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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / power benders, bell top gate
- - By rm Date 06-27-2004 17:38
I would like to bend 1 1/2, 14 ga. square tube for the top of a gate with a bell top design. Will a power bender be good for this? I have found a good used one for sale, but I am not sure if a power bender is what I need since top will have reverse curve. Is there another way to bend the bell top of a gate? thanks for any help. Robert
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 06-28-2004 04:04
The question is what is the tightest turn it can bend and does it have the right mandrels for your tubing. You can bend it in pieces and weld the finished part at the top but that is extra steps and accuracy is paramount. If the machine is hooked up take a section of tubing and check it out, if it does what you need great if not it has cost you a piece of tubing, cheap compared to a boat anchor you can't use.

Good luck,
Parent - - By lewis edwards (*) Date 07-12-2004 00:52
When you bend stuff you work harden it . You may have to aneal the tubing after you start to bend it and before you get to the desired radius . You may need a thicker wall tube as well .
Parent - By GRoberts (***) Date 07-13-2004 05:06
I wouldn't think that to be a problem unless you are working with stainless steel. A nice ductile mild steel can bend to a very tight radius, much tighter than would be needed for a gate. The wall thickness could be an issue as you suggest, but it would again depend on the radius, and what kind of support the tube gets during bending.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / power benders, bell top gate

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