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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Snake in the house
- - By weldwade (***) Date 09-11-2013 06:32
Well I drove over to my mom's house tonight just about 30 seconds too late. She had a 12" bull snake in the office with her. She was really shaken up, not good for an older lady to get a scare that way! I have lived in Arizona for 25 years and I still don't like snakes, scorpions or spiders. Poor creature had to meet the sharp end of a shovel because that was the only way she would set foot back in her house. We have been getting quite a bit of rain so the snakes have been out and about the past few weeks more than normal.

I'm going to do some fixing up on a few places that I can see where it may have come in the house. Looks like my weekend is booked now. I am glad I took a drive to visit when I did.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 09-11-2013 14:30
Thank goodness it was not a rattler.  Too bad he met such a fate but he doesn't belong in mom's house anyway.

Take care of her Wade,  they aren't with us near long enough.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 09-11-2013 19:29
One of their defense mechanisms is they can hiss in such a way that it sounds like a rattler. It can DEFINITELY grab your attention.
I do not condone wanton killing, but sometimes it has to happen. Had it been my Mom... yep off to serpent heaven.
Though not poisonous, the bite can lead to a nasty infection.

Sure hope Mom is not too traumatized.
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 09-12-2013 02:51
All is well with mom today. She has made me a list of things to check and fix. I may need more than one weekend to get this done!

I am enjoying all the time I can with my parents. Time is constant but it sure does seem to me that it gets constantly quicker every day. I need to find a better way to make the time I have count! I need to get busy living and not working all the time...
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 09-14-2013 18:22
I understand killing the snake to keep Mom happy. Remember though, bullsnakes eat rattlesnakes so it's not so bad having them around as long as no one is freaking out.

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 09-14-2013 19:37
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 09-14-2013 23:29

Probably eat other snakes also but I am only aware of them eating rattlesnakes.  Maybe they taste like chicken!

Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 09-14-2013 20:21
Yep fully aware of that. I have a huge bull snake that lives somewhere around my shop. Have seen him a few times. He is at least 5' long and must do a good job of keeping pack rats and rattlers under control. I've had this property for over 10 years now and have not seen a rattlesnake it several years on the property. Good friend to keep around!
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 09-14-2013 23:14
I didn't know that . Guess  I'll give some thought before I chase snakes away.
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-11-2013 20:28
That reminds me of an incident in my own home. It took place a couple of years ago while I was working in my home office.

My wife purchased a couple of toy snakes for my grandsons to play with. You know the ones I'm talking about. They are little chunks of wood laced together with fabric so you can coil them into a nice little circle. They look like a snake when you see them out of the corner of your eye.

While anyway, I'm in my office working when I hear a muffled scream. Then I hear nothing. That can't be good was my first thought. I head up the cellar stairs and see my wife frozen in the doorway of the laundry. She isn't moving, she isn't speaking, I'm not sure she's breathing.

I asked her, "What's wrong?"

She just points and there's the snake all curled up on shelf where she keeps the laundry detergent. Big deal, it's the kid's snake neatly curled up on the shelf. I laughed and said, "It's the kid's snake."

She said, "That one has a tongue!"

Upon closer examination I see the little tongue flicking in and out. Damn, it is a real snake!

My wife makes tracks and says, “Get it out, get it out!”

Then she hands me a set of kitchen tongs and like an idiot I try to pick the snake up with them. The snake slips and slides down behind the shelving unit and all the cloths piled to be washed.

Now I have to pull out all the cloths and move the shelves to find the darn snake. There it is, all curled up again. I grab it and head out the door with the tail dragging on the floor. I tossed it into the woods across the road and it slithers off into the brush. The critter was over three feet long!

Now, my wife is ticked because I didn’t kill the snake. She afraid the snake will come back. I tried to reason with her, “Would you ever want to go back into a house where the crazed women is screaming and the idiot man person is attempting to grab you with a set of tongs?”

She isn’t buying the logic. She still checks the laundry room for snakes before going in.

Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 09-11-2013 22:29
:lol:  :lol:
Parent - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 09-12-2013 00:55
Al you made my day.

Parent - - By unclematt (***) Date 09-12-2013 01:46
My wife called me in to the bedroom other with a scream. I go in there and my nephew has taken a rubber snake and put it in her unmentionable drawer. She is deathly afraid of snakes. When I put it on the bar, she grabbed a pair of tongs and went to the door saying "Yuck, yuck, yuck". " I am going to kill that boy". She let him have it when he came over. That boy has a good sense of humor. She could of never hung out with me when I was younger. We would go out to the swamps on the deer lease with a headlight and a shotgun hunting cottonmouths. I wouldn't do it now though.

Have a good one;
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-12-2013 02:04
The wee one's always like to make the ladies scream. They're too young to know the havoc they can cause.:cool::eek:

- - By lo-hi (**) Date 09-12-2013 00:47
Years ago my dads 8x35 mobile home was the hang out place for his buddies on sunday morning till the other establishments opened at noon. The door was open on a nice spring morning when his cat brought in a pretty little garter snake. The image of two portly old gents with a cigararatte in one hand and a 16 once old millwake in the other stuck in the doorway yelling snake still makes me laugh. We never did find the snake.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-12-2013 02:01
One April 1st I took a big black hairy looking fake spider and tied it to a length of white thread. I taped one end of the thread to the cabinet shelf and taped the bight to the cabinet door. When she opened the cabinet, the taped bight released so the spider was at eye level.

No whoopee that week, but there are some things that are worth a week of celibacy.

Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 09-12-2013 02:56
Now that is funny! Thanks for sharing Al
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-13-2013 16:16
I was drinking beer with a friend about 12 yrs back and my wife gets a frantic call from my mother in law..."There is a giant snake in the house! We are all outside come help!"   Ok so we go over and the story is a 13 yr old nephew went in a bathroom to take a wiz, he is doing his business and catches a glimpse of something moving in the window right by his head...he runs out with his business hanging out peeing as he went hollering OMG OMG! :grin:  Well me and my friend go in there and its a BIG chicken snake about 6ft hanging in the window ( I guess crawled out of the ceiling).  They had all come back in the house since we arrived, maybe it was the beer talking but I could not help myself.  I pinned the snakes head to the window with a machete and grabbed him...then I ran through the house chasing everyone with it doing my best Steve Irwin..."Cor look! Ain't she a beauty!"
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 09-14-2013 04:15
I bet there was a little more pee left on the floor after chasing everyone around. lol
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-14-2013 11:34
Question is, did you skin it and cook it over an open pit fire for dinner?? I heard snake is real good!
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 09-14-2013 17:21
Tommy's snake sounded big enough to eat. The one at my moms wouldn't even give a taste it was so small. I've had rattlesnake several times and I think it is quite good. Several of my friends here in AZ hunt rattlers for food and fun. Personally I don't mess with snakes unless I have too.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 09-14-2013 17:41
Having spent a good portion of my youth in the South, there's 2 types of cooking... pan fried and deep fried. BBQ is another category all in it's self.
That, and all critters are victuals, just gotta know how to cook'em.
I intentionally neglected to retain my cousins' from Tiller, AR. possum recipe!
OK, here it is.
Kill, skin, clean and quarter a medium to large sized possum.
Season liberally with garlic salt, pepper, garlic flakes, salt, onion, more garlic and anything else that might kill the stench of possum.
Carefully arrange the pieces on an ASPHALT shingle.
Bake at 350° until the kitchen smells fit for human habitation.
Discard all pieces of the possum.
EAT the asphalt shingle.
Bon appetit.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-14-2013 20:56
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 09-16-2013 03:57
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-16-2013 02:31
Uhhh if it was a rattler I would have...I know they are pretty tasty deep or pan fried.  I dunno about a chickensnake but after you smell one up close eating it is the last thing your thinking about.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 09-16-2013 18:28
Kinda like javelina here is SW AZ. They are stinky and actually a big rat not a pig... They make good tamale meet though! My boys got one each this year and made stew meet from them. I was working in Tulsa OK during their hunt so I didn't get to go. Missing hunts should be against the law!!! Might need to cook the chickensnake using Johns possum cooking technique... That just might work!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-17-2013 04:41
hahahahahaha HK made a pistol for a while called a Javelina......I wanted one real was made just for varmit killing like that.  I always thought a javelina was a little feral pig.  

LOL on cooking the chickensnake...I will never find out.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 09-15-2013 15:59
When I was a kid my brother had a girlfriend that I couldnt stand..!!! I have always gone to bed early and woke up early even as a kid and my brother and his girlfriend would come into the room that my brother and I shared at all hours of the night and wake me up..

  This finally got on my nerves enough that I decided to do something about it.  I knew she was deathly affraid of spiders so I found the bigges uglyest rubber spider I could buy.. It was about the size of my hand and it looked real..!!!

  I put a nail above my door then ran some 20lb fishing line through the spiders butt.. I ran the spool of line over to my bed and laid in wait for the two love birds to come in..

  I had no problem staying awake that night waitng for them giggling the whole time..  Then the moment came...!!! My brother always walked in first and would turn on the light then she would walk in.  As he cleared the door Mr spider dropped from above the door to about chest level and about a foot in front of her..

  I had never heard a sound like that before that day and have never heard it since.. I would expect an ear pearcing scream but instead it was a sound that sounded like it started somewhere by her belly button... It was a mix between a roring lion and a cow bellowing for its missing calf..  Ether way the sound scared the hell out of me because I thought I had killed her for sure...

Needless to say she started heading the other way at a pretty snappy clip.. My brother spins arround to find out why his girl is making these sounds and the spider makes him jump and holler at first glance before he realizes what it is... He gos straight to cussing and starts out on a dead run to save his girl.. Well the girl heard my brother holler and he's amost impossible to scare so at this point she knows this spider is bad news and she grabs another gear..

Mind you this whole action part of the story took at least three seconds from start to finish but it seemed like a twenty minute performance..

  Im not sure I have ever laughed that hard...

After five minutes of uncontrolable laughter I figured I better go to my parents room hoping that my brother would not commit murder in front of them when he came back...  They broke up shortly after that and he met and married a dam good woman.. Thank goodness.  We still laugh about it to this day..!!
- - By lo-hi (**) Date 09-16-2013 15:57
My wife was cleaning out a shed at her parents house when the shop vac plugged up. When she took the hose off to un plug it a small clawed hand was sticking out of the vac head. It was right out of a steven king movie. Found out later a family of foxes had moved under the shed and cleaned out the woodchuck problem. She had sucked up the leftovers. It was creepy looking, put I was a hero when I pulled out with my  leatherman.
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 09-17-2013 18:35
Neighbor trying to catch a woodchuck under his deck instead he caught a skunk in a live trap. The City animal control officer said he was on his own with that one. Comes to my house for help. I suggest we take it to the river below the house and baptize it. Sure enough that was a bad idea; it was a Lutheran skunk and it drowned.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Snake in the house

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