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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / where is all the boys that used to be on here
- - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 01-20-2015 04:04 Edited 01-20-2015 04:23
Just wondering where my long lost friends are.  If your still or not a regular give me a pm and a number I still want to keep in touch with my fellow members.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-16-2015 18:49
Quit trolling for "Boys" on the internet....its disgusting.    :grin:   Maybe they don't like you?!?
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-16-2015 20:48
we never met for that drink at applebees did we?
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 03-06-2015 08:00
No Sir :smile:  Was that in Hobbs ? My memory and time travel seem to make me jet lagged.
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-06-2015 12:15
lol yeah one day maybe!
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-06-2015 12:16
Hobbs has that effect on people.
Parent - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 03-06-2015 18:26
That place was as bad as NODAK. But there is a lot of work there
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 02-17-2015 01:11
The   ESAB   ad made a lot of the guys made.

Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 02-17-2015 01:34
Stan......This internet website thing goes in cycles......At least it seems that way to me !!!!!!!!!! Sorry to hear about your "school" .......Going to try and come down for your next get together/weekend tutoring session .........:cool::cool:
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-19-2015 19:10
I think Griff is right, the Esab ad in the right corner got a lot of people fired up.

It's been very sluggish here for quite awhile from what I've seen.

Want to know about your future weekend get together, would be cool to get out if I'm available and meet some of the faceless names I've been talking to for gosh....nearly 8 years!!
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 03-06-2015 07:55
Sorry guys I have been busy and I just got on here  at 2 am and seen I had a bunch on post and some private messages.  Thanks for all the response.    So do you think we should truly have a big unofficial get together?   Maybe while I host a pipeline seminar school?  Even if we don't do it over pipeline class which Tommy knows when I pull those off I am busy with my boys hood down. We can do it another time as well. I will let you guys figure out a date if it is pipeline school so be it or another date.  As long as it is summer. lol
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 03-06-2015 08:09

   I got room for RV's and connections
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-11-2015 04:40

Unless you are a prospective student (your getting such a great education at such a low price because Stan blackmails so many pros to attend and help out)

Stan is just trying to get you there for free or seriously underpaid professional consulting or even worse labor!!!   While it is a good time to be had, my accountant had problems with my expense/pay ratios.  DOnt get sucked into it.

Since you got the new big ponderosa property there ole STAN.  I figure you can just throw one good old hootenanny party with plenty of room for overflow.  Ehhh one or two good little short term jobs could fiance the liquor/food and lodging.  Then we hit them with investing in a project of two.  Capitalism...I am in love with it cause it works!   Any way If we are all gonna gather at Stans for any get together I will be there....I am sure he will force me against my will if I am not willing.  Wait Stan if everyone on here is gonna show up, ya mind if we put up a boxing ring for giggles>?

I love ya all in fun ya dang oklohoma goat roaper.
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 03-19-2015 19:15
When I was a student back in grade school my teacher kept on telling me that looking out the window wouldn't get me anywhere.  You should have seen the smug look on my face later on in life when I handed him his burger and fries at the drive thru.  It was priceless.  I can't take all the credit.  It was my dad who made sure I was off to school every day.  As I headed out the front door he would always say "Hurry up or you'll be late." Just before I would close the door, I would always turn around and say "It's okay dad, they're open til 3 o'clock.  I remember the first test I ever took in school.  I came running in the house and proudly told my dad "I got a "B" on my reading test."  I'll never forget what he said... "That's a "D", you idiot."
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-21-2015 02:17
Scott are ya trying to say I type with an accent>:?
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-29-2015 03:15
BTW if the school happens this year it will be over the top.  Much more intense curriculum after talking to hillbilly and I think he is right about making it very next level.  Still very much a hands on thing but sweating details much more...good idea.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / where is all the boys that used to be on here

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