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Parent - By g32141 (**) Date 09-03-2008 03:57 Edited 09-03-2008 04:17
Good to see you back.

I read through some of the threads and noticed a lot of replies from people answering you were deleted. What's up with that?

You don't seem to let anyone get under your skin which is a good thing.

For people to call you names and then threaten to leave is quite extreme I think. Let them leave.

EDIT: I posted before reading down to the bottom. CWI555 I am glad you are going to keep giving input. I can only speak for me but I read your posts. You may have a different outlook on something than someone else but that shouldn't make you stop. I am glad you didn't.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-05-2008 04:38
Go back to the hole you crawled out from CLOWN - who doesn't even make anyone laugh!!! ;( ;( ;(
If this bum had any cojones, he'd show his face -the friggin WORM!!!

I've got one thing to remind you CLOWN!!! WATCH YOUR BACK BECAUSE, YOU CAN RUN BUT, YOU CANNOT HIDE!!! get lost chump!!!

GERALD!! Please don't take this misguided "CHILD" that personally... HE's not worth it!!!

I've been away from the forum as of late but, when I read that you were leaving, I couldn't help but plead for your return because, you have been of soo much help and guidance to all of us who respect you and your knowledge :) :) :) This clown doesn't even qualify as as a one celled organism!!!

Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 09-05-2008 13:13
A wise guy(on this forum) told me to read my posts carefully before hitting the post button - and delete as needed - which is why this post is more or less empty.


However, this made me smile :)
.............................................WATCH YOUR BACK BECAUSE, YOU CAN RUN BUT, YOU CANNOT HIDE!!!.....................................
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 09-02-2008 22:51
With all due respect I do not feel that I have to grow more "thick skinned"
The BBS rules and regulations clearly state that "postings that are disruptive,illegal or objectionable will be deleted.
Have a look at the posting B31.3 RT. A certain individual managed to upset regular posters NDTIII, CWI555,jon20013,jrw159,myself and dbigkahunna and numerous other posters as well with what were clearly "disruptive and objectionable" postings.
Do all these people need to grow thicker skin.?
Also in the rules and regulations is " AWS reserves the right to remove any posting(s) without notice at anytime."
By AWS not deleting any of the disruptive and objectionable postings it appeared to be condoning what was being posted.

I have been frequenting this forum for 5 years and I have assisted numerous people with code information and also received some valuable information/assistance from people like Chuck Meadows, Walt Sperko, Jon Lambert, Al Moore, Gerald Ryan, Giovanni Crisi to name a few.

If I want to give / receive intelligent welding information I should be able to go to a professional welding forum.
If I want to hear trash talk I can go to my 8 year olds school playground.

PS. I do not wish to drag things back up as 3.1/3.2 has apologised and the subject is closed.
Parent - - By michael kniolek (***) Date 08-27-2008 00:51 Edited 08-27-2008 01:01
I must admit I have watched this whole thing from the start it was like a real bad car accident that one could not look away from no matter how gruesome it became. I must also admit that I needed to perform a check on my self a few times to refrain from saying a few things that came to mind. I read this forum daily the accumulated experience of all on here must easily equal 300 plus years and for the five or so years on the site I cannot recall such a school yard display of little big man syndrome. Again I sit here thinking if this post is worth the trouble just a click away from wiping it out, but I also feel that no matter what was said about some of my piers no matter how out of line all this became ............The AMERICAN welding society rules!!!!!!!!!!
i hope that one or two inspectors act more like 31/32 years of age and a welder with less than 39 posts stops Desperately trying to stir up more junk.
This cannot be allowed already i see another person trying to getinto it with cwi555 and on another thread he is using caps and asking WHAT ARE YOUR CREDENTIALS
Well i dont remember seeing anyone asking for a job..........i dont want to loose access to the people who have the knowledge advice and experiance to help us all become better at what we do.
With people hording knowledge to insure that they are indispensible today this forum is the only place where knowledge is given freely without wanting anything in return.
Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-27-2008 17:08 Edited 08-27-2008 17:13

its not a question of puffing up. I have said

1. Xray machines do not create isotopes with half life of 20 minutes in air
2. Because of the rough surface of castings PT and Mt may be unadvisable.

It will be very interesting if anyone here gives proof otherwise . Or just shut up and go to the next post

I would also like to see AWS staff answering this question
Parent - By johnnyh (***) Date 08-27-2008 17:54
You are off to great start.  WELDcome!!!
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 08-27-2008 18:43
Surface Preparation MT, PT ..... In general satisfactory results may be obtained in the as welded condition, as rolled, as cast, or as forged. Surface preparation by grinding, machining, or other methods may be necessary where surface irregularities could mask indications. 

