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This is the general discussion board about welding.
Topic User Posts Last Post
- eyeballs rick harnish 20 07-28-2009 14:35
- Stainless Steel welding advice NMWELDING 6 07-28-2009 01:04
- TIG Weld 316L to Inco 625? Zeek 2 07-27-2009 19:47
- nickle rod tompit9 7 07-27-2009 05:22
- ASME IX 6GR Drams 10 07-26-2009 17:14
- Aluminum Mig Help 52757 8 07-26-2009 05:00
- Torch tips interchangeable? phaux 2 07-25-2009 19:25
- Does any one know? ibeweldingsum 4 07-25-2009 03:53
- Tank repair work dbigkahunna 15 07-25-2009 03:14
- Lincoln SAM-650 ? FixaLinc 8 07-24-2009 19:11
- common practices for thin-guage stainless TIG (GTAW) sriesch 4 07-24-2009 18:21
- Pointers for Copper Nickel to 304L stainless fillet welds Kix 13 07-22-2009 12:18
- rigs headed north bigrod 7 07-20-2009 19:13
- Air Shop Vac for oily stuff FixaLinc 5 07-20-2009 18:37
- ASME Vs. AWS Please Help eekpod 6 07-20-2009 10:17
- downhill carbon steel pipe welding thetraininglink 43 07-20-2009 02:47
- union or open shop lightningrod 14 07-19-2009 18:55
- need help from ksellon- flashing a classic II sae350 4 07-18-2009 18:47
- 8P+ tighand430 9 07-17-2009 06:22
- Hardhat Helmets Keplinger78 4 07-17-2009 01:35
- 7016 weldaboy 6 07-16-2009 01:04
- ASME qualification for AWS shop dschlotz 1 07-15-2009 11:45
- Full Circle Enterprise Cactusthewelder 15 07-15-2009 04:24
- Branch Test junkiron 5 07-15-2009 03:45

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