If you were truly asking for the info , then I apoligize. You have to admit, EVERY other time you have posted ANYTHING that I saw or in response to something I wrote it was to stir up sh*t. Now to explain the Vantage. IN MY OPINION, It welds better than any machine I have run. In 30 years I have welded with a few of them. It produces more AC power than most stand alone portable generators. It will run a chop saw AND a grinder WHILE WELDING. This ,to me, Is a pretty handy feature. I can run either a high Power Fan in the summer or a High power Heater in the Winter. WHILE WELDING. Your machine has a 3000 watt generator which Bogs while welding. Mine has a 25,000 watt generator to do what I want when I want. It has Inverter Chopper Technology. Whether you beleive this or not I will tell you that it will weld further and faster with most rods. The only way to prove this is to weld next to one. Run a Vertical 7018 Uphill The guy with the Vantage will win every time. Miller Pipe pros and Miller Pro 300's also have this feature and perform the same. If you took a test like the Old Pepsi taste test. Where you would hide the machine and judge it by the way it welds. I am convinced that MOST Welders (not all) would choose the Vantage. It does have PC boards,(so does the 300D)Which most oldschool welders dont like and Pipeliners swear it makes them weld bad. What amazes me is this, An Old School Pieliner will try a Miller Pipe Pro or a Pro 300 before a Vantage. Then Swear it welds Better. The Biggest difference in the 2 is the RPM's they run. You hear of welders Takeing their Machine to have the OCV's adjusted. I can do that on mine with a Dial. I have an Arc Gougeing Mode, and a CV/CC Mode if I chose to run Wire, A tig mode, a downhill pipe mode and a stick mode. I also have a Perkins Turbo in Mine. Look up on the Lincoln Website and do a Comparison of the Vantge 300 and the 300d. I think you will be suprised at how similar they really are. Regardless to what you hear the Vantage WILL weld Pipe. There is a You Tube Video of the 798 Slick Rig Contest. Watch it. You will be Truly Amazed at the 798 hands who own and run Vantage welders. I sold my Vantage 400 to one of my Welders in Brady, He did X-ray welds with it day after day, and NEVER busted a shot.