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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Obammas seedy Friends Are we blind?
- - By michael kniolek (***) Date 10-06-2008 01:56
Why do so many groups we consider terrorist org and who want Israel to be destroyed are hoping obamma becomes president?
if Hitler wanted a certain person to be prez what do you think the motive would be ( our best interest ....I think not)
Obamma has ties with 20 questionable organizations none of which wants to see America on top.
Look at the news clips on you tube Radicals are screaming Death to America and then saying they support obbama  .............
This man needs to be stopped GOD HELP US!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 10-06-2008 02:00
didn't one of his supporters bomb a building here in the states in the 70's or 80's?
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-06-2008 15:52
Parent - - By NEQA (**) Date 10-06-2008 12:16
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-06-2008 15:30
maybe they are trying to hide it by making it a shade of grey on black, but down at the bottom of that page is says "paid for by Obama for america"
how about doing some independant research or do you prefer to be a parrot?
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-06-2008 15:52
The accusations that have been made about his dealings with these people are true.
some of obammas supporters......................................
Al Queda
and france
All support the Obama.... why?
I think we all know why.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 10-06-2008 16:18
Now the Obama campaign is whining about McCains new 'negative' approach to his character and his associations by saying we should stick to the issues and not run negative campaigns. We should stick to talking about the economy. We been talkin about the fricken economy for two years during his campaign. What is it about the economy and where McCain and Obama stand that we don't already know? If you don't know it by now you either don't care or you have a learning disability.
And who says they are exclusive of one another. Can't we talk about both? Can't we talk about all of it?
And whats wrong with a negative campaign? Nothing. Negativity has been a part of every single campaign in the history of the world. All of them! And always will be, and should be. Even Obama's. Or how would you characterize his attacks on McCains economic policies? Positive? As long as the attack is an attack with facts. Its ligit. If its an unfactual attack those being attacked should welcome it since it will most often backfire.
The only time people whine about negative campaigns is when they are targeted at their guy. And they get really defensive when they hit the target.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-06-2008 17:28
The sad thing is, Even Bill Clinton of all people tried to stop the financial meltdown and was blocked by his own party for doing so. I am far away from being a "clinton" fan of any kind, but if bill can pick up on this as slanted as he is, it must have been a train wreck then which has only gotten worse in the interm.

Then I hear from Pelosi that it's the "failed BUSH economic plans over the last 8 years" yet I hear not one of the mainstream media voicing this question:
"what has the democratic party done with their control of congress in the past two years".

The slant has gotten to a sickening level. The media ask questions of Obama/Biden ticket of the popcorn nature and of the napalm nature of McCain/Palin.

I have no particular love of either party, and have made it clear I think they should both be disbanded, but this obvious attempt to steal the election is crystal clear.
Many of my friends over seas see it, they ask me how this can happen in America? I have no answer. It shouldn't but it is. Obama is going to ride the coattails of fear and political correctness all the way to the whitehouse. No one dare ask Obama the hard questions for fear of being branded racist.
I don't give a D$#&* about political correctness, I want to know who this guy is that may have his finger on the nuclear button in the next few months.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 10-06-2008 17:53
Another question to ask is, If Obama is the candidate of "Change We Need" as all the campaign posters carried so mindlessly by the liberal eloi say, then what change is it that he advocates that is so different from the same old rancid liberal progressivism that we've become so familiar with through Mondale, Leahy, Gore, Kerry, Dodd, Frank, H. Clinton, T. Kennedy (first intitial intended) and of course, Pelosi, and the liberal Chicago political machine? This guy is a product of one of the most corrupt political systems in the country, who's first election to State legislature was brought about by getting his opponents ejected from the process through a technicality, leaving him the only candidate on the ballot. Don't take my word for it. Look it up. If you dare.
So, come on. What's different? Is Chicago extremism really the "change we need"? Are you fricken kiddin me?
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 10-06-2008 18:09
people who are for obamma are too scared to look anything up, i tell them time and time again look it up and when i ask if they did its the same ol story "No i didnt look it up besides i done believe anything i read on the net" except when it agrees with how they think.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Obammas seedy Friends Are we blind?

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