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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Great Weekend With the Wife!!
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-05-2014 04:36
This Wednesday, August 6th is our 37th wedding anniversary.  Five kids and several grandkids later everything is still great.  Just a little strained at times balancing work schedules (especially with so much out of town work), AWS activities, welding and inspection jobs around our home town, work on the homestead, and church.  Sometimes there is no time to just talk about US. 

So, I took this past Friday off and we spent 3 days up at the Grand Canyon.  Yes, we did a lot of hiking, sight seeing, exploring, animal watching (saw deer and elk everyday as well as all the little critters and bull snakes), but mainly, we just had three great days together with none of the normal schedule to detract from time together. 

As soon as I get them ready I'll post up a few pics.  30 plus miles of hiking including a trip down into the canyon made for some awesome views of what is an awesome sight if all you do is look down from above.  Looking back up is something I always wondered about.  A completely new perspective.  One that also introduced a new perspective into our relationship.  What a view of both.  Still wonderful and expecting both to always be that way.

Some of you guys are going to be laughing at me, but take some time for your wives.  You will be amazed at the view.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 08-05-2014 06:02
Hi Brent, I really appreciate your view! Happy Anniversary btw! I am really happy that you managed to spend some quality time with your wife, I am travelling home back to the UK after 5 months in NM, it's been hard, I will be spoiling her!
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-05-2014 15:08
Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary.
We get so hung up on success and career (men = provider, our "natural" instinct) that oftentimes the focus is lost as to "WHY".
Glad you took the time to spoil the Wife. Hopefully the work topic did not come up too often.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-05-2014 16:15
Work did come up but in a good way.

We worked on renewing goals for us, home, and business.  Setting priorities.  When one has their own business, and it is in inspections, work comes up whenever you are working on any part of the family structure.

My wife is very supportive but there are definitely strains on a relationship that is too busy with any type of activity that takes thoughts away from what we say we make our priority. 

Setting goals is a lot different than people think.  They need to be realistic, reachable, and I'll wait for now.

Thanks for the supportive feedback.  Our wives are an important part of our lives.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By unclematt (***) Date 08-08-2014 07:19
Happy Anniversary Brent. Hope you have many more.

Have a good one;
- - By SCOTTN (***) Date 08-05-2014 16:07
Congratulations on your anniversary tomorrow.  I will never forget the day my first wife left me.  It was the day I forgot our wedding anniversary.  The anniversary with my second wife is Sunday.  It will be our twelfth.  According to tradition, the twelfth anniversary is represented by either linen or silk, so I'm getting her a new dishcloth.  She's asked me to spend some quality time with her on Sunday, so I'm going to have my Xbox headset on mute.  By the way, your three days at the Grand Canyon sounded great.  A few years ago I took my (then) girlfriend to see the Grand Canyon, standing there near the edge admiring its beauty I got an extremely disturbing thought in my head.  I had to keep telling myself, don't do it, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Finally I thought, I'm doing it and I don't care about the consequences.  I don't care if it confines me to a life of imprisonment.  So while she was standing at the edge, I sneaked up behind her and grabbed her.  Ready to face my destiny, I took a deep breath and quietly whispered will you marry me? In looking back, I shouldn't have grabbed her, I should have just pushed myself off the edge of that cliff.  Since I’ve gotten older and working for several years now, I’ve been able to save some money and have taken a few vacations.  When I was a kid, we were unable to take vacations because we didn’t have a lot of money.  As a little kid, I remember my mom giving me a button and telling me to walk around the neighborhood and ask the neighbors if they could sew a shirt on it for me.  One year we managed to save enough money to spend a few hours at the beach.  Back home, when it was really hot and sunny, my dad had always preferred to sit in the shade, so I know he did it for us.  We couldn’t afford beach towels, so we all shared a roll of Bounty paper towels.  We couldn’t afford a beach umbrella, but that was ok too, and the beach people were so nice.  I remember it being very crowded that day, but they all gave us plenty of room.  Evidently, people seem to give you more space if you’re sitting on paper towels and wearing lampshades on your head.  For some reason my dad wanted to stay until it had gotten dark.  At that point, we were the only ones on the beach, and my dad asked me if I wanted to play pirates.  As soon as I said yes, he put me in a chest and buried me in the sand.  Those treasured memories.  I guess some things you just never forget.  Nowadays, taking a vacation is a little more difficult.  My first time with a travel agent didn’t go well.  In fact, the agency was really kind of rude.  The sign on their window basically said it all.  GO AWAY!! it said.  So I left.  Then there’s the whole airport/airline experience.  I was once asked, “Has anyone packed anything in your suitcase without you knowledge?”  “Well, if it was without my knowledge, then how in the hell would I know about it?? Then they ask me… “Window or aisle? and I always like to say, “Window or you’ll WHAT??? As if that wasn’t enough, a lady asked me, " What side do you want to sit on?”, and I said, “The inside”.  I‘ll never forget one flight in particular.  The family from hell sat in the seats next to me.  For five hours I had to endure cursing, fighting and then watch them all eat like a bunch of pigs, before they started a food fight, which really was the last straw.  I finally had enough and yelled, “If you don't calm down and behave yourselves, we will never take another family vacation”.  The next vacation, I planned to leave the kids at home.  I handed my wife a globe, asking her to spin it, and put her finger on it.  Wherever it lands, that will be the vacation holiday destination.  “'Ooooo!’' she said.  “Looks like it’s the Caribbean.” “Great.”  I replied, “Now let’s see where I'm going.” To save money, we ended up going to the same place.  After we checked in we walked down to the beach and stretched out.  Within minutes this beautiful statuesque woman emerged from the water wearing a tiny string bikini.  She had the most amazing figure I'd ever seen.  She was simply stunning, and just looking at her put me in a trance like state.  As the wife was rolling over on her tummy, she let one rip, bringing me back to the real world.  Then she asked me to rub some suntan lotion on her back.  I accidentally pulled out a bottle of Crisco from my beach bag and rubbed cooking oil on her.  Unfortunately, I had to spend several days on the beach without her while she recovered from the second degree burns.  After her recovery, we just walked around and did some shopping.   I remember seeing a sign in a little chocolate shop and I’ll never forget what it said.   “Diabetic Bunnies”.  Those poor little bastards, I thought to myself.  On our next vacation, I guess the wife wasn’t willing to take any chances at the beach, so she insisted that we go to Las Vegas.  We gambled a little and took in a few shows.  One was a pretty incredible magic show.  After one amazing feat, I just had to stand up and yell, “How’d you do that?” The magician answered “I could tell you sir, but then I’d have to kill you”.  I yelled back, “Ok, then… just tell it to my wife”.  We haven’t been on a vacation this year.  I’m not sure where we’ll end up.  One thing is for sure.  An angry woman can pack everything she owns in an hour but it takes her a week to pack for a vacation.  Go figure.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-05-2014 23:54
Bravo Scott!

