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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / payscale
- - By rjd (*) Date 06-24-2009 13:57
just wondering what is the payscale for a lvl 3 ut. i would like to know more so the potentially high end i could make as one.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-24-2009 14:07
Payscale depends on your experience, contract or permanent, location, and a few other factors.
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 06-24-2009 15:21
Such as luck.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-24-2009 15:29
luck has nothing to do with it.
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 06-24-2009 16:34
Yes it does.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-24-2009 16:58
If your good at what you do, you make your own fortune. Say what you will, but "luck" will be beaten by skill any day when it comes to UT.
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 06-24-2009 17:46
You need a good amount of luck to get in the right places and earn the good money.
Anybody can get a NDT/inspection job, but to get in requires luck, skill and knowing the right persons.

Simple as that!

Parent - - By rjd (*) Date 06-24-2009 18:28
i've been told as high as 6 figures, The source of that info isnt really reliable though. But yeah i understand there are many factors that would determine a payscale for a lvl 3, just wanting to know numbers.
Parent - By BryonLewis (****) Date 06-24-2009 18:44 Edited 06-24-2009 18:46
I just remembered this site.

It seems that every year they post a fairly comprehensive salary survey with a breakdown by geography and by industry.  I don't know how accurate the numbers are but its something.

Hope that helps.
But as it has been posted its about location and experience as well as what certs you have.  And perhaps some luck (although the essence of luck is being contested).
Also if you are not in the NDT/Inspection game don't let the numbers alone sway you into getting into the game.  The money is there but maybe not right now, or where you are located or what certs you have or.....or.....etc.
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 06-24-2009 18:51
6 figures is no problem, even I make that.

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-24-2009 19:15
I will agree to disagree. It is "not" simple as that. Maybe on your side of the pond, but not on this one.
Parent - - By rjd (*) Date 06-25-2009 13:07
Thanks for the info guys, the reason im asking is my wife just had a baby and well i'm still young i've been in the ndt business just over a year and you see i'm thinking a little different now, the salary potential looks great in theory but here its not very practical. Im leaning towards going back to school and continueing my young adolescent dream of becoming a pharmacist. But I am going for my Level 2 course in august just in case i happend to stumble upon a dream job. It would be nice going back to uni but i will miss ndt.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-25-2009 15:15
That adds a whole new twist to the subject.

If your young and have a family already, you will be better off returning to school. To get ahead in NDE, you will not be able to avoid travel.
Heavy travel and family doesn't mix to well.

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 06-25-2009 20:06
Amen Gerald, Travel + Family does not equal good relationships.

But, Define "heavy travel".  Being the father of five, though four are now twenty plus, the husband of the same very patient woman for 32 years, I find even being out of town during the week but home for one to two days on the weekends somewhat stressful.  I consider that "heavy travel".  Others may not.  I know some who are gone months at a time all the time.  Ouch.  I'd be taking the wife with me on those.  Leave the boys home to keep the shop going. (Three of my sons work in the family welding shop).

I have never been one to like being away from my family for extended periods of time, especially on an ongoing basis.  When I was younger and the kids were in various birth cycles, we travelled while working with the 'Boilermakers'.  Took the whole family on jobs.  We lived in a 40' trailer for several years.  But most of the jobs were months long.  Not days.  Many of my inspection jobs only last days, maybe weeks, and have been within 200 miles of home.

Money, no matter how many figures we are talking, is not the major factor to consider.  Not for me.  Yes, as your family grows you will want more and more of it.  Much of that can be accomplished by staying where you are and adding a cert here and there as you also gain experience and reputation.  Can you balance a job, family, and the education requirements to become a pharmicist?  That can wipe out families quick.  But if you really think you need school, now is the time.  Don't wait.  As the family grows you will be less likely to do it and education is always beneficial.  Even if you work outside your degree. 

Just consider carefully the options available to you and decide what you really want to do.  Then, if you value your relationship, talk to your wife more than you talk to us.  That's where the decision really needs to be made.

