Cactus, you are right they did. Could weld all day and your eyes didn't feel hot or strained don't know how to explain but for lack of better words they left your eyes feeling cool. What they advertised the lens came through. Dropped my last one on a tile floor 10 years ago, changing pancakes (should have done it on the right a way, where tile would not have played a part) But if anyone knows where I can find an original A O cool lens shade 10 (the silver mirror lens a little black on the ends and mirror in the middle and A O SHD 10 on the inside) let me know. This is what I have heard not backed by facts but from a reliable source. The original lenses had cobalt in them, someone thought that cobalt that close to your eyes may be bad. But my dentist says copenhagen is bad too. Both are probably right. But if anyone knows of a paper wrapped original let me know. Have copenhagen no A O wish I had both.