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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Military Men and Woman Are Simpletons
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-13-2014 14:22
This just burns me up...:mad::mad:
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 10-13-2014 15:36
If this is in fact a legitimate and accurate report.
1) Cigarette
2) Blindfold
3) A wall. Preferably wood to minimize ricochets.
4) Firing squad
Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 10-13-2014 19:54
Kristen Stewart should learn how to act and keep her mouth closed at the same time.  If she thinks suspected terrorists are being treated unfairly, maybe she’d like to be a part of the new Terrorist Retraining Program.  She can sign a terrorist out on a work release program called Liberals Accept Responsibility for Killers, or LARK for short.  In accordance with the guidelines of this revolutionary new program, a terrorist would be placed under her personal care. Her misunderstood terrorist is then selected and scheduled for immediate transportation to her residence.  Ali Mohammed Ahmed bin Mahmud would then be cared for by her, pursuant to her personal standards.  Weekly inspections would be conducted to ensure that her personal standards of care for Ahmed are fair, acceptable and that maximum efforts to understand his point of view are exercised.  Although Ahmed is sociopathic and extremely violent, Kristen’s sensitivity to his feelings will be instrumental in helping him overcome these minor character flaws.  Even though Ahmed is extremely proficient in hand to hand combat and can extinguish human life with such simple items as a pencil or nail clippers, there would have to be complete trust from the minute Ahmed enters her house.  Assuming that Ahmed is also an expert at making a wide variety of explosive devices from common household products, these items must not be kept under lock and key, because this would offend and upset Ahmed.  Even though Kristen would be instrumental in his release, Ahmed will probably not want to interact with her because he probably views females as a subhuman form of property.  Let’s face it.  Robert Pattison, he ain’t.
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 10-13-2014 21:46
And this is why we can't have nice things....Because some portion of the populace would agree with this stupid tart.
Attachment: thankaveteranpunchapolitician.jpg - Guess we have to add "Actors and actresses" as well... (0B)
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-14-2014 01:05
I love that poster Clif! Why don't you send it to what's her name and wait for her reply... You know I have temporary dimentia with these knucklehead hollywood types, and I seriously think that she needs go Khobani and tell this to the Kurds who are gallantly fighting those scumbags - ISIS! In fact, why isn't this c@*t already there fighting along side her buddies? She needs to be SPANKED HARD!!! What a POS!! Is she an American citizen? Or is she one of those crazy Canadians or Europeans? WOW!!! What a puta!:roll::lol:

Respectfully for the most part,

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 10-14-2014 16:50 Edited 10-14-2014 16:53
crazy Canadians or Europeans?

Sorry Henry, she is 100% prime beef US of A citizen. Makes you kind of proud eh? Congratulations on the birthday of your Navy, still a few years behind the British!
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-14-2014 17:57
Yes the Empire will always be older.....  Or shall we say, closer to her Sunset

See what I did there?
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 10-14-2014 19:16
As a matter of interest, the RN was the worlds largest and most powerful right up to WW2. A mere 60 odd years of american dominance of the seas is a drop of water compared to the UK's rule.:grin: Remember the Phoenix?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-15-2014 05:50
Was = past tense, used to be, etc... Simple yet very important word in this discussion you're attempting to start 46.00... Shoot! If it wasn't for our younger US Navy, you would be speaking in German!!! 60 years huh? It took less than half of that time for the "Europeans" to lose their gratitude for all of the convoys full of weapons, raw material, food and other supplies USN, Coast Guard, Merchant Marines delivered not only to the British but also the Soviet Union... So say what you want about whatever it is you think of us because it really doesn't matter what was then...

This is NOW! And for the time being now, the United States Navy is Second To NONE!!! 

Besides, I'm writing about a celebration and just for clarification, the question wasn't implying that only Canadians or Europeans talk that kind of blather at all... I asked if she was American also because, if she was then she should go over to the Middle East and go fight alongside ISIS or ISIL or whatever they're called... Geez Glynn! You're getting mighty touchy when the word "European" is used these days... Notice how I didn't ask if she was British... Why??? Because just about every Brit I know, don't consider themselves to be European that's why! So Keep Calm and Carry On Glynn!:smile::grin::lol::yell::twisted::yell::lol::yell::lol::roll::yell::lol::yell::twisted::yell::grin::smile::wink::cool:

Respectfully for the most part,

P.S. October 8th, which just passed was my 17th anniversary of my successful Liver Transplant operation!!! I get to celebrate two birthdays a year!:eek::lol::roll::yell::lol::cool:
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 10-15-2014 18:43 Edited 10-15-2014 18:45
Actually, the US navy played little part in either the 'cash and carry' or later, when the USA decided to enter the war after two years, 'Lend Lease' policies, and the British paid for any aid offered.

