots, excessive drug trafficking, misled into thinking that their lives would end up much better only to find out the mistake they made and end up stuck here because of the fact that it's still much worse where they came from... They then realize that they do not understand anyone who's a native and gravitate to locations where there are concentrations of other Spanish speaking people who end up communicating only in Spanish much like the Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Jewish, Russian immigrant enclaves/neighborhoods do also, and oh yes it is political from both sides of the aisle as politicians placate these and many more minorities during election time and neglecting them for the most part afterwards... I hope this clarifies what I meant to write because I meant no disrespect towards you or your wife...

My mother is 85 years old and has been a legal resident in this country since 1952 and has paid taxes here ever since and will not give up her citizenship from the Dominican Republic which is as you stated truly her choice to do so in this country and that's just one of the reasons why this is the greatest country in the world despite the constant prejudicial attitude from many towards immigrants...

Now would I rather see my own mother get taxed or deported just because she would not give up her Dominican citizenship? No way Jose! She came here legally and so did your wife which is totally different than illegally crossing the border to come here and live in the shadows of our society with complete disregard to our laws even if otherwise they are or were harmless or committed no crime which isn't true because the mere act of crossing the border is a crime in itself...

We really should get immigration reform taken care of already without repeating what the late President Reagan failed to do with including amnesty to so many that came to this country illegally in the past and all of a sudden Poof! They're no longer illegally here!!! Amnesty will only create another immigrant rush like it did after Reagan gave amnesty  before...

Meanwhile there have been many folks who have and are still trying to come into this country legally to live and have or were waiting for long periods before being able to be granted residency which was and is still not fair to them at all!!! It's also not fair for us citizens who are now exposed to some very real potential dangers such as getting into an automobile accident with an illegal immigrant and ending up not being covered because the driver was uninsured as well as the potential to introduce dangerous pathogens that could hurt our children like what has been occurring recently with the steady increase in illnesses that were once thought to be eradicated or vaccinated against like polio, measles, etc... And if any of these illegal immigrants have a criminal record, they should be banned from ever again setting foot in this country because it's one of the many problems we face as citizens regarding this issue that will either make us a safer, better country or one that may ruin it instead. I'm done here with this topic.

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-08-2014 12:50
I got it now, sorry Henry! lol! Illegal immigrants having to take citizenship after getting amnesty I would agree totally. No dual citizenship for kids, must give up native citizenship and do it within 5 years or you get booted out, sounds good to me!

Like I said, touchy subject for me, took a year or more to get my wife over here fighting paperwork, automated phone calls to INS, being late to college classes because I didn't want to lose my spot in the phone system. Countless hours, time and money that we both spent here and in Japan with her having to travel to get documents and other such things. When I see them hop the fence then some putz says, lets give them amnesty, free citizenship and everything that goes with it that just chaps my behind!

Have a good day Henry!

Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 04-08-2014 13:59
Henry and Shawn,

Regardless of the reason they're here, immigrants should learn English when they come here to live.  When you go to live somewhere else, you should learn to speak the language of the land. That being said, how do you say "excuse me but we were here first" in Cherokee?
I think that the Indians were far superior to the white men who took their land.  When the Indians were the sole occupants of this land, they had no taxes, no national debt, no centralized government, no military draft, no foreign aid programs, no banks, no stock markets, no nuclear weapons, a free medicine man, plenty of buffalo, plenty of beaver, and their women did all the work.  The only things the native men had to do was to either hunt or fish, unless they were too busy eating beaver.  What could possibly be more superior to that?
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-08-2014 14:11
Well, technically you're are correct there was no draft. Yes they hunted and fished but they also had warriors who fought. A voluntary force? I don't know but young boys turned to men to help defend their families and tribe. The Ojibwe tribe in Minnesota came from the east many moons ago and forced out the Lakota of that area, I'm sure it was not a peaceful, "hey, you mind if we take over here?" kind of deal. LoL!!

You got me on the Cherokee though :lol:

According to science though the Cherokee would not have been the first, perhaps an Inuit tribe in Alaska which then moved down to the west coast and settled the land with generations splitting off and moving east. This is of course going by the theory that life started in Africa and then migrated and flourished across Europe and then over the Bering straight into North America.

So I counter your comment with, "how do you say excuse me but we were here first in Inuit?"

"Regardless of the reason they're here, immigrants should learn English when they come here to live." Agreed

LoL!! How did we stray so far off course! "Unless they were to busy eating beaver", haha! Love it!! Good one ScottN!

Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 04-08-2014 17:49
In the near future, some immigrants may already know how to speak English before they come here to live.  I've heard that the European Commission recently announced an agreement to adopt English as the official language of the European Union rather than German, which was the other option.  As part of the negotiations, Her Majesty's Government conceded that English spelling had some room for improvement and has accepted a five year "phase in" plan that would be known as "EuroEnglish".  In the first year, 's' will replace the soft 'c'.  Sertainly,this will make the sivil servants jump with joy. The hard 'c' will be dropped in favor of the 'k'.  This should klear up konfusion and keyboards kan have one less letter, making them less expensive.  There will be growing publik enthusiasm in the sekond year when the troublesome 'ph' will be replased with the 'f'.  This will make words like 'fotograf' 20% shorter.  In the 3rd year, publik akseptanse of the new spelling kan be expected to reach the stage where more komplikated changes are possible.  Governments will enkorage the removal of double leters which have always ben a deterent to akurate speling.  Also, al wil agre that the horible mes of the silent 'e' in the languag is disgrasful and it should go away.  By the 4th year, peopl wil be reseptiv to steps such as replasing 'th' with 'z' and 'w' wiz 'v'.  During ze fifz year ze unesesary 'o' kan be dropd from vords kontaining 'ou' and similar changes vud of kurs be aplid to ozer kombinations of leters.  After ze fifz yer ve vil hav a rali sensibl ritn styl.  Zer vil be no mor trubl or difikultis and evriun vil find it ezi tu undrstand ech ozer.  Zen Z Drem Vil Finali Kum Tru!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-09-2014 02:06
Hahaha!! LMAO!! That was great! In the end it's just a German speaking English with the accent!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / How NOT to speak a foreign language...

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