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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Vacuum box test?
- - By obnoxiousEd Date 10-05-2004 13:44
Does anyone have any info on this type of test? Thanks.
Parent - - By gyadon (**) Date 10-05-2004 16:53
The test is used to test large floor area welded seems. The boxes that I have seen has a metal frame with a rubber seal on the bottom and a clear plex-a-glass top. Hook air to the valve system causing a vacuum after you have sprayed the test area with a leak detector liquid. Hope this helps. I do not know what you want to know about this test.
Parent - - By obnoxiousEd Date 10-06-2004 13:03
Thanks for the reply. I am not a welder by trade but one of our members inquired about this test and I was just trying to find him some info. I will get with him and post more details. Another member of this forum steered me towards the API 650 spec for more info but when I discussed this with the contractor he said it was not addressed in the revised spec book. Thanks again.
Parent - By TimGary (****) Date 10-06-2004 15:12
Is your end goal leak testing seam welds on a tank?
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Vacuum box test?

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