I agree, the might of the USN is formidable! Statistically, it is the worlds greatest military force. However, as your great President continues to enforce drastic military cuts, I think China will soon overtake the US and leave you behind, much like the US did to the UK did during WW2.

As a point of interest, as you brought up the 'European' ticket, if we were to include the EU's combined naval forces as one, then I think even the USN would be out numbered.
Happy celebration's:grin::grin::grin::grin::twisted::wink::wink::wink::wink:
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-15-2014 23:04 Edited 10-15-2014 23:09
Yeah Right! That will be the day when the British Royal Navy starts taking orders from a French or German Admiral!!! Give me a break!!! R U for Real???

And as far as China is concerned, they will NEVER overtake us despite what you read online!!! I mean Japan is gearing up and you know how fast they can do so if threatened... And this time they're our allies so give it a rest!!! A whole lot of STUFF is going on that you have absolutely no clue about and neither does the American public but, I'm not writing about conspiracy theories because that's child's play... A single aircraft carrier, with limited range aircraft and little blue water experience, hardly makes China a major sea power...

Here's a question for you... How many ships does china have that can sit off shore and fire off in succession 154 tomahawk cruise missiles?  Answer: ZERO!!!
How many do the USN have? Answer: 4 and counting!!! How many missile boats does China have? Answer: ONE! Does China have anything similar to an SSGN? Answer: NO!

The only way China will ever overtake the USN is by the Navy procurement and R&D funds totally dry up tomorrow and that's NOT going to happen.. So you keep underestimating the USN and keep thinking that we will no longer be the Worlds most powerful Navy... Who knows, you may end up becoming a billionaire before that ever happens and I could live for another 50 years and become a Trillionaire! Who knows for sure? NOBODY! Not even you Glynn...

The British did pay but not right away! And furthermore, what if we would have said no? Truly ungrateful if you're thinking that your country could have survived all by itself without our help... And you expect anyone with even half a brain to believe that the British could have survived the war all by itself? That explains all I need to know about people like you.

Respectfully for the most part,
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 10-16-2014 02:07 Edited 10-16-2014 03:26
Yeah, that is quite a push of the imagination for the RN to take orders from our European brothers! However, plans have already been laid to share both carriers and planes between the French and the British.

Quite real you see! I always keep it as real as I can!:twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::yell::yell::yell::eek:

China is already exerting its navel power in the south China sea and believe me, China will not be dismantling its armed forces in any way. To the contrary, some statistics indicate they are spending more than America (per GDP) on their military at the moment, and increasing! Plus their labour costs per $ are minimal. The only cravat is that they have very limited recent navel experience, but they are practising bullying techniques against the local neighbours!

Japan is gearing up, and do you know why? because of the same threat from the Chinese! The JMSDF is but an extension of the USN but without the fire power. As a nation, they have been put back 20 years, economically and due to the natural disasters they have suffered.

The four Ohio class SSGN's you talk about are 15 years overdue for decommissioning! But are formidable weapon delivery platforms granted! But how many are China building? No one knows!

Alas, I feel you are incorrect with your next point, China has the most vibrant economy in the world at present, and could quite easily and has in the past bought Navel tonnage!  It's one way to gain number one place of the leadership board of navel power. Russia is also revitalising its navy at the moment and selling off all and sundrie to anyone with the cash to buy some seriously flawed but still active maritime tonnage! In fact, with Russia's new wealth and nationalistic views, it would be wise not to write them off as a potential viable Naval #1!

"The British did pay but not right away"! No we didn't! In fact we didn't finish paying till 2006! But we did pay! More than other countries and it was an agreed payment structure! No one said we were ungrateful! You could have jumped in a bit quicker, but hey, you needed to test the water! I believe the same could be said about the Falklands Conflict, when the US decided to NOT choose sides! But we managed the impossible and were victorious! I don't believe I can recall an International incident when the UK has failed to support the USA in the last 50+ years?

