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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / how much data PQR
- - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-05-2012 21:50
I’m bringing this up again cuz I need find some documentation of how much data should be taken during PQRs, WPQs.
I take full supervision (asme) to mean that  a man stands at the table during the whole time, and to record variables through out the process means to take and record volts , amps ,gas flow, travel time, interpass temps ect ect ect.
How else could a QC department help if a PQR of WPQ fails?
Anyone know of any documentation or interpretations regarding this subject.
I seem to recall some  states would send inspectors to the shop to record all variables and send them along to the office with the coupons xrays ect ect.
Any how I feel strongly that im right yet I cannot come up with solid proof of my argument….to me its just the right thing to do, but that’s not enough to rattle cages.
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 01-06-2012 00:10
See QW 200.2 - it tells you exactly what must be recorded.
QW 483 gives suggested format for PQR.
Essential and Supplementary variables must be recorded - the recording of non - essential variables is at the manufacturers discretion.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-06-2012 19:24 Edited 01-06-2012 19:33
The applicable code lists the minimum information that must be recorded on the PQR. However, the more information you record the more useful the document is.

Go to the AWS homepage and then to Inspection Trends and then to their Past Issues page. There are a series of articles, starting in the Spring of 2010 addressing WPSs, PQRs, and performance testing. You might find them worth your time to read. Included in the articles are sample forms that are filled out as an aid to where to place the data. There are four articles starting with the 2010 Spring edition through the Winter edition of 2011. You can start here:

For the most part, the articles attempt to keep things generic. Different codes have different requirements, but the articles should help you better understand the process.

Good luck - Al
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-06-2012 20:11
full records are being taken.
Parent - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 01-06-2012 20:14
shane the issue is not what needs to be recorded....the issue is some feel that only 1 pass needs to be observed i say all passes should be recorded.
There was a change of heart and all passes have been recorded.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / how much data PQR

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