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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / B5.2 Question
- - By OK-Mike Date 03-31-2014 18:05
What are the Education and Experience requirements for the Certifying Official under AWS B5.2? Can the Certifying Official be employer appointed just like the Welding Inspector Specialist.
Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 03-31-2014 20:03
Unless someone knows otherwise, I don’t see the education and experience criteria defined for the certifying official, who is the employee of the company that is designated to certify inspectors and revoke certification.  I'd think that this certifying official should have a working knowledge of the employer’s welding inspector qualification program, its defined duties, AWS B5.2, and, at a minimum, have similar education and experience requirements as the welding inspector specialist and the welding inspector assistant, as indicated in B5.2.  Do you have a copy?
Parent - By OK-Mike Date 04-03-2014 18:06
Yes, I have a copy of it, just looking for another opinion on the deal. Looks a lot like (In-house) NDI certification as well.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / B5.2 Question

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