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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Henry's Medical Update
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-01-2015 22:00 Edited 03-01-2015 22:12
I took this out from the post I had most of this written in the D! section because it's probably better off here so that the knit pickers don't get all huffy & puffy about posting stuff in the wrong place and what not... I'm too frail to get into a debate over such petty crap so it's better for me to avoid that like the plague... it's kind of funny now that I think about how I started with what was supposed to be a quick personal note to update Tim on my medical condition, and mushroomed into a detailed description of the procedure including images and web links... @ that point I said to myself: "Someone's going to complain so I just better post it in the OTB&G so I can avoid any BS from those hyper-perfectionist types that always seem to piss me off and is the last thing I want to do especially in my condition... So here it is:

On a personal note, I had the Thoracentesis and a lung biopsy done Friday and so far so good as I'm back home resting and waiting to heal so they can check to see if the thoracentesis alone re-inflated the lung which will complete the procedure... This is the part that's 70-30 odds for the lung not being able to keep itself inflated on it's own... Nonetheless, I'm still hopeful that mine will because from what they viewed in the MRI and the nuclear scan which didn't show any scar tissue in the collapsed section of my left lung to indicate an unfavorable condition... The biopsy will confirm it hopefully...

When I go back next week, they'll perform another ultrasound to check if some more fluid has replaced what was drained out of the pleural effusion... This happens often and sometimes they have to perform the Thoracentesis as many times as necessary until the fluid no longer accumulates at the location of the pleural effusion... After this procedure is successful, we can start the transition of weaning me off the oxygen but that will only happen if this procedure repaired the leaking Tricuspid valve in my heart... I'm praying that it will.:grin::cool: Keeping positive and so far so good.:grin::cool:

Here's link to show what the procedure entails and why is it done:

P.S. this is what a Thoracentesis is like:

They used an ultrasound to guide the needle to the pleura safely:

I also attached some images below... Thank you all for your continued support!!! We're halfway through to re-inflating my left lung.

Parent - - By gndchuck (**) Date 03-02-2015 00:28
Gods speed Henry
Parent - By mcostello (**) Date 03-02-2015 01:39
You have a way of pushing this to the top of My prayer list.:grin:
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-02-2015 12:51

The last few years of my mother-in-laws life, she kept asking God why He left her here on this earth instead of just taking her at each event, heart attack, strokes, battled MS, and more. 

One day my wife and I just said, Mom, we need you and God knows it.  We know you are a faithful prayer warrior and our family is still in need of those prayers over us.   She did pass a way a couple of years ago very peacefully.  Meantime, she was faithful and did what she could.  Many people who had family in the same care home and the care workers all came to the memorial service and told my wife what a blessing Mom had been.

Well Henry, you have been quite a blessing here.  We know we can depend upon you for answers most of the rest of us don't have.  And, you have been a blessing to me in special moments as a mentor with one on one direction.  You have also been an encouragement to my faith because of your faith and expression of trust in the Almighty and His total control and care over all of us. 

He Is Truly in Control, thank you for all your faithfulness.  We are praying for you and I know you believe in the power of those prayers.  I don't have to have met you personally to know I have a responsibility to do all I can and Prayer is not a cop out and excuse to do nothing else.  It is the most important thing I can do for my fellow man. 

Thanks for the update Henry.  Keep standing strong. 

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 03-02-2015 14:43
You got this Henry!
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 03-02-2015 15:59
  As always, keeping you in our prayers!!

- - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-02-2015 02:45
Everyone here is pulling for you Henry.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-02-2015 18:24
Thank you from the bottom of my heart my friends for being there to support me! All of you helped me to eliminate the stress which was starting to build up inside of me and I am eternally grateful to everyone in here that has supported me and continue to do so... Knowing that you all got my back is so comforting to me and I just pray that I'm able to express how truly grateful I am to all of you for your help and prayers throughout.:grin::smile::wink::cool:

Respectfully & Sincerely,
Parent - By Tyrone (***) Date 03-02-2015 19:31
Stay strong Henry

