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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / B31.1 definition of completed weld
- - By pismosand Date 01-19-2006 16:58
In the visual inspection section of B31.1 it states that every completed weld shall be visually inspected. I say this means that the completed weld shall be inspected not each weld pass. If each pass is needed to be inspected, by someone other than the welder, the Engineer will state that in his documents. Am I wrong and that statement means a weld inspector shall look at every weld pass from start to finish? Please I need an answer on this as a lot is at stake.
Parent - - By chall (***) Date 01-19-2006 17:21
I believe your interpretation is correct.

Interpass inspections may be required, but usually that will be a requirement of the contract documents. A "Hold Point" would have to be established indicating each pass requires visual examination by the inspector.

I have never heard of this being interpretted any other way.

Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 01-19-2006 17:47
I might be confusing my B31's here but I remember one of them allows substitution of testing (can't remember whether RT or Hydro, forgive me) for inprocess inspections, if this were the case I would say no but believe your interpretation and Charles iinterpretation is probably correct if not.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / B31.1 definition of completed weld

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