Just my two tin pennies worth.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-25-2009 22:38
Of the last 24 years, I've spent 1460 days (4 years) in my hometown, with a span of 1825 days (5 years) straight without seeing home in the mix.
Thats what I define as heavy travel.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 06-25-2009 23:10

I agree, that is Heavy Travel.  Are you married?  Do you take her with you?  That would not bother me once the kids are all on their own and my wife could travel with me.  In fact, that is the direction we are heading as I get more into inspections.  But if you have done the travelling that long, do you recommend it for raising a family.  I couldn't, that's why I stopped travelling with the Boilermaker jobs.  But my kids are older now (me too!!).  Even with the family with me, we noticed it bothered the kids to move home frequently.  It has many positive sides and many negative.  I guess each person has to weigh it out for themselves.

rjd, I hope you are getting info that is beneficial to your question and decision.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 06-25-2009 23:34
I think I can see what 3.2 was alluding to and have to agree.
Luck can play a part in how much you earn.
Being in the right place at the right time can be lucky.
Start a job for x amount of dollars and two days later get offered a job paying twice as much - that is bad luck.
If the second employer contacted me three days earlier I would have taken the higher paid job - I would consider that good luck.

I may get offered a brilliant highly paid job but they need someone to start immediately. I have 3 weeks left on the contract I am on so cannot take the role. I would consider that bad luck.
Conversely, if the brilliant highly paid job was due to start 3 weeks later I would be able to take the role - I would consider that good luck.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-26-2009 01:46
luck makes the assumption that life is purely random and chaotic. I do not agree with that.

"Start a job for x amount of dollars and two days later get offered a job paying twice as much - that is bad luck."

I don't see it that way. A person should know what they are worth, and ask for it. When they settle on an offer, they have given their word. Should someone come along and offer twice that agreed amount, it is not good or bad luck, it is temptation to break your word. If you've gotten what your worth, then you should be content with it rather than let a monetary figure make you regret it, or worse break your word of honor. Some if not most would consider that an archaic attitude, but it will not change with me.

If I agree to come to work or perform a task for a person or company, I will be there, and carry it through for the agreed time as long as their word is good and the agreement is still valid. I will not regret or feel bad about some pie in the sky offer after the fact. Slow and steady wins the race, and I consider myself to have meet most of my lifes goals already. How many can state that with honesty?

In all, I guess it's a difference in perspective.

Parent - - By Arctic 510 (**) Date 06-27-2009 01:00
Archaic, maybe, but commendable.  I personally prefer "archaic" to what passes as acceptable today!
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 06-27-2009 01:58
Morning Gerald,
We do have different perspectives on life and you are obviously very happy with yours.
I am also very happy with mine.
We also have different work situations so it is hard to compare.
I work construction in the Southern Hemisphere over a wide variety of industries ( Nickel, Gold, PetroChem,Coal, Power Stations and Oil & Gas) and the pay rates vary greatly between industries. If I am in the right place at the right time I will get a contract on an Oil & Gas project (which pays the highest) instead of a project in Coal (which pays the lowest). That has got nothing to do with my ability, it was who phoned me up first. Some may call it fate, some may call it karma - I just consider myself lucky the HR department from the O&G company called me up first.
I love Asia and can't wait to go back.
The company I worked the last two years for has just won a tender for a major project in China so it looks as if I will be heading over there.
If Bechtel or Fluor had won the contract I wouldn't have had a hope in hell of being there.
Is that not a lucky break for me ?
I commend you on your attitude to life, just disagree on the interpretation of luck.
Have a great weekend,
Parent - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-04-2009 08:33
Shane, I tend to agree with you.  Although it took me 4 years to find it, I consider myself one of the luckiest guy's in the forum for the job I currently have. :)
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 06-26-2009 01:33

Yes I am married as of six years ago. I took her with me. Our son is 4 now, he also went the first two and a half years. I no longer travel like that any more.
No I couldn't recommend it for a family, or for an individual. It is why I said what I did when I found out the gentlemen had a family.
There is a price to pay for anything, but you don't always know what that price is until your done.

I've had a severe case of curiousity from childhood, and still do to this date. Knowledge to me is better than any wine, but after 20 years of chasing it, I was married and had a son. He is the reason I've stopped as it's no longer about just me. I will only travel again as a last resort in a bad economy.

I won't miss it, but I won't ever wonder 'what if I had' either.

Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 06-26-2009 04:14 Edited 06-26-2009 04:20
To address the original post of Level lll UT payscale.....I can't ever recall meeting anyone with only a UT lll. By the time they have achieved that status, they have multiple certs (MT, PT plus ICC, CWI etc). Add to that, the years of experience and or college degree(s) are the true measure of the payscale commanded by them. So, merely having a Level lll is a dificult if not impossible question to answer. Still, even newly degreed, entry level mechanical engineers have a wide range of payscales.

Now concerning the twist to this thread of working on the road and family. I was a happily married man with two children and a wife "back home". I wasn't until I took a permanent, real job that lasted 4 years and slowly realized I had to drag up, get back on the road. Why? cuz I didn't really like her day in and day out. I truly think the marriage could have been  "happily ever after" had I stayed a road whore.
BTW...  That marriage lasted 24 years. (Couldn't drag up with the kids still at home. They might have copped an attitude and wrote a book about me).

I've always said, concerning this business...."There are 2 types, those who travel and those who are broke!".
Parent - By michael kniolek (***) Date 06-27-2009 13:46
I have found that if you are good at what you do the word gets out, if you are not good at what you do word gets out even faster.
Its a small industry and there are few of us out there.
@ my last job I would have inspectors from all over the States come to the shop to inspect their projects.
I once had a State inspector @ the shop who was incompetent at best, and his work ethics were disturbing.
ill give one example....
this example was told to me by another inspector.
the kid was scheduled in one state for an inspection, so he passes in his time sheet and inspection reports, he also passes in his receipts for food gas ECT.
Upon review of the receipts the payroll dept found that the food receipts were from restaurants in another state 2 hours away from the job.
that was not the last time his name was mentioned by inspectors in the shop.
This kid made his own luck and it was all bad.
That label will be with him for a long time.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-02-2009 01:46


Stay that way.
Parent - - By rjd (*) Date 07-03-2009 14:10
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-03-2009 15:43 Edited 07-04-2009 00:21

Because you don't want to use your shift key, and you didn't proof read your sentence.  If you want to seem to be a moron, it is a good reason to keep all the information about yourself hidden.

Joe Kane
Parent - - By rjd (*) Date 07-03-2009 18:21
Those are the reasons why i should stay hidden. Sounds like maybe you shouldnt have responded if all you are concerned about is grammer and spelling, im fully capable of using the shift key and proof reading my sentencing in appropriate times, this however grammer and sentence structure is undersized, i would think. Its not like my words aren't legible, if you have problems with that and can't seem to get passed all these lowercase letters maybe your just a douche, but thanks for the advice. If you want to seem to be a douche, it is a good reason to stay on topic and not to expose yourself as "that guy"... I'm talking about that one guy on a forum that mentions a spelling error and needs to post it up, we all know its spelled wrong no need to post it. Maybe i'm a little immature for calling you a douche but really i hate that grammer patrol comment and by calling you a douche i think stored truth and dignity back into this forum. Oh and the question mark i forgot in my first sentence, yah i know you noticed, right after hidden.. yah thats the one.. Why dont you take that home sit on your bed turn it upside down and hang your just joking just stick it in your bum. REALLY REALLY thank you all for your advice much appreciated.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-04-2009 00:41 Edited 07-04-2009 00:48

I felt the need to respond.  All the inspection professions need, are more people who cannot spell, cannot compose a sentence and  cannot capitalize and punctuate.

I feel the need to purge the inspection profession of intentional morons and even a few who are born that way!  So, when I see a letter from someone who ostensibly doesn't want to speak properly, but who MUST have some greater level of intelligence than a moron, (in order to perform UT), I become irritated.

You show contempt for the rest of us, with statements like; "... im fully capable of using the shift key and proof reading my sentencing in appropriate times,..."  If I am to take that at face value, I infer it to mean that when addressing the members of this forum, contempt is OK!

Stay in the British Empire, or Canada, or wherever else you are now.

i    -   I
im  -  I'm
shouldnt  -  shouldn't
grammer  -  grammar
yah  -  yeah
stored  -  ??restored??

Joe Kane
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 07-04-2009 06:18

You are not a moron, you are a dumbass :)

but who MUST have some greater level of intelligence than a moron, (in order to perform UT), I become irritated. <----------------- this made my morning
Get yourself down from where ever you are, this is not healthy in the long run.

