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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / ahhh this forum general comments kinda what ever
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-15-2014 01:54
I dunno about any of you specifically but....

To me this place is very dead, hardly any posts going on.  Lots of people have left or just lurk and read and do not post.....i guess because of all the flaming BS we all endured in recent years.  It has been said that the rig welders/pipeliners and such got on here and just ruined it all for everyone.  Well I reckon I see more then one side in all that.  I guess because this is the AWS a certain amount of present ability must be maintained etc.  Shame really as there were so many folks that were great resources of info about arcane things in this regular postings about employment etc. were common.  Now it seems we are all just clinging on to some dead horse with a little clic of folks here or there and not much community anymore.  Too bad, too sad.   This forum has actually had an impact and helped me with my career and gain a lot of knowledge + make some good friends.  Those bright times seem to have faded out for good.   Oh well I will hang around, and maybe one day things will pick back up. 

Hope all of you are doing well and good luck to you.

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-15-2014 04:16

Just for the record, over 400 people log on, not just hit the site to read, every week.  A little over 1200 every month and almost 5000 every year.  I don't think that is such bad participation.  Now, I need to look up a past post where I sited the stats back a couple months ago and see if it has dropped, but it sounds pretty much in line.

Granted, we are missing a few.  Many I hope just because many of us are currently pretty busy.  I know I am.   

Hopefully we do not become just an us four and no more kind of clique.   And yes, we need everyone to stick around.  Even when we disagree hopefully it sparks research, learning, and good banter (without being destructive) conversation. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-15-2014 05:07
Stats aside Brent .....I am sure you see what I do.   Just an us four....what a telling statement.   Ehhh crap Brent...any differences or not...this site has been a wonderful place of exchange.  I hope that it will carry on..and be a venue like it was.  Certainly not trying to predict a death statement but certainly trying to avoid such.  I have no idea how this site advertises itself beyond the AWS url but it will say openly that it is STAGNANT.....and it shall remain so without change.   INMHO the only participators of this site are long time members and occasional strays that walk by......jeez a third of the new posts/new members are by folks seeking code advice from china.
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 02-16-2014 00:28
Tommy.......My opinion is this type of website goes in cycles.......AWS is in a "down side" of one of these cycles.......Rigwelder is just starting back up after getting hacked...... And a few others out there are slow also....... (Rig welders is entertaining when somebody NEW comes on and asks for work contacts) LMAO........ Overall though the information that guys on here(AWS) have is amazing...... Al, Henry, Cactus, Larry ,Stan and others I've  forgot make this site a valuable asset....... Hell, Just seeing what Shaun is doing now is worth checking in every day for.....:yell:
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 02-20-2014 18:29
Now there is a wide open arena just waiting for exploitation.
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-16-2014 02:16
Tommy I totally agree. I stated as much a couple of time's over the past couple of years. I would like to think that it is 'cycle' however we have seen too many people chased from this site and I am afraid it has done it no good. Now we seem reliant on six or seven regular contributors!  Maybe it needs a bit of promotion, I don't know! I really think that the clock is counting on this site but it has so much to offer!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-16-2014 11:41
It does seem a bit sluggish for the last few months, me with so many posts at the top?? I don't post that much do I? LoL!! Still have the trusted regulars here though. Maybe a bunch lurking in the shadows who don't want to post, who knows. I check in at least once a day, more if I'm laid up in a hotel room due to lovely northern weather, darn place!

Still enjoy coming here though. Lot's of knowledge to learn from, the occasional run in or disagreement but it's all good. Missed you again last night, think I fell asleep early (boredom). Back at it this morning, hopefully, before the rain/snow mix storm comes tomorrow.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 02-19-2014 04:17

This forum IS a clique. I'm insulted every time I'm here. When I insult back, a gang of middle aged professional masters simultaneously kick into high gear to make sure everyone on this forum seems so much higher than the lowly welder you and I.

It won't matter how many ultra high end homes and buildings your steel work is in. You're not part of the clique, and neither am I.

