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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / shop claims i'm aws certified but they have no CWI??
- - By loudnproud Date 10-23-2009 00:59
Just got offered a new job which advertised their tests as AWS d1.1. all tests plates were on 5/8" plate with 1/4" backing strips. 2G .045 gmaw short circuit, 2G & 3G smaw, 2G & 3G fcaw .045. for the gmaw test, the procedure specified spray transfer but they supplied C25 gas and said run short circuit. The test administrator claimed he "worded" it that way to comply with aws. He was not a CWI. he bent my straps and put be on the "green list" since i passed them all with no discontinuities then threw them in the recycling bin. being this test was advertised as AWS and he was not a CWI I'm uncertain whether i'm truely certified. could this be acceptable process under any other code? If they have me welding overhead and something breaks down the road, who is the responsible party?
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-23-2009 02:02
That's alot of questions.

Don't need to be a CWI to qualify/certify welders to AWS codes.

Kinda might depend on whether you want the work or not.... 

Your correct that C25 won't spray... 

But the procedure almost always notes the transfer and the shield gas...  If you go in with guns blazing and inform the adminstrator his procedures are AFU and non-compliant there is not much chance you are going to be earning the coin of the realm in that shop.

Why anybody would use C25 on material over 1/8 is beyond me.....   Could this be acceptable...???  Well, your bends passed eh?   But that doesn't make the paperwork compliant.

Tough call...  But since you call yourself  "loudnproud"  I bet I know which way your gonna go on this one.  :)

My suspicion is that they try to use C25 as a single gas for the plant..  FCAW does well with it and so does GMAW tacking and thin sections..  Prolly not going to be any plate over 1/2 inch being short circuited in production anyhow.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-23-2009 02:04 Edited 10-23-2009 02:10
You're not certified... You're qualified to what reads as a questionable WPS indeed... Now the fact that the person who gave you the test isn't a CWI doesn't mean much because he doesn't have to be one to qualify you to the WPS which also doesn't have to be written by a CWI either! Now if you qualified to QC-7 requirements by a CWI or CWE, then you could then become certified by the AWS, and a wallet card would then later be issued to you after all the paper work is handled by the headquarters in Miami which is usually handed in by either the Accredited Testing Facility, or ATF or turned in by the examiner with the previously mentioned credentials.

However, if you did notice an AWS certification paper that shows your name on it, the PQR with his name on it, and a CWI stamp even though this individual isn't one, and you have proof of it then and only then, can you make any sort of complaint to the AWS about it, because if there is no CWI stamp on it then there's nothing that is written in the AWS D.1.1 code that requires the person who gives the exam to be a CWI. It is only recommended, but not required...

And then you're left with the possibility of if you can prove it, that the person did not comply with section 3 or 4 in AWS D1.1 regarding the intentional misrepresentation of using a prequalified WPS by not stating accurately the correct process in the paperwork intentionally, and yet you need to be absolutely sure that you have all of the evidence in order to make a complaint to the AWS if indeed this is the case. So, it's not something that is so easy to do by just making a blind accusation without definitive proof.

I may have forgotten to point something else out here, but I'm sure someone else will chime in soon enough to add anything else that I may have missed, and since I've been on some really intense drugs as of late (all legal ones of course), I wouldn't put it past me to forget something or screw up your query all together yet, I hope that this is helpful! :) :) :)

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 10-23-2009 06:32
"I may have forgotten to point something else out here, but I'm sure someone else will chime in soon enough to add anything else that I may have missed, and since I've been on some really intense drugs as of late (all legal ones of course), I wouldn't put it past me to forget something or screw up your query all together yet, I hope that this is helpful!"

Henry my friend...I wish I had your clarity of it those "intense drugs"??? if so.. give me an update because my mere mortal brain (without those drugs) has a really tough time keeping up with your technical and incredibly acurate train of thought and vast resources.

Just wanted to thank you for your valuable input into this Forum.

Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 10-23-2009 10:34
C25?? CO2  25%?? is that what that stands for?
Parent - - By waccobird (****) Date 10-23-2009 10:55
75% Argon/25%CO2
Parent - By Ke1thk (**) Date 10-23-2009 13:19 Edited 10-23-2009 13:23
It sounds to me like a pre-employment test/screen.  I'll bet a cup of coffee that somewhere within that organization they're exists a set of welding documents fully approved by their customers 

I receive about a hundred welding candidates when I inform my local state agency that I'm considering hiring a few welders.  That's the process to say in compliance with their standards.  Of the batch, most have completed a semester or two at the community collage.  They can barely organize putting their gloves, helmet, jacket, torch, and arc together.  I had one who didn't realize that GTAW had a foot pedal.  He just sat there scratching the test pieces without depressing the foot pedal.  Another welded a layout block that was holding the test pieces together to the test.

I have one of my better welders supervise the testing.  He’s not a CWI but knows a welder from a dreamer.  He's my screen. 

I observe the new welder to get a feel for what he's capable of welding for a few weeks and then test.  He receives his certifications after a few months. 

Example: the prospective employee takes and passes 15 tests.  He demands too much money at the interview, or turns out to be a real jerk after 60 days.  I pass on his employment.  He wants 15 certifications.  No way. 

Good Luck,

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-23-2009 13:53 Edited 10-23-2009 13:59
Thanks Superflux for those kind words...

This chemo has me going sometimes as if I'm in cyberspace and it sometimes freaks me out because I keep going and going without sufficient sleep sometimes, and then I'll take nap for a couple of hours and then I'm off to the races again.. Sort of like speed but with your body feeling as if it were on fire yet without a temperature at all!!!!

Which makes me wonder sometimes if I'm really sleepwalking and nothing is real at the moment, but only for a moment and that's why I wrote that sort of disclaimer. ;)
Also, when I've got to inject myself with insulin at night, the mixture of the drugs along with the immuno-suppressant drugs sort of leaves you in no-man's land for about an hour, and then I get the equivalent of a turbo- boost of whatever it may be for the rest of the night!!!  It's like switching from auto-pilot without knowing who disengaged it - CAPECHE???

Sometimes at work, a student or two will look at me mystified as if I went somewhere else without leaving, and then all of a sudden I give them an answer that satisfies their concern without missing a beat and they just walk away shaking their heads but, five minutes later upon completing a demo for them, they just look at me in awe, and I have to remind then that they can do this too if they would just relax and focus, so then I'll get a smart remark for one of the students who just saw me glaze into a jellyfish five minutes before shout out: "Yeah Mr. C! Just like when we ask you a question and you're sooo focused that we wonder whether or not you're even listening!" :) :) :) and they'll finish by laughing, and then I'll respond with: "Have I ever failed to answer your question to your satisfaction???" You look into the crowd and every single student is shaking their head with a resounding NO gesture without saying a word. :) :) :)

Then there are days when none of this happens at all, and I walk around as if I'm somewhere else with my mind wandering all over the place which can be a bit intimidating at first, but I tend to work through it by reading something, and then once my focus is back, I'll come visit the forum for a question and I'm back in the groove again... However sometimes I'm not sure if I've regained my focus enough when I do answer some questions and so I'll write something like what I did in my previous post.

You know Larry (Lawrence) also deserves credit too because he basically gave the same answer some 2 seconds before I did on this thread and there are many instances where we both answer a thread only a few seconds to a few minutes apart so, please also give larry some credit too!!! :) :) :)

Parent - By swnorris (****) Date 10-23-2009 19:37

You don't have to be a CWI to qualify welders.  D1.1 has provisions for others to do so based on experience.  I'm at home right now and can't reference the specific paragraph.  I can't really see or understand why a structural fabricator would risk using short circuiting transfer and I wonder whether the supporting PQR is really a valid document.  I've seen weld failures on structural steel from short circuiting transfer.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / shop claims i'm aws certified but they have no CWI??

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