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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / An Early Happy Memorial Day
- - By SCOTTN (***) Date 05-21-2014 12:14
I was going to wait until Friday to post this, but I decided to go ahead and post it now.  With Memorial Day coming up, most likely we all either know someone, or we have family members who have served or are serving in the military.  We’re all surrounded by people who have been personally impacted by the loss of loved ones who died fighting for the freedoms that we all share.  I just wanted to take a minute to honor the men and women who lost their lives as they fought for all the freedoms that we share and that we sometimes take for granted.  Memorial Day is about remembering those who died while serving our country.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with thoroughly enjoying this long Memorial Day weekend.  Having fun and relaxing is good for all of us, but as we enjoy our time with family and friends, let's all please remember to pause for a moment to think about the reasons we have this time.  Please take time to give thanks to God and to all the good people who sacrificed their lives as military personnel.  There is something very moving and very powerful to pass a cemetery that has American flags positioned all over the place and it makes me think about the sacrifices they all must have made.  Sacrifices not only for themselves, but for their families, as well as for all others.  Memorial Day is a day that is especially hard for every parent, as they feel the ongoing pain and the anguish of losing a son or a daughter.  May God bless our Memorial Day weekend as we honor those who have served and also to all who serve in our United States Military, as we pray for their safe return.  I thought the poem below would be appropriate to all who have lost sons and daughters in the line of duty.... 

A Mothers Memorial Day Prayer

It's Memorial Day today

I hear the bands uptown

I'm sure there are many flags

Hung all around

Soon the BBQ will fill the air

Friends and family will come

Many will laugh and celebrate

This day means only fun

Oh to me this day means not the same

For they came knocking at my door

With news that changed our life forever

On my knees I dropped to the floor

They said my son has died in battle

That he was brave to the end

He died for God and Country

Be proud when sorrow begins

A strong and honored man he was

He loved this country so

He happily gave his life for her

If only all would know

He saw the value of freedom

He stood bravely against the foe

I still see his smile and feel his Hugs

he'd go back again I know

Our boys feel love and strength inside

In the uniform that they wear

They would proudly do it all again

Because for you they care.

There are no words that we can say

describing these women and men

No amount of gratitude is enough

To show the love within

For they wear their uniform with honor

We all need to stop and pray

Each time we see them, say THANK YOU

And may God Bless them along the way

The last full measure of Devotion

My son gave to each one of us

As many, many others have before

In their strength we must trust

We too must be dedicated to this land

To keep this country free

For freedom isn't free at all

For my son this I plea

Turn back to God oh mighty Nation

may all dedicate their life to you

May all who live here love Her

And stand for freedom too

Don't give in to the Devil

Don't turn your back on God

One Nation indivisible

Oh my son died for the land you trod

Be strong in your love for Her

Make it a great land again

Turn your backs on evil

For it's her people that need faith again

So today when you're having fun

In the joy of all you do

Step back a moment and say a prayer

For our children who give their life for you
Parent - By 3.2 Inspector (***) Date 05-21-2014 12:18
Parent - - By unclematt (***) Date 05-21-2014 20:28
Awesome post. Thank you sir.

Have a good day;
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-23-2014 01:06 Edited 05-23-2014 01:10
You darn right!    Bump!!!!!

I go outta my way per say for vets......I see a guy in fatigues at the convenience store and I try to get everyone to agree and push him/her to the front of the line,,,,,,its nothing really but at least I can let them know they are appreciated.   My entire family, at least the men all served...whether WWII, Korea or Vietnam.  Afghanistan, Iraq engagements are no less significant.  Those folks in uniform are ensuring you can go out to the store and buy your quart of ben and jerrys ice cream whenever you want to.   I do not give a rats butt if you agree with why they are there or not....they do not have a choice they follow on oath to serve this country.  They deserve your respect and your reverence.  

Furthermore any military should receive your respect whether in active combat or not simply serving they were willing to roll the dice for your benefit.  I know memorial day is about those we have lost.....but way too many of the living are forgotten by us in day to day life....lets remember them while it still can make a damm difference.

Peace and good tidings to all

I actually broke down and cried when I read Scotts post....I printed it and put it up in the house for my children to read.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 05-23-2014 03:30
I couldn't have said it better myself Tommy!!!

Thank you Scott!

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 05-23-2014 11:23
Great post Scott! Happy Memorial day to all and many thanks to my current and past brothers and sisters out there around the world.

Hope everybody enjoys their day off and bbq but remembers what the day is meant for.

Me, I'm working, might drag a flag up the tower and fly it above us for the day!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / An Early Happy Memorial Day

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