It's the internet, brother....smoke and mirrors.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-19-2014 22:14
It can seem like it, but as welders we are born with THICK skins! never give in!
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 02-22-2014 00:32

I believe that the fastest and most effective way to see what a man is worth, is to just go ahead and see.

The real men face the challenge.

The passive/aggressive pukes that cross dress on the weekends choose to wait and attack from ankle level.

It's the internet, man! Half these guys on here are on here because they are the "AWS", the other half are welders.
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-22-2014 01:48
Well I used to weld, but I'll always be a welder, in fact I'm the best welder I know! Now where is my tutu?
Parent - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 02-19-2014 20:57
In addition to what Hank and Brent put in the pot, I'll add that a lot of the common topics are easily found by searching.  I log in, search, and then spend the next few hours sifting.  And if I can't find the answer, chances are I'll know who to ask in a PM, based on what I know of some folks' specialties in here.  Granted, I'm not here that often; that's partly because welding is only a part of what I'm responsible for.  But I have to admit, sometimes the inflammatory comments by some people make me shut it off and look elsewhere.  It is the internet, and some people just always have to be right, no matter what, and must make sure that everyone knows that they're right, repeatedly.  If I want drama, I'll call my 20-something kiddo and listen to her for a while, thanks.
Parent - - By KSellon (****) Date 02-20-2014 23:22
Hi Tommy. I quit posting cause so many call me with questions. However i do miss all here.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-21-2014 04:34
Hi Kay !


Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-21-2014 05:39
Hello Kay, I hope that all is well with you and your family. It is good to know that you are still "around/lurking". Best regards to you, Allan
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 02-21-2014 15:12
University = unity with diversity. Therefore the University of Welding - unity in welding with diversity in welding. As so many times ~ "We ain't never done it that way before and therefore it ain't never ever going to be done that way". And; Please Do not confuse me with the facts; my mind is already made up.
It is great to test a theory or hypothesis to prove it can or can not be done a certain way (the way it has always been done). A good test is worth a thousand opinions.

Looking back through 50 - 70 year old welding books and comparing to publications of the last decade; not much has been changed. Some publications seem to be just new illustrations or photos with the reprinted text that was "copied/borrowed" from other previous works.

Therefore it is proposed that the AWS Forum continue as the University of Welding. No A's B's or F's only increasing knowledge and wisdom.
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-17-2014 00:12
Okay, many of you guys have different 'school' contacts.  Use them.  I tell people at section meetings, on our section website, at schools, where ever I can about the AWS Website AND Forum.  Both are great assets and full of information. 

AWS could probably do some more promoting itself on the forum and bulletin boards.  But, that is up to Ross, Roque, and others whose job it is.  If they don't think it worth promoting, then, if we don't do it, it may become an us four and no more because it just fades away. 

But, let's choose to be part of the solution and not part of the problem.  Spread the word, this is a great resource. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-17-2014 05:14
In a word - BALDERDASH!!!!

This forum is doing as good as it always have and Smooth Operator really hit the nail on the head when he described the cycles all forums go through...

Adapting the sky is falling mentality regarding the amount of participation and pointing fingers are as Brent already posted - not part of the solution...:roll:

In fact, just exhibit a bit more patience and before you know it, the traffic in here will increase for sure....

This is the winter that has kicked the crap out of most of us so far and my point is this; It's not unusual for the forum to be kind of slow around this time of the year and for those of us that have hung around here for quite some time now know all too well that things usually pick up once we hit March...

So be careful for what you wish for because you just might get it! I'm just cruising along and keeping busy myself by doing all sorts of other activities and it might be good idea for those of you who are getting bored to find some as well... SHHHEEEEIITTTT:yell::eek:!!! Were doing just fine!:smile::grin::lol:

Respectfully - most of the time,:wink:
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-17-2014 06:08
As usual, I tend to disagree, so far this past 18 months we have lost Shaun, Nantong, Stephan and electrode mostly thru infighting and disagreements. We have the same subjects being pounded to death and even the far eastern and chinese people seem to be leaving the forum alone. I have even seen a couple of spam posts that wouldn't have made it past the moderators two years ago.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-17-2014 13:01

I have been a part of this forum for almost six years, about eight if you count the time I wasn't registered and posting.  I have seen a good many people disappear.  Some were very regular, some only occasional.  I have seen even more come.  Most aren't that regular but some are.  I have welcomed many people here who are still around.

