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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Single Hand Welder
- - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-08-2010 22:09
I am looking for a Single Hand Welder either in Arkansas or willing to travel. Job is 7-12's through the end of the year. PM me with a description of experience, if interested and, IF you are qualified, we will discuss Pay. This is Oilfield Work All Stick.  Or you can Email me at

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-09-2010 03:29
If that a welder with only one hand or a welder that can weld with one hand?

Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-09-2010 10:41
That would be a welder with only one hand
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-09-2010 11:25
Are you needing a top hand, or one that can weld bottoms too?
Parent - By jim parker (**) Date 08-09-2010 19:35
What part of Arkansas?
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-09-2010 23:46 Edited 08-09-2010 23:55
It never hurts to know how to work the bottom. Everyone needs a reach-a-round now and then !
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 08-09-2010 19:34
do you need a welder who can weld but can't fit for sh*t or is willing to learn??
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-09-2010 19:44
Sorry Cactus, but this was too good to side step. ;)

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-09-2010 23:50
No offense and I am probably gonna step on a Toe here, But, The welders I need can fit for themselves. We dont have Fitters. If you are waiting on someone to fit for you, You will be waiting a LONG time. Our guys will fit and tack for a day or so then fall back and weld out for a day or so.
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 08-09-2010 23:57
I like the sound of that. A person fits much better when they know they may end up welding it. Joint prep and fit up are always better with fitter/welders IMHO.

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-10-2010 00:41 Edited 08-10-2010 00:47
"No offense and I am probably gonna step on a Toe here, But, The welders I need can fit for themselves."   Well a rig/field WELDER ought to be able to layout,cut,fit etc.....I did not know there was any other kind   

If you know a Doc that will give me a 5 gal bucket full of cortizone and a bag of needles, I am all up for it.  Got a good 300amp machine in the shop just itchin for a workout and you sound like your coming to my backyard.   Unfortunately my glass knee and the rest of my body are telling me "yea right"!!  I am sure I could not keep up anymore.  I don't know any locals (I can recommend) that are not hooked up ...but I will check around for you.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-10-2010 01:23
I have just what You need. It is an infusion pump that runs on batteries and hangs on a strap or belt. There is a hose that fit in it and hooks to a needle on the other end.
I use it for chemo, but it would probably pump cortizone too. You program the dosage, and it gives a squirt every so many minutes.
All You need is a Dr. wiling to move into uncharted water...
Parent - - By brian martin (*) Date 08-10-2010 14:56
hey man   u not working in little rock anymore???  we talked a little bit  its been a while back though,  ur from around the beebe area right,   im  down here around the carlisle area  hate to hear bout  ur knees man  my dad had to have both of his replaced,   u ever think bout doing any thiong with ur welder, what kind????
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-10-2010 21:17
Hey Brian  

Yea Falcon and Hawker took some serious hits when the economy turned...I was one of about 700 that got the boot, there were only 4 welders to begin with.  Your not far just a skip up 31 and down 40, I am smack dab in the middle of Beebe.  I have had a severe problem with arthritis since about 32 yrs old.  Not a biggie I just have to be more careful of the jobs I do, no more walking iron, ladders things like that.  It does not stop me from welding, just where I do it.   I got a new scrip that does not "drug me up" and helps with the pain quite a bit...still trying to learn how not to overdo it since I started it.  My welders I use, I got a 3020G and an older Hobart Tig/Stick machine.  Somebody needs a gate/fencing typical farm/equipment repair stuff I do it for a little side cash.   Right now I am put in with Pratt&Whitney and few other MRO engine I might be pulling up stakes with the right offer.

