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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CJP qualification applied to a fillet around a diameter
- By 4345402 Date 06-10-2016 18:13
I am trying to better understand the foot note d requirement in table 4.2 of AWS D1.1:2010 which states: "CJP groove weld qualification on any thickness or diameter shall qualify any size of fillet or PJP groove weld for any thickness or diameter."

So if I qualify a plate to plate CJP butt weld, then does that mean a fillet weld of any size around any diameter is also qualified? Seems to be inconsistent with the pipe diameter limitation for the fillet pipe T-test in table 4.4 (foot note c).

In a similar way does table 4.11 (foot note d) qualify a welder to weld any size fillet around any diameter if they have qualified a plate to plate CJP groove weld?

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / CJP qualification applied to a fillet around a diameter

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