But, spam.  I have always seen spam show up.  It leaves as soon as a moderator gets to it.  Mostly it is a matter of when one of us reports it.   Moderators are few in number and can't be here all the time.  They need our help.  That is an unfair gauge of the forums strength, status, livelihood. 

Cycles are a part of life in all arenas.  If we don't kill it ourselves my opinion is it will continue just fine.  Granted, it would be great to see some of the others come back.  Just like I would love to see my grandmother come back, from the dead.  If they want to be gone, as the dead would rather not come back to this place on earth, so we should let them go as well.  They make their own choices.  (not a total good analogy, but it works)

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-18-2014 06:20
Brent, fair comment.I understand your opinion. I fully understand where your coming from. However, my opinion of the reduction of the quality of posts and number of posts still stands.The  days when it would take me several hours or more to digest a post from the likes of Stephan or nantong are gone. TBH I'm not a link clicker so Henry's posts are largely wasted on me! Without naming names, that leaves about five people who I look forward to reading their posts. Not including Henry of course, l always look forward to his posts. I understand your defence of the moderators on here but John seems to be the only one who is even active. When was the last time Ross was online? I spoke to him last year I think, or it might even have been the year before.Apart from them ,I'm not even sure who the other admins are! Are you? Not to be to scartistic but my wife has more admins on her Facebook selling page!
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-19-2014 03:19
LOL!!  Yeah, no, I understand your postion as well.  And I also miss some of the members who aren't around anymore.  I only saw a few posts from Stephan before he furthered his education and moved on.  I know some here keep track of him even if they don't communicate often.  He was a real resource.  Shane, and so many others.  I even miss the banter with Cactus, electrode, and many who seldom drop in now. 

We all come from different backgrounds, skills, education, etc.  We are all passionate about welding.  We will always have disagreements.  That doesn't mean we have to part ways.  We must be able to disagree without becoming enemies.  About applications, codes, and a variety of topics on here.

As Al has often said, get thick skin.  Just buck up and move on.  Most of us have taken quite a beating from time to time.  Sometimes well deserved.  Sometimes it could have been handled differently and more diplomatically.  But even at that, much of the beating doesn't really need to be taken personally.  Though, I will agree (because I know someone will point it out) sometimes the attacks get TOO personal. 

Anyway, thanks for the response. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-20-2014 01:47
Hi 46,

> I have even seen a couple of spam posts that wouldn't have made it past the moderators two years ago.

Two years ago I wasn't working in the field for 14+ hours/day, so that may be part of the difference you are seeing. I used to keep the forum open, running in the background on my computer and was able to check in frquently, but now I only get to sign in when when I have a connection at home or in the office, like now. BTW, there are only two moderators that I know of...myself and another fella who spells his first name without an "H". :wink:
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-20-2014 23:15
John, I meant no disrespect. I was not joking about my wifes FB page, she has around 4 Admins and herself just to keep the peace and only a couple or three thousand members. It's not up to me to tell AWS how to run there website but it seems to be lacking in management! Someone needs the permission to ban members and delete posts on the spot if need be, simple!
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-21-2014 01:15
No offense taken..I was just splaining why you may have seen spam linger around a bit longer than in years past, that's all. :cool:
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-21-2014 07:29
Here we go again! You hit the nail right on the head Bozak... Btw, it's good to see you posting again pal! I don't post as much as I used to because of my health problems slowing me down some but, it's good to see some of the older members posting again in here which makes me wonder...

Hi Kay! Good to see you posting again or I hope more again dear! And we certainly miss you!

If it still works why fix it?