Lets not get caught up with weasel words, experience and common sense should be used in determining what method is suitable.
Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 08-28-2008 16:15
Weld 39,
I have just finished PT on a 6" 150# cast C.S valve body. I have found the crack that we were concerned was present. Could not get the mag yoke in the area of interest. Per our PT results we have rejected the valve and it is on it's way back to the manufacture and the NCR will be close.

Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 09-04-2008 14:41
Weld 39

You are correct in stating that X-Ray machines can cause isotopes.  However, most industrial X-Ray machinse have too low a voltage.  LINACS and BETATRONS have MEV power, and some of them may be able break away a Neutron.   However, I don't know of any portable LINACS or BETATRONS that have more than 4 MEV power.

Anyone with a license to possess and use a LINAC or a BETATRON would be aware of the extensive shielding requirements, so only criminal activity, or criminal negligence would be able to endanger the public. 

I don't have any reference manuals available to me, but as I remember, the the lowest EV rating to form an isotope is something like 1.7 MEV to form an isotope of Duterium, which has something like 10 to the Minus 24 the of a second half life.  The next lowest I think is Beryllium 9 which can be formed with approximately 2.2 MEV.   As I remember that isotope is then a BETA source, which has no penetrating power.

I believe that it would not be possible to make an isotope from any material that would require you to break out more than one Neutron.  I.E. you couldn't create U-235 from U-238 with any amount of EVs because that would require you to break out three Neutrons simultaneously.   

REMEMBER, ALL MY NUMBERS HERE ARE APPROXIMATE.  I am not a physicist.  I write this because people shouldn't be left with the opinion that the ordinary medical X-ray or industrial X-Ray machines that the general public and welders are exposed to, can create dangerous isotopes that someone could use for criminal purposes.

Where I live on Long Island, we sit on the sixth largest commercial deposit of Thorium in the world.  There was a study done, that showed something like this;  If you laid out on the beach for six hours a day for 100 days each year, 20% of you would get cancer from the average level of radiation in 64 years.  However, If you drove 30 minutes each way to the beach for one hundred days each year, 20% of you would likely have a fatal car accident in 62 years, (on the way to or from the beach).  Skin Cancers from Solar Radiation have not been factored into these statistics.  You can actually walk out on the beach and scoop up a pail of the white sand tinged with black, and sift out the Thorium.  If you went through the gate at a Nuclear power station, you would trigger the alarms with just a thimble full of it!

Joe Kane
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 08-27-2008 22:20
I hear you loud and clear.  I've decided to take Ross' suggestion and hit the ignore button.  Just click on the user's ID, then click on Ignore, then add the user's ID to your Ignore list.  I have to say it works like a charm.
Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 08-28-2008 11:47
I love this forum, it has mix with drama, comedy and action...:)

Best Drama - Leaving the forum
Best Action Comedy - B31.3RT

Thank you guys.....carry on ;=)

Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-28-2008 15:23
Hi Johnyh,

Thank you for the weldcome . Unfortunately it seems I have tread on too many toes of gurus here .  I will be in touch .
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 08-28-2008 16:23
I'm losing track here, is weld39 the old 3.1/3.2 inspector? 
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-28-2008 16:31
  I do not beleive so. I could be mistaken but it appears that 3.2 is the old 3.1 and weld39 is a differant character altogether.

Unless it is possible to have two user ID's at the same time.

I am not sure if that is possible, but again I could be wrong.

Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-28-2008 16:43
here we go again. . grinding and preparing surfaces is not the answer . rough surfaces of castings cannot be inspected by pt or mt . has anyone here seen the surface of a casting ? 
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 08-28-2008 17:06
Do you Write Code?
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 08-28-2008 17:40 Edited 08-28-2008 18:17
so RT is not effected by a excessivly rough cast? Some of the castings we recieve IMO are of great Quality, if you have castings that are continuoiusly too coarse to perform MT or PT maybe you should rattle the cages of your supplier and not your fellow inspectors/welders. 
Parent - By Jim Hughes (***) Date 08-28-2008 18:43
I just posted a PT we did on a cast valve body. You must have missed the posting. PT worked great!!! It was a cast surface. Worked like novacain, give it some time per procedure. :)

Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 08-28-2008 19:08
95%of our business is castings, up to 80,000 lbs, and 90% of those are Mag tested!
we have been in business over 100 years, and MT/RT has been the preferred way for most of that time!
Parent - - By ross (***) Date 08-28-2008 16:43
All three are the same guy.

