I have Smith and Victor. If it is yours, Smith is the way to go. If you are going to have employees throwing it around, Victor.
Smith still is made in the US
I've used Victor for nearly 30 years, and it seems the teflon seats in the regulators fail more frequently than anything else (if they're not abused, of course), a $30-45 repair job. The Miller sales rep that was telling me about Victor moving to Mexico and China also told me that if you have a problem with a Smith torch or regulator, take it back to the dealer, and they will give you a brand new unit, right off the shelf, that you don't have to wait for a repair job. That's a plus in my book! I DO know that it's cost me several hundred bucks to have my regulators repaired, and have even bought new ones (not Victor), so the job could go on while I waited for the repairs!
Good day to all,