You sure you're not into possibly exploring the notion of doing some video's with your quick witted, hilarious witt & wisdom that we all enjoy coming from you?
In other words, that's some funny $h!t man! You oughta do some standup or something like that in a video chief! You would most definitely have them rolling on the floor laughing their butts off!:smile::grin::lol::yell::lol::yell::lol::yell::lol::twisted::lol::yell::lol::yell::surprised::wink::cool:

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-06-2014 00:56
Oh MY!!  As I roll on the floor unable to control myself.

Still, I am extremely blessed to have never had any of 'your' experiences...  :wink:  :lol:

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 08-06-2014 14:59
Again, Happy Anniversary.  In all seriousness, my wife and I still look at each other the same way we did when we got married.  Like two strangers who think they could do better.  And, I would never forget my anniversary.  She won’t let me.  As I said, Sunday is my twelfth.  At least the Chilean miners knew someone was going to rescue them.  Last evening my wife and I were taking a leisurely stroll.  Well actually, I was walking with her as she carried two garbage bags of trash to the dumpster.  We bumped into our new neighbor, who said, “So, then, any plans for the big anniversary this weekend?”  “You’ve only been living here a month.” I said.  “I’d hardly call it an anniversary.”  Then for some reason, after my wife finished with the trash, she slapped me and walked off.  Before that, our evening was going so well.  Earlier, we were uptown, and we happened to walk past a swanky new restaurant.  “Did you smell that food?” she said. “It was absolutely incredible, and our anniversary is coming up in a few days.”  I thought what the heck.  I’ll treat her.  So I walked her past it again, only this time, we walked a little slower, because I know how to treat a woman.  This morning at breakfast, I think she seemed mad at me for some reason, but then she said “Honey, when I get old and ugly, will you still talk to me?” “Don’t I?” I replied.  Hopefully this anniversary will be better than the anniversary breakfast in bed that we had that one year.  No exchange of cards, no presents, and no sex.  Just breakfast in bed.  She brought our trays in, sat next to me, and said “My dear, this is so romantic”.  Then she turned to me and said, “So, what is it you've missed most over the last few years?” I looked at her sitting there in a pair of jogging pants, a t-shirt that was covered in egg yolk, her hair in a mess, and I said “Probably my dignity.”  Then without warning me first, she took off her t-shirt.  “My breasts feel all warm and tingly” “I’m not surprised”, I said.  “One’s hanging in your coffee and the other one’s lying on my bacon.”  “Can we eat now?” Come to think of it, we’ve never really had a good anniversary.  Shortly after the Grand Canyon trip, we got married and it was somewhat downhill after that.  On one anniversary, my wife reminded me, “Can you remember when we first got married, and you were so nervous, you put the ring on the third finger of the wrong hand?” “Yes”, I replied.  “It should have been your sisters.”  The following year, she said the words I had been waiting to hear since the day I put that ring on the wrong finger.  “You mess around with my sister, and I'm leaving you.”  I remember one anniversary, all she could do was to sit across the table and give me this mean, scary look.  You know, the kind of look that can only come from the daughter of satan.  “You’ve forgotten our anniversary again, haven’t you?”  I replied, “Have I??” I’m wearing black, aren’t I??”  She always reacts the same way when I accidentally forget.  She doesn’t speak to me for days.  And all this time I thought that it was supposed to be a punishment.  I think the first time I forgot the date of our wedding was the worst.  I’ll never forget it.  She waited in that church almost all day.  To make up for it, on our first wedding anniversary, I gave her a very expensive necklace that I’d bought at the flea market.  She couldn’t believe it.  “Were you sober when you bought this?” she asked with a smile.  “Listen”, I said.  “I’ve made a lot of mistakes since we got married, but being sober isn’t one of them.” Actually, not being sober has rendered some of my best ideas for anniversary gifts.  Since our anniversary is in the middle of the summer, one year I filled up a bucket of water, and I told her that it was a giant ice sculpture shaped like a heart, but it melted.  That saved me a fortune, excluding the fancy $3 bucket I bought at the flea market.  It was originally a $5 bucket, but thank God I was able to talk them down.  As the years went by, I figured out more creative ways to spend less money.  One year she asked me to get her a present that would make her cry, so I gave her an onion.  