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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Could anybody provide information?
- - By Kate Date 04-04-2004 18:40
I'm awfully sorry to bother you with such questions as not concerning welding directly, but I don't think anybody could help me in this but welding specialists.
The fact is that I have to make a translation of a welding procedure from English, where I came across such words as "AWS-D1.1 in the 2G and 4G positions". Could anybody tell me how I should decipher "D1.1 "? Is that "department 1.1" or something else? And what is "2G and 4G positions"? Does it in any way relate to welding specialits' level of professionalism?

I'd greatly appreciate any comments. Thanks in advance.
Parent - - By Roger Snider Date 04-04-2004 21:41

As for AWS D1.1 stands for Americian Welding Society ( AWS) D1.1 is the Structural Welding Code-Steel this code contains the requirements for fabricating welded steel structures. As for 2G and 4G, the number stands for the position of the weld 1- flat 2 - horizontal 3- vertical and 4 is overhead position, the letter G stands for Groove weld; a weld made in a groove formed within a single member or in the groove between two members to be joined. The standard types of groove weld are as follows: square groove weld single-Vee groove weld single-bevel groove weld single-U groove weld single-J groove weld single-flare-bevel groove weld 190 single-flare-Vee groove weld double-Vee groove weld double-bevel groove weld double-U groove weld double-J groove weld double-flare-bevel groove weld double-flare-Vee groove weld.

Hope this helps
Parent - By Kate Date 04-05-2004 07:55
Oh, thank you a lot. It has become clear now.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Could anybody provide information?

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