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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Anchor rods
- - By gkcwi (**) Date 08-02-2005 17:27
Is it possible to smaw a ASTM A449 anchor rod? The orginal rods set in the piers have to little projection, so the thought of adding a "FEW" inches came up. There is also not enough diameter in the base plates to use a coupling nut.
Parent - - By Bill Mc (**) Date 08-02-2005 18:57
Those bolts / studs are quenched and tempered.

What diameter are they?

a 1" dia. stud is made of material with a 120,000 psi tensile and has 25 - 32Rc hardness

These are medium carbon content (.28 -.55%) ...and If they are sticking out of some concrete - preheat sounds questionable.
Parent - - By gkcwi (**) Date 08-02-2005 19:31
The anchor rods are 1 1/4" diameter. The field is telling me that there is 4" of projection above the pier, but I need at LEAST 5" for full thread engagement in the nuts. I know that the rod are Q&T, so preheat and post heat are required but do you have any ideas what would be required to get the rods back up to spec. should we say?
Parent - - By Bill Mc (**) Date 08-02-2005 20:08
You probably thought of this but...can you machine a spotface at the holes in the plate that the anchor rods fasten get your add'l thread length?

Parent - - By swnorris (****) Date 08-02-2005 22:00

There are two solutions for short anchors: Couplers or welded extensions, so yes, they can be welded with the SMAW process. There may be some uplift considerations. Please refer to the email I sent you.
Parent - By gkcwi (**) Date 08-03-2005 15:32
Thanks for the help. I gave the infomation to the project manager, we'llsee what they decide to do.
Parent - By Jim Tschampl Date 08-09-2005 17:43
I'm investigating the possibility of welding a nut for and A307 or A325 threaded rod to an A36 plate. Your response to gregs question interests me. Do you know where I can turn for some guidance.

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-04-2005 20:43
Why is it so hard to set anchor bolts these days? I still ask this question on every job we get where we have to either slot the base plates on the columns or revise the column shafts to accommadate incorrect set anchors. Amazing to me that this continues to be a problem and the concrete subs are long gone when the anchor survey comes in and the rework to fix thier mistakes start.
John Wright
Parent - By vonash (**) Date 08-16-2005 00:01
Your engineer can disposition a fix by setting 1 or 2 bolts with epoxy; outside the perimeter of the plate, and welding a couple of A36 angles to the base plate. Drill holes in the angle to accommodate the epoxy bolts, add washers and tighten the nuts.
Best regards,
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Anchor rods

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