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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / B-L1a-GF valid for Flat Position or ALL Positions?
- - By 586242 Date 09-24-2014 20:06
The prequalified weld spec. for joint designation B-L1a-GF "Allowed Welding Position" column says "ALL".  How can this be, given that the "F" in the designation stands for "Flat"?
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 09-24-2014 20:28
The GF you're referring to designates the welding process.... Gmaw or Fcaw.
Parent - - By 586242 Date 09-24-2014 20:39
Thanks very much for the rapid and clear reply.
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 09-24-2014 20:47
You're very welcome.  I'm glad I could help.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-24-2014 21:55 Edited 09-24-2014 22:03
Just to add to SCOTTN's excellent reply... did you look at Note #1 also? If not and you plan on using short circuit metal transfer, then the joint is no longer pre-qualified...

And with respect to FCAW... Gas shielding is not a requirement, so self shielding FCAW filler metal is allowed as an option unless that was eliminated which I'm not aware of...I presume you looked @ note #10 also...

Btw, I don't see the letter F designating the welding position allowed with a B-L1a-GF joint configuration...

Now B-L1-S & B-L1a-S does have the letter F in the "Allowed Welding Position" column box but, that's for SAW (Submerged Arc Welding).:eek::smile::wink::cool:

Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / B-L1a-GF valid for Flat Position or ALL Positions?

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