Parent - - By leterburn (**) Date 07-04-2009 15:16
Actually, Jo-King (as he was referred previously in one of my threads by bullsnbets) ...  I mean Joe Kane....  is not perfect either and I couldn't refuse this one.

"I felt the need to respond.  All the inspection professions need, are more people who cannot spell, cannot compose a sentence and  cannot capitalize and punctuate."

Joe, it should properly be composed as follows or similar:

""I felt the need to respond.  All the inspection profession needs are more people who cannot spell, cannot compose a sentence, and cannot capitalize or punctuate.""

Now I realize that not all of us are perfect and I sure readily admit that I'm not but some times this stuff gets taken too far and on principal I cannot bite my tongue any longer.  I did not delve into the rest of your post.

Best regards, Darren Lucke  =P
Parent - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-04-2009 15:22

Thank you for the constructive correction.  You are correct.  My sentence would have read better composed the way you put it!

Joe Kane
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 07-03-2009 21:55

You are the moron, this we all know.

Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 07-04-2009 07:15
3.2 thanks, hope my friend maxilimiano will not be afraid to come back..

we need someone like you who has courage to oppose those who thinks he is a super great!!!! you are different from those members who have herd behaviour / mentality.

Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 07-04-2009 08:22
You and I have had disagreements before over certain subjects but I have always appreciated your knowledge and input to this forum but for some reason lately you seem more interested in firing spiteful shots at people than actively contributing to this forum.

"I feel the need to purge the inspection profession of intentional morons and even a few who are born that way!"

Have you now become the self-appointed sheriff of the inspection profession ???

I have been on this forum since 2003 and it is only in the last year that the quality of postings seems to have gone rapidly downhill.
Can we please just try and be civil to each other and not stoop to name calling and other derogatory statements.
Parent - - By Joseph P. Kane (****) Date 07-04-2009 15:18

I am the insulted party here.  To speak like an ignoramus to the other readers in this forum is an insult to me!

I see no reason the bend over and take offense after offense, from the nattering nabobs of the intentional illiteracy movement in this Forum.  In this country, the quality of UT Inspection is disastrous.  The person who gave the offense wanted information on how much money he could make by engaging in UT inspection.  Yet he wrote in such a manner that indicated that he would be hard pressed to compose a decent report.  I presume that any person who was competent enough to engage UT should also be able to speak properly and write an ordinary sentence.

Furthermore, I do not consider myself "the self appointed sheriff of the inspection profession". 

I am an ordinary person who is offended by obviously intelligent people who want to "Dumb Down" my language.  I HAVE A RIGHT TO COMPLAIN ABOUT IT.

I do not consider it to be "less than civil" to respond to insults with mild retorts.  (In my heart, I would like to fire more than "spiteful shots.")  I do apologize to the morons who were born that way, for any insult they may have endured by my choice of descriptive words..

Joe Kane
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 07-04-2009 16:24
I thank you for the response but your statement that you are the insulted party is laughable.
rjd originally posted a question on the 24/6/09 that you may have considered stupid or naive but we get a few of these from first time posters.
He then posted again on the 25/6/09 and neither of these postings had been insulting to anyone, naive maybe but definitely not insulting or provocative.
Gerald and I then got into a bit of a disagreement over the interpretation of luck and rjd had no more part in the discussions.
Then you come out of left field on 2/7/09 with a posting that left me dumbfounded :
Hidden ?
Stay that way

I thought you must have been drinking (as I admit I have been guilty of before) and thought nothing more of it but when you come out ranting and raving that you have been insulted by a moron I felt I had to say something.

We have numerous posters from all over the world and for some of them english is not their first language, there are going to be spelling and grammar mistakes, why don't you ask Ross to block everyone who is not from America.
Hang on, then we have American welders who like to use this forum and some of them can't spell very well and their grammar isn't too flash, let's ban them as well.
I'm actually surprised you haven't told me to go back to Australia or New Zealand or wherever I come from.
Please have a look in the mirror and decide who is actually insulting who ?
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 07-04-2009 17:49
I wish I wrote that :)
Well said.

Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 07-05-2009 00:24
I would rather you didn't get involved please.
You have been involved in a fair bit of name calling and nastiness in the past so I think any comments on this matter should be between myself and Joe Kane.
This is supposed to be a Welding Forum but at times we have resembled a schoolyard sandpit / sandbox.
Let's all try and bring it back to the way the forum used to be.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 07-05-2009 04:08
Shane, Joe, 3.2, and especially rjd,

Gentlemen, it is not my intent to take sides or condemn anyone.  And I know we are slightly off topic here.  But since it is here, may I please interject some other thoughts.

1)  I greatly appreciate each of you and your input on this forum.  Your individual experiences, knowledge, and resourcefullness has benefited me many times.

2)  I too have been greatly distressed by the number of posts that are appearing with more frequency lacking punctuation, shift key use, capital letters, etc.  It demonstrates a great deal of lack of respect for our: language, educational responsibilities, commitment to lead by example, privilege to represent such a great organization, responsibility to demonstrate to the young people who look to us for guidance how to be leaders in a world that is, as was stated previously, 'dumbing down' all of our normal, daily activities.  This is not a texting site.  It truly does not take that much longer to do it right. And it doesn't cost you any more since the number of characters are of no concern.  That does not mean you will always spell every word right, I'm a terrible typist and not a very good speller.  It does not mean you will get all your grammar perfect, I'm terrible with past, present, future tenses.  But the effort put forth to respect the language is something that goes far beyond language itself.  It carries over into our mutual respect for one another no matter where people are from, what educational level they have achieved, what area of the welding profession they are part of, or what their 1st language is. 

3)  We do have a reputation and example to live up to.  We are adults, no matter our age.  We are 'Professionals'.  We should display character in all that we do that would encourage the best from others.

4)  If one is truly interested in continuing to learn new things, all critical comments can be seen as constructive.  That doesn't mean it won't hurt. Stop. Take a breath.  Ask yourself 'What can I learn from this?' no matter how it was stated.

5)  Try to give constructive comments without name hurling.  (BTW, I didn't see name calling in Joe's first comments. Read it with all the words in context.)

6)  For those who are inspectors, engineers, teachers, and industry leaders there is a greater responsibility because of greater observation by those who would respect the position assumed by the titles and degrees.

7) We also have a responsibility to stay on mental alert in all our activities because of the possible legal consequences.  That includes all our writing as this will only improve our report writing and any other ability to express our ideas, opinions, and concerns accurately so others can clearly understand our fragile system of communication.  Words, language, communication are so easily misunderstood.  We don't need to make it worse.  We need to strive to make it better.  Start by writing as clearly as possible.  Then, ask questions, define terms, eliminate all possible areas of misunderstanding.  Many times I see where people assume a certain code is being used.  Or, because you use a certain word, no matter where you picked it up, others assume you know something that you don't.  Or that you are talking about a particular process when that is not what you meant.  We must minimize any possible lack of clear communication.  To that extent I completely agree with Joe Kane.  It is hard to do the way many posts are written.  I am not singling out rjd. 

Gentle reminders are important for all of us.  I can get lazy in many things.  I am always learning.  I try to figure things out myself.  I don't always know where to look or my perspective is different.  That is why we are all here.  For help, input, knowledge, new perspectives, broader resources, pooling of knowledge.  Let's all try to help one another.

Just my two tin pennies worth.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 07-05-2009 15:02

Bahasa is my first language and not English. Will you suggest that I have to master my English before I can join this forum?
Will you call me a moron or having low IQ if my English is not perfect?

I need to raise this question for me to gain confidence or should I need to stop posting, similar to my friend.

Bert Lee
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 07-05-2009 22:33 Edited 07-06-2009 00:36

I don't believe that was at all the tenor of my post.  In fact, right as I posted it I thought of a couple of things that I should have added.  Mainly because of some of the other comments that had already been made in regards to this topic.

1)  I don't believe it is anyone's, especially not mine, position that people be eliminated from this forum for not mastering perfect English.  I do believe effort to communicate clearly is very needed.  But as this is a worldwide forum, there will be those whose use of "OUR" language makes them rather difficult to understand.  That's where it is so important to ask questions, define terms, and make sure each understands the other.