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-28-2008 16:48
  Thanks for the clarification. :-)

Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 08-28-2008 16:51
Allright!!  I called it.  What do I win?
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 08-28-2008 16:56
You win a free pass to Getthehellabacktowork-ka-stan. lol ;-) I think weld39 might be from there so he could show ya around.;-)
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 08-28-2008 17:24
No way man!! Im off for a few days,,,,Yet I still lurk around here.  Hmmmmm.   Well I do have to get the boat ready for the weekend but lately the forum has been real interesting. 
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-28-2008 20:15
  "Getthehellabacktowork-ka-stan" I LOVE IT. LOL

Parent - By Kix (****) Date 08-28-2008 16:53
Thanks Ross!  Hey thanks for all the help with the World Skills Competition Committee stuff as well! 

  Ray C.
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 08-28-2008 19:13 Edited 08-28-2008 19:45


That was a little low IMO...
I know that I do not deserve any thing from either you or any of the other guys on this forum!

But there is ONE thing that you cant accuse me of, and that is to lie!!

In one of your recent posts you mentioned that next time you ban my IP.
I took that - maybe I was naive - as you allowed my new 3.2 account.

I could have picked any name, and you most likely would not know it was me, but I choose 3.2 well knowing everybody would know 3.1 had turned into 3.2.
My reason for that was to show the rest of the guys that even I can behave in an adult I said to jrw(I think it was) new name, new way of posting - something like that.

Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 08-28-2008 17:05
i have 2 ids on 2 different pcs
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 08-28-2008 19:16
No, 3.1 turned into 3.2 as the 3.1 got banned.
I dont know who weld39 is.

Parent - By Jenn (***) Date 08-28-2008 17:45

I as well would not like to see you go, your information is very valuable to me. FWIW.


Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-28-2008 17:54

I do very much appreciate the vote of confidence from all of you who have done so. I also sincerely apologize for pulling the pin in that manner, that was the wrong course of action and a bit to much like childish picking my toys up and going home on my part. So again I apologize for leaving in such an abrupt manner. i can do better than that.

In my defense, I had simply had enough. A week and several emails later, I have cooled off and have reconsidered. I currently have a lot on my plate work wise, trying to reconcile archaic code and methods (of record) with the latest codes and methods in my current position while being shot at from all corners for the effort, put simply it hit me at the wrong time.

I guess I still have some things to learn in regards to patience and tolerance. My tolerance level for the abuses that individual was passing off is for me historically low to begin with. It would not be the first time I would have been involved in a physical re-calibration of an individual's attitude had that person been in close physical proximity.

That being said; there is nor was there any excuse for allowing that manner of behavior on this forum by AWS for any length of time.
I've had some rather heated disagreements with some, but none ever to the point of the base brainless IQ dulling snide comments that were put here by that individual.

I can agree to disagree with anyone without resorting to school yard name calling, or deliberate defamatory remarks, or any other negative response with any who would treat me the same. People who can think, generally will have disagreements with others who think from time to time, but it's the character and integrity of those people that generally make them rise above the level of two jackals fighting over a scrap of meat.

That is enough on the subject from me, time to move on to the next one.

After looking in today I read the comments from an individual in regards to isotopes. For you sir some light reading. However; if you do not believe the collective information from the U.S. nuclear regulatory commission, ganil in France, and other sources from around the world and the U.S. Then I guess there is nothing more to say. I can lead a horse to water, but I can't make it drink. Read page 6

Radioisotopes come from three
sources: (1) from nature, such as
radon in the air or radium in the soil;
(2) from machine-produced nuclear
interactions in devices, such as linear
accelerators and cyclotrons; or
(3) from nuclear reactors.
Parent - By RANDER (***) Date 08-28-2008 17:59
Glad to see you back Gerald
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 08-28-2008 19:15
Glad to see you came around, I haven't got into UT or RT much yet, but when I do I do, I know you would be a great help in answering questions I may have!
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 08-28-2008 19:27
Glad to see you back again Gerald (honestly)

Sorry for the name calling and childish behavior by me!

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-28-2008 20:25
  Kudos, it takes a man to step up to the plate. :-)

I can only hope that Gerald will accept this gesture from you. :-)

I can honestly say, IMHO, so far you have held up to your statement "new name, new way of posting."

