The Lincoln SAM 650 is a wonderfull machine for everything but GTA welding. It can weld with 1/4 inch E-7018, Air Carbon Arc Gouge, with 3/8 inch carbons, weld with 3/16" Exx10 electrodes Etc All Day Long.
It is great for small Hand Held Sub-Arc, and LN22 Sub-Arc. It can handle all the Lincoln Gasless Flux Cored Electrodes.
It can weld two 3/8 inch knock off anti skid tread studs all day long with an interrupter splitter.
With the Pipe Thawing Attachment, it is unequaled.
It is also a 44 OCV rated machine!
I have even used it to heat blanket pipe.
On the downside, it uses a lot of gasoline or diesel. It is quite noisy and it weighs a lot.
Joe Kane