Lets look at the state of Texas, Texas is over three times larger than the whole of the UK! That is one US state out of 50! We are very very small! We can pack quite a punch for a small Country!

Look at what the British achieved before the US decided to join the fight against fascism, 2 years into the WW2! We had already beat the Axis in the Battle of Britain, we had the surface navy beat hands down! We were decapitating the submarine nightmare, and Yes, we had trouble reclaiming occupied lands of our 'friends', but the fictional history you speak off is the work of your TV and Hollywood studios mate! It may have took a few months longer, but we had them beat before the US even entered the fight! I must have less than half a brain because that's what I believe!

It's called fighters instinct! 'People like me' are the bread and butter of this free world and I thank my Father and Grandfather and his
Father for a very small part in that! I take exception to the term 'People like you',You don't know me or my History! but I doubt you will respect that, instead you will bleat how soft I am! I'm not really bothered, the facts stand out for themselves, maybe not in the US though, who seem too be more censored than I imagined! However I feel your comments might make people see how bigoted you are!

Poor choice of words mate!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-16-2014 06:45
Yes they are being built but none of us know how the RN and the French Navy will cooperate without literally having proverbial knives behind their back when they deal with each other so, that is still a GIANT Question Mark to say the least...

As far as those SSGN's that are currently active, those ships were designed and built to last at least fifty years before they become ready for decommisioning, and there are the rest of the Ohio Boats that will soon enough compliment the current SSGN's as the work starts on the new class of super-boomers, or as the RN says "bombers" that are already being designed to replace them... This means that in the very near future there will be more Ohio boat conversions from SSBN's to SSGN's and yet we will still have an unmatched underwater naval nuclear deterrence with the rest of the total 14 Tridents that will still be available for that responsibility... I also know first hand how well the Trident submarines were built because I helped build the first three!

Do you actually think that what you read wherever regarding defense budget appropriations is accurate, then I have a bridge to sell you really, really cheap!!!:eek::lol::yell::twisted::grin::cool: in the USA, there are budgets that are for the public to digest. and there are budgets that are not to technically exist yet absolutely do! This is what I mean when I write that you do not have a clue to what us actually going on with the USN or our plans for the future which are so vital to our nation's defense that technically speaking there is no budget that exist for those projects... And don't bother to ask anything else regarding this reality because I'm simply not going answer any questions regarding it...  Just know this as an absolute... THE USN will always be the world's naval superpower unmatched in it's abilities and it's capabilities now, tomorrow and in the future and you can take that to the BANK son!

Wow!!!I got to hand it to the British Government Propaganda folks because you claim to have already won the war between Great Britain and the Nazi's??? And you all didn't need any of us? Okay, Now I have read as much BS as one can tolerate but instead of totally ignoring you which is what I should do, I'm just going to say this Glynn... You have got to be kidding!

Also, whatever you think you know about the USN is nowhere near what is actually happening with the USN because unfortunately for you, are not part of the loop... In fact, you're not even @ a need to know basis as to what is actually going on... Do you really think that the USN is going to openly lay out all of their cards on the table so the enemy can plan on countering all of our weapon systems??? NOT!!! It's obvious that you don't know what actually went on in the Falklands because you fail to mention one little yet important and vital contribution that totally made the difference for the British to prevail there... Do you remember what it was Glynn? That's right, SATELLITE INTELLIGENCE!

The British knew ahead of time what the Argentinians were planning because of our satellite intelligence... Do you really think that we would allow the RN to be totally blind in the South Atlantic, and attempt to plan Naval operations without the support of our vast network of satellite intel? You see this is what I'm talking about... My country goes out of it's way to be grateful to the British for their continuing alliance and cooperation... And the American people are grateful as am I but you on the other hand. does not want to acknowledge any of the assistance we have given your nation in your time of need.. I hope you are not a reflection of how the British population think towards us with respect to your claim that the British never really needed us in any of her conflicts where the USA clearly assisted England and our contributions were vital towards the successful outcomes of the conflicts you claim that the British didn't need our help...