Parent - By Kix (****) Date 08-28-2008 19:57
Good choice Gerald!!  There are a lot more of us on here then there are of them, and I'm sure you know who "them" and "us" are.  I look forward to reading many more of your posts!
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-28-2008 20:10
Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-28-2008 20:26
  I am glad to see you back! And with this post you have shown us the Gerald we have come to know and look forward to hearing opinions and facts from.

Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 08-29-2008 03:27
No need to apologize Gerald. Most of us don't know what the other members are going through away from the forum. But most of us can relate to having a full plate, putting out fires and getting hits from every direction. If my memory is correct you are in the nuclear industry and we know how critical that can be.

Good to hear from you again!
Parent - By Ringo (***) Date 08-29-2008 13:50
Glad to have you back
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-29-2008 15:27 Edited 08-29-2008 16:11

let me step in here.

Not wanting to judge the behaviour of even "an individual" in terms of his/her way to express his/her opinion in scientific matters of subject or even trying to understand the split minds of others, thus let me come straight to the point.

I had some sleepless nights within the recent past. This due to the more I am trying to understand the entire topic "generation of radio nuclides by x-rays" or to quote an individual:

"...Xray machines created radio isotopes...".


Hmmm... I guess you know me well with these things. Trying to tie all these loose ends...

Good, let me come to the fact that - to the best of my knowledge - work pieces having greater wall thicknesses may be examined by using x-ray sources as accelerators.

Please correct me when I'm wrong but as far as I know from the past (at least I mean to have read something ~ 2 1/2 decades ago) for material or work piece examinations "betatrons" are used. So if I understood the matter correctly x-rays are the result of bombarding a target within the accelerator. After the - in case of using an electron accelerator as a betatron - accelerated electrons have impinged upon the target material (what ever it is) different interior as exterior phenomena can be detected.

When remaining with the exterior detectable ones a very particular phenomenon is the emission of electromagnetic wave radiation, which again can be designated as "x-rays". And here begins my confusion which I'll try to order as follows:

- When we are reading of accelerators one can read of e.g.:

"Linear Accelerators (linacs) are linear devices used to accelerate atomic and sub-atomic particles to high velocities."

I guess it might be of great influence if "atomic" - read high mass afflicted e.g. protons - or even "sub-atomic" particles - read low mass afflicted e.g. electrons - are being accelerated. I guess due to the conservation of mass and impulse valid with both particles, both may have different impacts upon the target interacting with when presuming both will have the same value of velocity been accelerated to.

- The above is important - as I mean - as it leads to come to the very emotionally discussed sub-item of the "generation of artificial radio nuclides" by even using an accelerator. Or in other words: "Do accelerators for material examinations generate artificial radio nuclides having low half-life periods?".

- Presumed that the kinetic energy of a particle accelerated, depends to its mass and presumed that the energy level of an "atomic" or "sub-atomic" particle is described by using the unit "electron Volt" (eV), one may - theoretically - calculate the particle's energy been accelerated up to a particular level. Then, presuming further, we might approach if the particle energy in "eV" might suffice to "create radio isotopes", as also the binding energy within the atomic nucleus is expressed by using the unit "eV". So far I mean to have understood that, if we can reach particle energy levels - achieved by accelerating the particles - high enough to exceed the binding energy levels within the nucleus, and steering these accelerated and high kinetic energy containing particles to interact with the nuclei of a - e.g. metallic - material, we may assume that radio nuclides can be created even by the reaction between the accelerated particle and the material's atomic nuclei (either emission of neutrons - (gamma, n) - or emission protons - (gamma, p) ).

- And quasi here begins the confusion which has taken my sleep over the past nights. As we know that there are different principles to accelerate different particles, having different masses and thus different impacts upon the material (target), we can suppose that accelerated electrons interact in a different way with the material structure as e.g. accelerated protons do. This is, where electrons create electromagnetic wave radiation (Bremsstrahlung --> X-rays) by being impinged to the material, accelerated heavier particles again interact with the material's atomic nuclei and initiating the emission of e.g. neutrons, or in other words creating radio isotopes. The first thus, electron acceleration, leads to an interaction with the "atomic shell" the latter again leads to an interaction with the nucleus itself or even to a creation of - in particular case -artificial radio nuclides.

- So far so good. To trying to clarify the subject - if even possible - let us presume that we do use an electron accelerator even a betatron and electrons do hit the target. Even though they may reach high energy levels ( ~30 MeV), they may not have - and this is my confusion - the ability to create radio nuclides due to they are "just" interacting with the atomic shell and the result itself may be detected as Bremsstrahlung or characteristic "X-Rays". And all this, although the energy content of the electrons is quite comparable with the energy levels being achieved with the proton acceleration. This again is proved to be able to create radio isotopes by even interacting with the atomic nucleus itself. Hence, finally I guess it is to be found with the mass of the particles themselves, which were - at least in my humble understanding - a quite reasonable explanation.

