Military secrets?
Thermalhaline currents are well known scientifically. you know, that draw from the Atlantic, is what keeps the average sea level between the Pacific and the Atlantic at a ~30cm gradient, and what necessitates the Panama Canal gates among other things.
Not many outside of mariners who have plied the seas for years, and in some cases, not even them, realize just how important these currents are to the global climate.
I find it interesting that the global climate alarmist continue to ignore the fact that the sub polar gyre/North Atlantic current has been weakening. Whether the trend is part of a natural cycle or the result of other factors related to global warming is unknown
.I have to throw the BS flag on that one.
They do know that it is a natural cycle. The problem is that it doesn't fit their models, nor do they like where that particular logic train leads them. They (global climate change folks, and their detractors both) choose to completely ignore it as it doesn't fit either camps 'logic' or 'models'.
However; it is the most logical path I've ever studied or read. It is also the only model that fits all the data, and not just the cherry picked data that both sides of the global climate debate choose to use. More specifically, the people who deny global climate change point to cores that support their argument, while global climate change supporters point to different cores that support their data. They both can't be right, or can they?
There is in fact on going climate change, it is in fact being affected by man, but in my humble opinion, not in the way either believes. Man has interrupted and delayed the onset of a natural cycle of chilling that began 3 decades ago. That does not mean they are the sole cause, nor even the primary cause, but rather delaying the inevitable only. Any high school student can study a bit and find massive amounts of data on earth and ice cores. They can study up and learn about the various climate proxies such as carbon14, Be10, and other radionuclides that are found in those cores that tell us what conditions were centuries, millennial, and eon's ago.
What the currently available data does say is that we are headed for a period of global cooling as part of a natural cycle that is based on luminance and and solar activity. Decrease the latter two and you decrease the energy delivered to the entire system. A decrease in that heat means eventually, it will flip into a cycle of deep freeze.