2)  It would benefit all of us if people would at least allow us to veiw certain items of your user profile.  Where are you from?  What is your primary language? What is your real name?  No.  Not all these should be mandatory.  But sometimes it helps to know something about the person you are responding to.  I have a lot of info on mine including, I believe, my company website where anyone can go and find out a lot about me.  I'm not afraid of being harassed, solicited, etc by people I respect because we have a common profession, interests, and desire to advance.

3)  Patience, tolerance, moderation, helpfulness, kindness.  These are things that I desire to see from all my peers.  I know I need work on them.  I believe we all do.  None of us is perfect.  I tend to have a very short fuse coupled to a very passionate, opinionated, biased, mentality that must be manhandled into check occassionally.  Just ask my family.  Ask others on this forum.  But I do try to be a voice of common sense.  I hate confrontation.  BUT, I jumped right into the middle of this anyway.  I do feel it is my business.  BECAUSE it does involve me.  It involves an organization that I believe in.  It involves people that I respect and admire.  It involves bringing people together from many walks of life, countries, languages to do something for the common good.  IS THERE ANYTHING BETTER THAN THAT??  At a time when so much seems to be coming apart around us, let's see what we can do to TRULY CHANGE THINGS!!  First, respect one another.  Second, help one another.  Third,  Be patient with each other.

Bert,  Don't shoot the me.  Let's not be guilty of shooting our own friends, fellow labourers.  And no matter what you think of Joe, Shane, 3.2, OR ME...  Slow down, breath, and ask, how can I improve the situation?  Not push it on over the edge.

Most of us have never met.  I would love to meet many of you.  Even those I disagree with.  You have all contributed to my knowledge base and helped me in many areas of OUR chosen profession.  That is what it means to be part of the human family.  Able to pool knowledge.  Able to agree to disagree.  Able to make intelligent, constructive, informative dialogue to persuade others.  Try it.  It makes life so much sweeter than the anger, bitterness, backbiting that causes ulcers because we cannot tolerate those who would oppose us or not live up to our standards. 

I wish everyone would at least try to do their best to post clear concise thoughts that the readers don't have to second guess some of the meanings because there is absolutely no punctuation.  It is unbelievable how easy thoughts can be twisted by moving a coma.  When they aren't even there, how do we know for sure what you meant. 

I would stress again, one of the first things in this line went something like (sorry, I didn't go back to quote it) 'seem to be a moron'.  The person was not called a moron.  It becomes a question.  Do you want to be seen as a moron?  No one does.  Well, maybe some.  But I believe you know what I mean.  So, to me, the answer would be, 'No I don't'.  How can I keep from giving that impression?  In this case, by doing the person's best to make his thread appear that of one at least slightly educated.  You don't have to be a scholar, or English professor to use punctuation, capital letters, and a reasonable paragraph format.  It is so much easier and more pleasant to read.  And less likely to be misunderstood.

I better stop for now.  I hope I have made sense to all.  If this appeal has offended anyone that was not my intent.  There are some who will not be satisfied no matter what I, or anyone else, say.

Think about it Bert.  And, all others who have been part of this thread.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 07-04-2009 15:57

The pleassure is all mine :)


Sorry about your friend!
Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 07-05-2009 15:15
Thanks :) it will takes time for him to gain confidence.
Parent - - By jon20013 (*****) Date 07-06-2009 08:39
While I may agree with many of Joe's sentiments, it all seems much to do about nothing... I've done some venting in the Forum myself so far be it from me to judge others....
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-07-2009 14:25
Nothing much to add from me on this topic, just posting to show that I kept up with this thread completely and it appears that the name hurling has ceased, or so I hope.

Any further communications such as those should be kept private in the PM system so that the general passerby doesn't have to see the dirty laundry hanging out on the line.

Doesn't do our forum any good professionally, to air it all out like that when it could have been handled in private.

Thanks in advance for your future considerations on these matters.
Parent - By Arctic 510 (**) Date 07-07-2009 20:33
I agree.  One major reason I came out of welding into the inspection field was the degree of professionalism  and knowledge exhibited by the inspectors I dealt with.  Knowledge and skill without professionalism is nearly worthless, IMO.
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