- However, let us assume furthermore that the energy output (e.g. MeV) with both accelerator types (electron- or proton) were similar but the type of energy carrier itself were different (Electromagnetic wave radiation [x-ray] and Particle radiation), then - at least in my understanding - both should be different. Firstly the target itself being integrated within the accelerator and the way of interaction of the accelerator's "output" with the material to be ND-examined. Where high energy X-rays - as the result from an electron accelerator - should normally interact just with the atomic electron shell, high energy gamma radiation whereas - as a result of a heavy particle accelerator - should normally interact - at least partially - with the atomic nucleus of the material to be tested, and thus, finally, might eventually create some sorts of short half-life period radio isotopes.

- But... is this really the case? Finally, at least in my understanding, the type of particle itself been accelerated should actually be of a secondary order since what actually counts should be the energy, even measured in our case in "eV", the material to be investigated is subjected to. In other words. An "x-ray" (as a result from an electron accelerator) of an energy of 20 MeV should act the same way upon the material being examined as a "gamma ray" having an energy of 20 MeV. Or - what I have considered as well - is an "x-ray" - even an electromagnetic wave - also acting as a "wave" i.e. having no explicit particle character e.g. as a neutron containing the similar energy? And only the high energetic particle (e.g. neutron) can interact with the material structure on an atomic nucleus level and can create thus short half-life period radio isotopes? Otherwise quantum mechanics speaks of wave-particle duality, thus, at least from a layman's standpoint - which is mine - both energy values should have similar results when being superimposed to the material structure. Thus - even presuming the energy level of an x-ray is > the (material's to be examined) atomic nucleus binding energy threshold value - an interaction between the particular material's atomic nucleus and the photon radiation coming from the energy source (accelerator) should be feasible.

- So I have to finally come back yet to who "weld39" is. If he/she is "prasad" - well-known and appreciated from past discussions dealing with a similar topic - he/she has tried to point out that it is not possible to create radio isotopes by using an appropriate accelerator for NDE. Well, I do really not know whether the element "iron", as the basis of the most materials we are dealing with, might interact with a high energy x-ray and thus radio isotopes may be generated from this interaction, but I mean to know that elements below the iron nucleus binding energy level (having lighter nuclei) e.g. carbon - which may be, as well-known, an alloying element with steel - might be influenced in a way to even creating short half-life period isotopes lying within the 20 minute range you have stated with the discussions at that time.

- And finally. I am honest when I am saying that I have no idea, what kind of accelerators are available for material testing nowadays. What I even know - as already mentioned above - is, that betatrons - or even electron accelerators - have been used stationary for NDE of large wall thickness parts. But as I said, this information is ~ 25 years old and I haven't "googled" or used the internet by any means to finding out what's suitable today.

So as the conclusion of my short input I'd like to say. When firstly considering the "energy level" of a photon radiation as being the primary source for the creation of radio isotopes and the radiation source itself (either an electron [low mass particle] or proton [high mass particle]) accelerator secondarily, then - at least in my understanding - a creation of short-life radio isotopes having a lower nucleus order number than iron may be possible. If however, the character of the energy carrier (particle = proton or electromagnetic wave = electron) plays the major role for the creation of radio nuclides then - at least in my eyes - it might be imaginable that a betatron as an electron accelerator and thus an x-ray generator does not have the capability to create radio nuclides even though it is capable to achieve energy levels up to 30 MeV which were usually sufficient to influence the atomic nucleus in a way to separate a heavy nucleon either a neutron (gamma, n) or a proton (gamma, p) from the core.

Would be great Gerald, if you could shed a light on this to pointing me in the right direction!

Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-29-2008 17:45 Edited 08-29-2008 18:30
For all the gurus here .

I have said PT and MT may be unadvisable because of the rough surface

my mother tongue is not english . I speak read and write in 4 other languages. For all of the english speakers here ....pls read

REPEAT UNADVISABLE .  Not that it is not possible

If there is no choice then you need a very very highly skilled inspector to interpret

I believe that RT was an option . This whole argument is about that .

