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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Exosen-20 & Hair Dye
- - By fbrieden (***) Date 12-11-2014 01:55
Not challenged by hair loss by any means at 58, but the color seems to gravitate to grey. Dye job went well and looks (almost) natural. I noticed several spots on face where dye is on skin, not hair. Usual supply of cosmetology grade dye remover is depleted, dire straits tried Exosen-20 after remembering cleaning UT screen after drawing DAC curve with grease pencil...IT WORKS!
Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 12-11-2014 11:44
Repackage the product, pitch it a cosmetic firm, sit back and let the money roll in!
That will slow down the greying. :wink:

Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 12-11-2014 12:31
I'm proud of every gray hair on my head because I earn every one of them. LOL

Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 12-11-2014 14:28
How can any of us avoid gray hair? For each of the 52 weeks in a year, we’re awakened early, 5 or 6 days a week by an annoying alarm clock, we leap out of bed, use the bathroom, dress, force feed ourselves, comb our hair and brush our teeth, use the bathroom again, and then leave… all in a span of about fifteen minutes.  Then we fight traffic to get to a place where we make lots of money for somebody else.  I’ll be 57 next month and I only realized I was losing my hair when I noticed that it was taking me longer and longer to wash my forehead.  That explains why I've been using a lot more soap and a lot less shampoo.  The thing about it is that I’m still in denial and I refuse to believe that I’ll end up bald.  I really don't consider myself to be going bald.  I'm just getting taller than my hair.  Before I end up spending a bunch of money on hair loss prevention products, I decided to go to library the other day and I checked out a book on hair loss.  When I got home and opened it, all the pages fell out.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 12-11-2014 18:11
Fortunately, my genes do not favor baldness.
I like not having a forehead the length of fourheads.
However, I've got some serious greying at the temples.
BUT! I developed my own style of "Comb-over" to combat the greying problem.
Attachment: HairyQC.JPG (119k)
Parent - - By fbrieden (***) Date 12-11-2014 19:47
Funny! Cousin Its relative! Seriously guys, at 58 I awake at 5 AM every day, have a good bowel movement, and then get out of bed. (think about it kids)
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 12-12-2014 16:50
Hair? What's that?

Parent - By lo-hi (**) Date 12-12-2014 22:10
I haven't really lost my hair ,it just comes out in different places, mostly ears and nose.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Exosen-20 & Hair Dye

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