Finally, as far as me calling you or your nation soft is concerned I just have one thing to write about Glynn... Stop twisting my comments to your advantage, and then claim that I'm bigoted when we all know who is the real guilty person here... Because I never said anything at all that was intentionally insulting or disrespectful toward the British people in general... I just wrote about how I hope that you personally are an anomaly of what the rest of the British think of America!!! Geez, I thought you had half a brain but now I'm starting to question that premise Glynn...

And as far as knowing you is concerned, you're right I don't really know you but, I know enough of your opinions to know that you must be an anomaly of what the British in general think of the USA... I also know that if you really knew what is actually going on, you wouldn't be writing all sorts of blather regarding the USN and how we stack up against China or the rest of the world... Instead, you would agree that we do have many let's just say "Tricks up our sleeve" that the rest of the world only wish they knew about... And with that I'll just end by writing that you shouldn't rely on what you read, or hear from unreliable sources... And try to get your history straight because currently it looks like a banana!:eek::surprised::grin::yell::twisted::yell::lol::yell::twisted::yell::lol::grin::roll::smile::roll::smile::twisted::wink::cool:

Respectfully for the most part,
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 10-16-2014 18:05
Henry, I think you'll find I do know quite a bit, and I don't even live in Britain anymore, I live in NM! Now where is that bone cause I'm tired of chewing your ear!
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-16-2014 18:38
You want a bone?  All you need to do is to lift up your middle finger and chew on it Glynn.:grin:
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-16-2014 12:29
I love you Brits, seriously. One of the U.S greatest allies and personally I think great folks and have our backs. Besides that you have a Prime Minister that actually has a pair of stones, unlike our occupying idiot behind the desk currently. 

In WWII though the British were pushed off the shores of France by the German blitzkrieg. I believe this was an attempted landing by the British forces to secure a front, been a day or two since I read about it. With the German V2's introduced even Churchill himself admitted that he was unsure of how long the island nation would hold out. If not for Hitler's wild idea to turn and attack the Russians all would have been lost. Hitler could not push into Britain like he wanted because the frontlines and supply lines would not allow for it. Had Hitler not violated his treaty with Stalin and kept the Russians happy on the eastern front and concentrated his efforts on Britain though what would it have been like.

The power of the Germans at the time, the skill of the soldiers, the equipment was top of the line. Take the Battle of the Bulge. Joachim Peiper crushed the front lines with the German Waffen SS. If they had not run out of gas and could have been resupplied I believe they would have made it to Antwerp. Whether they could have held it with the Allied forces surrounding them and Patton's 3rd Army moving in fast is another thing.

It was a good pairing in WWII. We needed the Brit's and you needed us. We needed a place to stage troops, supplies, coordinate an attack. Normandy was an attack of Americans, Canadiens, British working together against a single foe. Could Britain have won the war on their own? If you talk numbers I don't think they could have. Not because the British people didn't have courage or the guts to fight I just don't think you would have had the resources. Patton led a half a million troops into Czechoslovakia, a half million! Did Montgomery even command that many British troops? Resources- Churchill met with Stalin several times without Roosevelt to try and secure lands, a deal if you will, with the Russian leader for the post war era. Knowing that England was just an island nation he knew that he must have British influence in some areas in order to gain natural resources. Stalin was ok with Churchill's idea, at least face to face with him but had no intention of releasing any land he had overtaken.

All and all it was a combination of British, American, Canadien, Australian's, French resistance and others who recognized an evil unlike anything the world has ever seen before. Personally I salute the Brit's for what they endured at the beginning of the war and everything they have done since as an American ally and friend.


Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-16-2014 12:35
Henry and 46.00
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-16-2014 12:37
Just thought this thread could use a palette cleanser :)
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 10-16-2014 17:36
I sometimes cannot help myself, but a very good analogy :twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::twisted::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-16-2014 18:05
Now that's funny! Note: Has anyone ever heard or read of the term Quote: "Navel tonnage and Navel Power?" I heard of Naval Tonnage and Naval Power...

I think Glynn has been around too many "Navels" lately!:eek::surprised::yell::twisted::yell::lol::yell::lol::roll::eek::grin::smile::wink::cool:

Respectfully for the most part,
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-14-2014 20:58
Nice rant Henry!

I had a nice long rant on my FB page but then posted the link on a tower climber page to share with all of the Veterans over there and some libtard removed it, said "NO politics". I didn't think calling every military man and woman a simpleton was political but what can you do...oh, no longer a member of that group.

