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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Tracking welds
- - By jdrmmr (*) Date 12-12-2012 19:25
Need some advice for record keeping on approximately 75 moment connections.  I want to track, column locations, elevations/floor levels, fit ups (top and bottom flanges) with dates and welders on each. In addition I want spaces for VT date (pass/fail) for each flange and same for UT date (pass/fail) on each flange.

I want to keep the form with all of the above information with the field drawings for reference.

Thanks in advance for your time and effort. :smile:
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 12-12-2012 19:39
I'm thinking an Excel spreadsheet you could make up.

Basically all columns are on the same grid lines, with different elevations for different elevations as they go up the building because of the splices.  Then add lines as need for VT fit up, VT final, UT Final ect.

For example grid location A/1 at slpice elev. 15', 40', 65'.  Then list each grid location of the columns.
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-10-2013 14:15
Try this.

It will require ms access to run. It is a demo right now.

Parent - - By jdrmmr (*) Date 06-10-2013 21:11
Dang!!! THANKS

Ask and you shall receive.:grin::grin:

This is great, I like MS Access. I used to write my own little programs. I will have to play around with this.

You’ve spent some serious time on setting this up. Thanks again.

Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 06-10-2013 21:45 Edited 06-11-2013 01:13
Glad you like it. I do have quite a few hours into it. Thus the reason there isn't much documentation. Much of it is obvious. There are quite a few hours in it. I think when I wrote it I started out making a killing but when I finished it was in the 8-10 dollar an hour range. I set it aside for awhile and the customer used it at their non-nuc sites then I think later went to seamoss.

Access is a pretty powerful rapid application development tool for this kind of stuff. The program you have will expire in the 1st week of July based upon your system date. Play with it some and maybe we can work something out.

If you are just interested in the tables and not the rest of the application I will sent you the MDB file without any forms queries or reports and you can knock yourself developing your own :)

Let me know what you think and if you have any questions post em up. Or if the moderators prefer, PM or call/text me. My number should be in my profile.

Might be exaggerating on the 8-10 an hour but as with most things I do, I don't get them done as quickly as I thought I would. The customer was great with feedback. Both welding and dabbling with access/VB are hobbies so it was great to use both of them to create thos and make some money.

Gerald Austin
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Tracking welds

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