I will always insist on RT before even allowing my inspectors to think of PT or MT.

as far as creating isotopes . I ask CWI555 and stephan to get anyone with a minimum bachelors degree in science ( physics ) to argue with me on this point. I firmly believe he is incompetent to argue on this matter and i ask people with higher qualifications who understand physics to put in a point here as it seems he is not willing to accept that he has totally misunderstood whatever he is reading because of limited education . I am willing to give my email ID and contact numbers to him. I cannot say anything more than that.
Parent - - By johnnyh (***) Date 08-29-2008 18:24
I am glad you edited that because in your first post you called all welders and inspectors incompetent to comprehend physics.  There are many degreed welders and inspectors here in the US that could teach you a thing or two.  NICE EDIT!! That would have caused a riot.....or maybe a "hissy" in terms that you would understand.
Parent - By weld39 (*) Date 08-29-2008 18:32
I agree I am human like you .
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-29-2008 18:31 Edited 08-29-2008 18:40
Mr weld39,

forgive me the sarcasm but I truly can't withstand.

How blessed yet I am to be allowed to experience your outstanding proofs of excellence!

There have responded the most excellent experts on your statement:

/quote/ "It will be very interesting if anyone here gives proof otherwise . Or just shut up and go to the next post..." /unquote/

The best professionals in NDT have proven that both PT and MT can be accomplished on a regular basis.

Be glad that you've learned somewhat!

But what are you doing?

You're coming back, turn inside out, letting the "gurus" know how brilliant you are, what you have already accomplished in terms of being graduated, in how many different languages you can communicate and I don't know what else. But - unfortunately - all of this doesn't help you to find  r e a l  access to this forum.

You know, this forum assembles the best people in all terms of welding and its relating trades.

This forum has them all, from the most appreciated welders - the greatest trade in the world - over the inspectors, instructors, consultants up to the highest levels, see the greatly appreciated Professor Crisi from Brazil. And none of them has ever - at least as far as I know - had the need to behave as a peacock.

You know why? Well, I guess it has to do with their attitude...

They simply don't need it! :-)

As I am sure that you are a very intelligent man/woman, I mean that you may have the brain to understand these simple words written down by a welder who is truly sad to not being able to satisfying you as you are requiring a bachelor in science (physics) to discuss wth you.

Ohh, almost forgotten...

What about you? What makes you so incredible sure that what you've been taught was right? Or have you been sent directly from heaven where all the infinite and final wisdom comes from?

Please don't misunderstand me. There is 100% no offense intended with these few sentences above. It's just the attempt to personally express that I am fairly trying to find a way to understand what your actual intentions are herein.


P.S. It is always interesting to see how some - truly intelligent - people behave after they (mean to) having reached a particular level. Be aware, Sir. What's in your brain doesn't come from yourself. There was something Greater than you which has blessed you with your intelligence. And I am sure that even this Greater power will watch quite interested how you are using what you've been blessed with.

P.P.S. I personally mean that you can't digest that Gerald is a really Great one but not just a peacock.

P.P.P.S. Quote Mr weld39: "I cannot say anything more than that." Unquote.    Yes... I fear that's really true! 
Parent - - By weld39 (*) Date 08-29-2008 18:42
Dear stephen ,

I do not want anyone to leave this forumn . I very much appreciate  how welders here are progressing through self study , exams etc to reach a higher stage in life. I appreciate that you spend time reading and studying instead of watching tv at home. It is never to late to learn. But remember when you go to your local part time college or wherever there is some one teaching  you who knows more than you . You dont have to be ashamed. If you have the commitment you can go ahead of him also ....

My point is dont talk about issues you do not understand because people who have studied more than you will naturally question you. Go to a part time college . earn a diploma or degree which is recognised by the govt then you will know the difference
Parent - - By Stephan (***) Date 08-29-2008 18:50
Mr weld39,

thank you Sir!

Not to offend you - as I said - you are surely a very intelligent person, but there is only one fellow within this forum who may call me "Stephen" instead of "Stephan" - which is my correct name as you certainly have already recognized.

And this person is js55.

Thank you for your understanding and the future compliance.
Parent - By weld39 (*) Date 08-29-2008 19:11
sorry ,

Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 08-29-2008 19:35
"earn a diploma or degree which is recognised by the govt then you will know the difference "

I would have to say, a diploma or degree doesn't make you right 100% of the time and and just because someone has one, does'nt make them know the difference! for example , I argued with an engineer last week when he told me he studied ASME code at university of WA. and said if a welder qualified on plate he could weld a 2" pipe, now I have just started getting in to ASME and after arguing and pointing it out he retracted and thanked me for bringing it to his attention.
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