I looked on FB and found that she does have a FB page but has not had any activity in awhile. Felt like saying something but the little man in dress blues in my head started opening that secret door to that dark place in my brain so I had to fall back and regroup.

The absolute f'd up thing is this...calm down, real English, not Marine English, ok, this "actress" is releasing a movie where she is playing the part of a military woman. So I suppose that it is alright to make millions off of the ones who actually put their arse on the line but you don't have any respect for the job they do??

It would be nice to introduce Ms. Stewart to some of the highly trained, highly educated gentleman from Delta Force. I wonder how many languages this bimbo speaks. English and southern California, like, you know, I bought this, like, new Mercedes and like, it has this convertible, like you know and it's like red and like........

Got to go, doors creaking open again.....
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 10-15-2014 14:33
I don’t know how many different languages Ms. Stewart speaks, but before she learns anything other than English, she needs to learn how to act.  Have you seen her in any of the Twilight movies? I’ve actually grown to dislike the first Twilight movie, because I've seen it too many times.  And by too many times, I mean once.  If anyone ever says to me “That many people can’t be wrong”, I will immediately point them to the Twilight FB page that has 24 million fans.  I actually saw the first Twilight just to see what all the fuss was about.  Talk about far-fetched.  Vegetarians being strong and not a single one of them has irritable bowel syndrome.  And what’s wrong with all these females being obsessed with Twilight?  Back in my day, vampires burned to death in the sunlight, not glitter like a bunch of fairies.  Remember when we were kids and we wanted to be the characters we saw in movies? Jurassic Park: I want to be a dinosaur.  Batman: I want to be a super hero.  Twilight: I want to be gay.  Now, don’t get me wrong.  Just because a grown man is a fan of Twilight, it doesn't make him gay.  It only makes him retarded.  Well, that may not be a completely accurate statement.  My wife is a big fan and on one anniversary, she made me watch Twilight, and now I have a boyfriend.  The thing I remember most about going to see that movie was how it was ruined by some annoying girl talking the whole way through.  Kristen Stewart was her name.  But the one thing that I noticed while we watched was that my wife completely ignored me through the entire movie, so the next day I bought her the whole set on dvd.  Seriously, the night that I watched Twilight with her, and I'm not ashamed to admit, but I cried for two solid hours.  And then we went to see it.  Before we left, I Googled “how much popcorn does it take to choke yourself into a coma?” I was actually surprised that the movie was so realistic.  It sucked the will to live right out of me.  When we got home, she wanted to do a little role playing, with me pretending to be Edward.  I liked the idea of ripping her windpipe out with my teeth while I give her kidney punches.  Just to humor her, I played along and told her that she reminded me of Bella, who is Ms. Stewart’s character.  She asked, “Is it my indescribable alluring charm?” I answered “No.  It’s because you have an ugly face and I want to beat you to death with an iron bar.”  Now that she has the dvd set, the next time she asks me to enjoy a movie with her, I’ll make it fun and ask her to play the Twilight Drinking Game with me.  It’s simple and it has one rule.  I get to go first.  When I press play, I’ll drink 40 shots of vodka and die before the movie starts, though, I still think the best way to enjoy a Twilight movie is to never put one in the dvd player.  I’ve heard that the books aren’t much better, and I don’t think you’ll ever see me sitting on a park bench, naked, and reading because I wouldn’t be caught dead with one of those books, unless I wanted to kill myself.  If that were the case, I’d just go to the library and ask for a book on suicide.  They’d hand me a Twilight book, and after reading the first couple of paragraphs, I’d probably die right on the spot.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-18-2014 04:51
you guys have way way too much time on your hands but as usual Scott takes tops honers for the entertainment catagory
Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 10-20-2014 13:41
Thanks, but what they call entertainment can be cruel at times.  For instance, I called Sony tech support the other day, and the first thing they said was “Your call may be recorded for the purposes of Sony Entertainment.” How did they know about my speech impediment?  In general, I question just exactly what qualifies as entertainment.  For example, King Kong is a movie about an ape forcing himself on a woman, and somehow that’s considered entertainment.  But when I make a movie about me, dressed like a woman and forcing myself on a small monkey, the police consider it something entirely different.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Military Men and Woman Are Simpletons

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