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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / My dad's condition
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 03-04-2015 16:15
You know, it is very humbling when I get phone calls and pm's asking how my dad is doing. 

I hope you guys know how much it comforts the soul to know that people who, for the most part, I haven't even met will take of their precious time and contact me asking about my dad. 

Life is about so much more than our personal busy schedules.  Others and their problems need to be able to be addressed.  Comfort one another with the comfort you have been comforted with. 

My wife and I try to make it a part of our lives that we don't live so tight by the monthly budget and weekly schedule that we aren't flexible and available to meet the needs of others.  It is so great to know that there are others out there, regardless of religious and other views, who feel the same. 

Dad has been doing fair since his last major episode at New Year's.  With what they found and the meds he is on his thinking is clearer than it has been for a while and his muscle strength and co-ordination are better than for the past couple of years.  Thankfully though, he is pretty good about using the walker anyway for those occasions when it gives out.  Been going to a gym with mom and working with a trainer a couple of days a week and that has helped also.  With the prayers and support of everyone here, family, friends, etc we will be able to have that 60th anniversary party in July yet. 

Thanks guys, and don't forget to keep praying for Henry.  There's a man who is really in need of our prayers and any other help we can give.  Thankfully, my parents are in pretty good shape when it comes to health care, pensions, Social Non Security, and they just sold the farm to a neighbor who told them they can live in the house until they die, and then we went up and bought the truck they can't use anymore and relieved them of a payment that they didn't need.  They aren't rich, but they are comfortable.  I could sure wish the same for Henry.  But, these are the opportunities that are provided for all of us to prove what we are really made of.

Thank you God for the way you are working for both my dad and Henry. 

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 03-04-2015 20:03
That's GREAT news Brent.  When storms come our way, we simply have to remain strong in our faith, because God is in control.  He's never absent.  He will never leave us.  His timing is perfect and His presence is constant.  He's always with us and He will never leave us empty.  He will replace everything we lose.  If He asks us to put something down, it's because He wants us to pick up something bigger. Yes, we should do our best to change "trying" circumstances, but in the end, if we have to endure them, we'll do so rejoicing in the Lord, knowing that God will work all things together for good.  We must remain faithful, without fear, and not allow ourselves to get distracted.  God is in control.  Trust in Him and do not fear.  After all, fear is merely False Evidence Appearing Real.  When darkness is screaming at us and telling us that God has abandoned us, just remember the calming and peaceful voice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who told us that He will never leave us.
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-04-2015 20:17
Pleased to hear your father has improved and thanks for the update.
I also wish Henry the best, his last report sounds pretty hopeful and that man is an old time fighter, of that, there is no question.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-05-2015 06:20
That's good to hear Brent and glad everything has worked out with the family. Social Non Security, LOL! I know about that. My Mom had a mild stroke awhile back and now our enlightened government thinks she is to mental to take care of her own bills. Although she still drives, lives by herself, cleans her house, takes care of herself, walks, talks, breathes, etc., but apparently she has lost the mental capacity to manage the huge SSN(sarcasm) she gets every month. Other than a little speech thing I notice from 44 years of knowing her she is her normal outspoken self, but what do I know.

My best to you and the family, congrats on the 60th, that's a big milestone!

- By 803056 (*****) Date 03-05-2015 16:52
My best wishes and prayers.

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