For tools, go to They have a good selection. For AWS publications, you are pretty much stuck with Global if you want new documents. Otherwise, just get on Google, DogPile, etc. and start looking for used (and perhaps dated) literature. What are you looking for? Code books or just inspection guidance?
I am assuming from your question you are wishing to start your own inspection company. No offense meant, but what is your background? Inspections? NDE? Who do you want your clients to be or what field do you want to work in? Structural? Boilers? Tanks? You may not want to hear it, but you may wish to go work for someone else for 6 months or a year to get the feel for how inspection companies work and get your feet wet. Also, attend your local AWS Section meetings and get to know folks locally. Otherwise, like was already said, here is as good as any place to ask questions. As long as you are a discerning fellow, there are no dumb questions. Lots of luck!
For inspection tools, try G.A.L. Gage Company. You have reviewed the AWS Hands-On Book as well, I'm assuming? I can tell you from over 22 years as a CWI, it takes some time to get the swing of everything thats involved in our business. If I can urge you to do one single thing, read, read, read those Code books! And......(I'll probably get lot's of rebuttal on this next comment)......always look for ways to "accept" the item/weld being inspected instead of looking for ways to reject it. When you do need to reject something, always make sure you have a specific reference to why the item/weld is rejectable. WHEW! Wordy, I know!~