Have you got steady work right now?
Parent - By brian martin (*) Date 08-11-2010 13:12
hey tommy
i got the same machine here  not doing alot on the side work  i  have a sycrowave tig welder tooo   i do a some work for these minnow farmers and rice farmers around here on there aluminum pipe,  my main job is in little rock and a rock quarry  and we so far are still working 40 hours a week,  orders are down and production is not working full weeks, and talks of a lay off in maintanance are heard through the plant   hopefully it won't affect me but u  never know,   take care man
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 08-11-2010 02:59
I worked with a genuine CBI tank engineer that got into consulting.
He was sent to a project where they were fitting 3/8 floor plate. They were not getting a flat profile on the breakdowns and the contractor was wanting an idea how to make the breakdowns. He wanted to know about hydraulic rams, leaver bars, anything to make the job easier. The guy walks on the job and tells the contractor. You got two choices, either get a bigger hammer or swing the mother flocker you have harder.
I like in heavy plate fitting, being subtle gets you no where. Fitting 101 You either get a bigger hammer or swing the one you have harder. And you have only one person to blame for a bad fit up.
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 08-10-2010 09:35
I'd have to agree on that one. I work with some really crappy fitters at work, some great but most not.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-13-2010 15:44
"A person fits much better when they know they may end up welding it"

I believe that jrw!! When I worked with a fitter it was, "you can weld that right?" and when I was fitting I made sure that the fit was unlike what "I could weld".
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-10-2010 03:15
One question. How does a one handed welder hold the piece in position and tack it at the same time? After all, he only has one hand. Sounds like a one armed paperhanger could fit the bill with a little training.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-10-2010 05:01
Teeth and vice grips Al      If from Arkansas they use their feet and toes because they have no teeth and they are already barefoot...
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-10-2010 11:42
You're bad and you're going to the bad place.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 08-10-2010 20:50
"You're bad and you're going to the bad place."

ROFL     Well I am not from here but I have been here long enough to get away with that statement I think.   I think those  southern stereotypes are pretty dang ironic when I see shows like that "Scrappers"....there are "dumb**$$ everywhere you look no matter where you live.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-11-2010 03:18
That's is so true!

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-10-2010 01:16
Perhaps a welder who can only weld with one hand...
Parent - - By Tyler1970 (***) Date 08-11-2010 00:12
well say its a welder with one hand. but will he still get the job with a short arm?
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 08-11-2010 13:49
Hello guys,
John West pretty much hit the nail on the head.

"I like the sound of that. A person fits much better when they know they may end up welding it. Joint prep and fit up are always better with fitter/welders IMHO."

A pipe-welders reputation and livelihood are generally dependant on their repair rate - too many repairs and it is "out the gate doin' 98".
If the fitter is no good and serving the welder up crap then the welder will struggle.

I have always told any welder working for any company I have ever worked for if the fit up is crap - don't weld it - tell me.
I will check it out and if it is legitimate crap I will have the fitter cut it apart and rectify.
I also tell the welders - once you strike an arc on that butt you own it.
I don't want to hear about the poor misalignment after the weld has failed due to lack of root fusion.

As an ex-pipewelder I have always lived by the mantra of treat every weld as if it may be X-rayed.
Maybe we can add another, "Treat every fit-up as if you were going to be welding it" ?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 08-11-2010 15:56
I usually hear comments like, "If I knew it was going to be inspected I would have been more careful." or "No one ever inspected those before!"

Like I always say, "The dumber they are, the more money I make."

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-11-2010 16:00
I've heard the comment.....

" If I knew you were coming to UT the column splice, I would have backgouged it. "<face palm>
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 08-12-2010 04:48
haha after lastnight at work I've had it, I'm going to see if I can go join the fitting department at work and learn to fit if not I guess I'll go find some where I can learn to fit. I sure am tired of welding up bad fits.
Parent - - By Mat (***) Date 08-20-2010 04:46
Come now, bridging 1/2" gaps is a riot...
Parent - By awspartb (***) Date 08-22-2010 00:36
Half inch gaps.  Nice.  You'll get you statue in the Redneck Welder Hall of Fame.  I'll be watching the news for pipeline explosions down in toothless hillbilly land.  Burn 'er in hot and deep fellas (spit).
- By jeff parker (**) Date 08-21-2010 20:44
tight gaps or wide gaps, if a person calls them selves a pipe welder then they better know how to weld either. if it's to tight then keyhole it or cut it open with a grinder, if it's to wide feed wire from in side the pipe and adjust the heat accordingly. ( so easy a caveman can do it )
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Single Hand Welder

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