It must have been a really strong one, because she started crying before she even peeled it.  Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that mean the most.  Another year, she gave me a card that morning, and said “Happy Anniversary”.  “Thanks”, I said.  As I walked away, she stood there with her hands on her hips and said “Now where’s my card?”  I said, “You've just gave it to me.”  One of the things I've learned about marriage is being able to quickly reverse the feeling of guilt to the other party.  The beauty of it is that they've done nothing at all, other than being at the wrong place at the wrong time.  Feeling a little bad about what I’d said, I made it up to her that evening.  I took her out to a nice meal, plenty of wine, and then we retired to the hotel room.  Somehow that night, we ended up on the bed.  She turned to me and said that she knew what it was that I wanted, and that she still knew how to please me.  We started to wrestle, but it was no use, just like it was on our wedding night.  I was simply too strong.  She’s pretty strong herself, but I finally managed to pry the TV remote out of her hand.  Anyway, as I said in my previous post, this one will be our twelfth, which is traditionally a gift of silk or linen.  Her friend just celebrated an anniversary and her husband bought her a silver BMW.  My wife has been going on about how gorgeous it is, so I’m buying her a dishcloth that’s the same color.
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 08-07-2014 14:23
I find it very amazing that you're still alive. ROFLMAO
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 08-07-2014 15:18
Me too.  Every day, I beat my own previous record for the number of consecutive days I've stayed alive.  It’s pretty amazing, considering that I’ve had a headache for the last 12 years. Last night I gave it 8 Tylenol and she’s still alive.
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 08-10-2014 22:15
Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 08-11-2014 20:46
Thanks.  Even though she's still alive, she's still an improvement over my first wife, who was a blonde.  I remember one night my first wife woke me up because I forgot to take my sleeping pill.  The first time I met her she smiled and waved at me from the opposite side of a riverwalk.  I asked her how to get to the other side, and I’ll never forget what she said.  “You’re already on the other side.”  I finally made it to the side that she was on, and as we walked along, we passed a dog with one eye, and I sadly said to her, “Look at that poor dog with one eye.”, so she closed one eye and looked at it.  Just as we finished our walk, I asked her if she’d like to go to a movie. She said yes, as long as it’s not R rated.  I asked her why, and she said that an R movie means under 18 not admitted.  She went on to explain that she’d never seen an R rated movie because she could never find 17 other people to go with her.  I remember one day I was sitting at the table, doing a crossword puzzle.  The clues were a bird from Iceland, six and seven letters.  As I scratched my head and repeated the clues to myself, I drew a blank.  Then, she walked past me and said “frozen chicken…. stupid.”  She thinks she’s an expert at puzzles because I bought her one that said “2 to 4 years” as a joke, and she finished it in six months.  She was so proud of herself.  That’s ok I guess.  She had plenty of time on her hands because she was fired from her job at the pharmacy for not being able to print the labels.  Turns out she couldn’t figure out how to fit the bottles into the typewriter.  There was another time that she wanted us to go on a trip to Las Vegas.  I’d already planned ahead and changed my Facebook status to “I can’t wait to go to Las Vegas and spend my money on all the sluts”.  My wife saw it and commented “You spelt “slots” wrong, silly. “xxx”.  I remember one year I bought her a scarf for her birthday but she took it back because it was too tight.  I think the last straw was the day I was burning some trash in the back yard.  It had gotten a little out of control and she ended up trying to dial 911.  She was absolutely frantic because she couldn’t find the number 11 on her phone.  “Dial 9, then 1, then 1”, I yelled.  “9-1-1”.  She finally figured it out, dialed the number, and got connected to the fire dept.  Someone on the other end of the line asked how to get there, and she said, “In the big red truck.” She ended up leaving me a few months later.   She found my diary, read parts of it, and left it on the kitchen table with a note that said “Who in the hell are April, May and June?” “Are these the slots you met in Vegas?”
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Great Weekend With the Wife!!

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