Spam - it's like crime... No matter how hard you try to completely eliminate it, there will always be spam or crime because as the good guys adapt, so do the bad guys much like the war between good and evil... We just need to remain vigilant and much more patient to this constant ongoing annoyance called spam because you'll never get rid of it completely for good as it will learn to adapt in another manner to succeed in posting more spam in the future... And until someone comes up with a effective and perfect application against all forms of spam... As far as I know, no such application exist although there are some pretty good apps out there to combat spam to a very efficient level... The best we can do is to keep notifying John that the spam is there so he can remove it as he has done for many years now.

Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-17-2014 23:07
Henry you might be right, I forgot how bad a winter you are having over there! I won't be over till April by which time I hope it's all gone away and nearly sorted! We have had a pretty harsh winter here in the UK as well, although no where near as bad as the US, the fact we don't know how to handle it is the main problem!
- By 803056 (*****) Date 02-17-2014 21:37
I liken the Forum to a corner bar. People come and go. Some people stick around because they like the company. Some of the people participate in the conversations, some sit in the corner and enjoy the antics, and some like to take jibs as long as the joke isn't on  them. Then there is a few that take themselves too seriously or have thin skins. They tend not to like the heat and make a hasty exit. That's life in the Forum.

- - By weldwade (***) Date 02-17-2014 22:21
I hardly get a chance to eat a decent dinner let alone participate here much anymore. Good and a bad thing I guess... Either too much work or not enough! I stop in and take a look from time to time but rarely post anymore. I'm hoping my situation will change soon and allow me to spend time where I really want to, at HOME! Being on the road all the time kinda sucks! But it pays the bills.
Parent - - By JMCInc (**) Date 02-19-2014 22:16 Edited 02-19-2014 22:20
I was just thinking the same thing Tommy's original post stated. I don't post much as there isn't much to say beyond the correct answer to the questions posed. No sense in adding to the noise, and there is only so many ways to say the same thing. Yes, there are only a few that post regularly, but their answers are based on years of experience and knowledge. Again, I see no need to add to the conversation unless I bring value to it. I suspect many see it the same way. I built a coffee table...LOL!
Attachment: coffetable2.jpg (0B)
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-20-2014 00:58
That is something that completely eludes me; the artistic touch.

Nice looking table.

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-20-2014 01:48
Well done piece JMCInc

I tend to agree with AL's first post really.  Who cares, I grabbed the spoon and stirred and yall are talking...that meets my initial goal.

a lowly welder bum
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-20-2014 02:41
I just don't get it... I don't see the coffee anywhere on that table  :confused:  :lol:

It is a nice looking table regardless of it's lack of coffee.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-20-2014 03:10
I thought they were refering to the color.

Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 02-26-2014 20:08
Last night my wife pointed down at our coffee table and asked, Can you throw that to me please.  Sure, I replied....  You SOB, she screamed as the leg hit her in the head.  Turns out she was asking for the tv remote control.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-26-2014 20:09
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-27-2014 00:06
Oh Brother!  It could only have been you Scott.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-26-2014 21:36
That's a nice looking coffee table! Don't think I would want it thrown at me though!
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 02-27-2014 13:00
It is a very nice looking coffee table.  Good job! A chocolate teapot may be useless to some people, but everybody needs a coffee table.  Is that a glass top on it? I don't know about you guys, but I've found that glass top coffee tables are not user friendly to women.  It's not because of the constant glass cleaning, it's because they can't get naked and sit on the glass without sticking to it.  I hate it when that happens, especially the part when we try to explain it at the emergency room.  Seriously, that is one sturdy coffee table.  I think a decorative, yet practical oriental book would really look good on it.  It would also add a bit of ambiance and sophistication to the room.  If you can find a vintage copy, I recommend "I Bumped Into The Coffee Table" by Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-27-2014 13:26
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-28-2014 08:36
I got another book that would pair nice with the table also... The title of the book is: "Confessions of a Sumo wrestler."
The author's name is: Rohlingonthphlor Lafingmiazoff.:yell::eek::smile::grin::lol::roll::twisted::wink::cool:

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-27-2014 13:37
I like that table A LOT  JMCInc !
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-28-2014 15:59
I can think of something I would like to look at other than a Sumo wrestler's back side while relaxing.:smile:

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / ahhh this forum general comments kinda what ever

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