I would agree. We've all seen arrogance in CWI's that were idiots. But when you combine the talents of legal departments, marketing departments, and accounting departments the result is more paperwork to generate more cash flow. The accountants generate the impetus, the lawyers the false sense of urgency, and the marketers sell it.
I mean, I do believe there is some value in the CWI certification program and some of the others as well but really only as far as a well rounded exposure is concerned. Any reasonably intelligent person can grasp what CWI's do.
And I am not picking on the CWI program as such. I actually respect it, within limitations. I am just using it as a specific example of a generic issue.
In more and more of these certification programs there seems little to no need in the industry. Some energetic and imaginative marketing guy practices what I call 'rectal extracticus' and voila', a new cert and a new cash cow.
One other point I think, is that I would guess that most failures are caused by negligence and fraud, not what I would call 'conscientious incompetence'. And the only problem that a certification program can resolve is conscientious incompetence. A certification will do nothing for those who would be negligent or fraudulent.