Parent - - By lo-hi (**) Date 03-03-2015 01:43
Good Luck and stay strong, spring is coming and with it life is renewed.
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 03-03-2015 13:53
God bless you Henry.  We all know that prayer works, and you’re always in our thoughts and in our prayers.  Our heavenly father has designed prayer as a stress reliever in our lives.  Prayer isn’t only about asking Him for things.  It’s to also unburden our hearts before Him.  When we talk to Him about our problems through prayer, we find His all powerful peace.  John 14:27 promises us “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  Through our prayers, God eliminated the stress that was starting to build up within you.  This answered prayer has also increased our faith in Him.  Prayer has authority, but God waits until we ask before He moves.  He doesn’t move in our lives when we struggle.  He moves in our lives when we pray.  When we ask and we believe, we will receive.  He hears more than we say.  He answers more than we ask, and He gives more than we imagine, in His own time and in His own way.  Satan is the proud ruler of the current system of sinful opposition to God in this world.  He tries to limit our praying because he knows our praying limits him.  Your stress has been eliminated.  Satan’s stress is just beginning because he knows that he’ll soon be without a job.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-03-2015 16:36
That was Beautiful SCOTTN!!!:grin::cool::smile:

Thank you more than you know! this is another example of proof that God works through others as he used you as a vehicle to send me this message via prayer... it's really comforting to know that God is looking out for me as he always has... And this is just another reminder that so long as my faith is strong and I continue to seek God's help and guidance, there's no limit as to what can happen for me... Thank you Brent for your very kind words and who knows, maybe one day we may meet although you probably won't recognize me with no beard and short hair... Because the plan is to get rid of all the hair once I'm lowered to an intake flow rate of 3 lpm's, or less so I can get a portable Oxygen concentrator, or if I'm taken off the Oxygen completely... Either way, hopefully if one of those milestones do occur, they will enable me to travel again... Once again, thank you everyone in here for your payers and words of encouragement.:grin::wink::cool:

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-03-2015 22:42
Well Henry,

Even if you can't travel, I still can and I do have occasion to get back east.  Who knows, if I can manage to get north as well as east I may have to look you up.  It would be an honor to meet you face to face.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-05-2015 07:09 Edited 03-05-2015 08:37

you are a person of high just bear with me.  Most fountains of ******** on the internet are just what they appear to be.  But i have been subject to you and your ******** for over five years and I still like you. After a little discussion with my wife I removed this bit simply because it may do more harm then good.   I love you and although your not one of my closest friends on this dirtball you are certainly one of the most respected (by me folks) I know.....I love you Hank and I wish Gods Grace and Mercy upon you and your loved ones in all sincerety.  I posted this here instead of privately just to remind people to be ****ing real which I know you would appreciate.  You never apoligize for who you are Henry, you don't need to either.  God bless you man. Best wishes and prayers.
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 03-06-2015 12:20
The peace of God surpasses all understanding.  May the peace of God be with you Henry.  I was just thinking about something on the way to work this morning, with regards to thoughts in our minds, that I wanted to share.  The battlefield in our lives in in our mind, and that's the place where the devil attacks us.  Many people don't realize that and they lose that battle day by day because they're living under the heel of the enemy.  The only way in this world that the devil can get to us is through our mind, and that's his battleground.  Our mind is his target and if he can get us to believe one thing wrong, he can hold us for a lifetime with just that one erroneous thought.  If he can get us to thinking wrong in any area of our lives, he can stop us every time because of one single thought, and there are all kinds of thoughts that he uses to torment our minds with.  He's the god of this world and his battlefield is our mind, but thank God we can win the battle.  God tells us our thoughts are not His thoughts and neither are our ways His ways.  Just as heaven is far above the earth, so are His thoughts far above our thoughts. In that regard, the way to have a transformed life is to get our mind straightened out.  Just as we can have eternal life in our heart and heaven in our heart, we can also have hell in our mind.  If we let the devil convince us of something in our mind, he will bring hell all around our lives, all around our family, and convince us that everything he's saying is true, but when we allow God's word to take precedence over everything that the devil brings against us, the devil can't win.  He simply cannot win.  Every time the devil brings a bad thought to my mind, I ask myself, what does the word of God say about this situation? When I take God's word and compare it with the devils thoughts, then I have the power to chase the devil's thoughts out of my mind, and he takes off running.  Just a few thoughts I had this morning that I felt compelled to share with everyone.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-09-2015 22:10
immpressive....certainly to me
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Henry's Medical Update

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