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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Dad, Veteran's Day, and a Prayer Request
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-14-2014 04:50
So, forgive my while I reminisce for a moment leading up to my point:

Dad is 84 years old.  Been a farmer all his life.  A fire fighter in the Air Force during Korea and a little after.  A fire fighter at a small urban department on the outskirts of Portland, OR for 30 years as chief engineer (drove the trucks, trained drivers, etc).  Drove semi tractor trailer livestock trucks, etc.  Mom and Dad will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary next July 30th, one week before my wife and I celebrate our 38th.

A couple of years ago, when my wife and I were celebrating our 35th anniversary, we had a family reunion at Lake Tahoe.  My sister brought my folks down from the family farm on the foothills of Mt Hood in their car.  Dad insisted on driving a couple of times and scared my sister to death.  None of us realized how bad he had gotten.  So, we had a private talk one evening but mainly centered around him taking any more trips with the truck and 36' 5th wheel.  Actually, he said something that sparked the conversation.  It was agreed he couldn't do it anymore and he and mom asked us if the trailer would help me with my inspections as I am gone from home so much.  We said we would think about that because my wife and I had talked about a trailer but didn't really think we wanted that style. 

A couple of weeks later dad calls and says they are getting ready to hook up to the trailer and bring it down to us.  I said, "Dad, we talked about that.  You know you can't do it."  He says, "Oh, I think I got one more trip in me."  I couldn't talk him out of it.  So, when I got off the phone I told my wife to get packed we were headed for OR.  We left on Saturday at noon on Labor Day weekend and got there Sunday morning (22 hours straight through, I'm too old for those kinds of trips, thankfully we also had our then 20 yr old son with us. He turned around and drove straight through back down with the car).  We had quite a family discussion and dad, to his credit without a lot of arguing and fighting, realized his driving was scaring all of us and that he just couldn't do it anymore.  My wife and I used his truck and brought the trailer back to AZ then got the truck back to them.  He wasn't ready to let go of that yet and they still owed money on it. 

So, #1, he lost the trailer and a way of life they had enjoyed for many years. 

#2, His eyes no longer serve him well and surgeries don't work, cataracts and glaucoma, and just plain old.  He gave up driving, willingly. 

This Sept we went up there over Labor Day to help clean things up.  Sheds were quite a disaster after over 50 years of accumulation.  Didn't quite finish everything I wanted and we decided we would go back at Thanksgiving.  Also decided, when we found out they couldn't sell the truck for what they owed as they had used it to secure a loan to pay off the trailer before we took it, that we would sell our truck and buy theirs.  Mine was a 3/4 ton and not set up for a 5th wheel and his is a 1 ton and already all set up to handle the trailer.  So I sold my truck for just under what they still owed and sent the money to their bank and paid off their truck.   We got our tickets to fly up over Thanksgiving, work on the things I didn't finish before, and then drive the truck home. 

#3, He is losing his truck. 

In October on his 84th birthday the family up in OR got together and gave him a very nice walker.  Took to it without any problems and is enjoying some added security and mobility.  He and Mom go to a gym in town twice a week and a trainer helps him with standing up straight and walking with his feet straight instead of like a lame duck and dragging his feet.  Was doing pretty good. 

But, #4, is using a walker.  Willingly, but makes him feel even more like an OLD MAN. 

Well, now my point, yesterday, the day after Veteran's Day, he had a stroke.  I'm 100 miles from home in Phoenix on a job when I got the call.  A week and a half before I'm scheduled to fly up for Thanksgiving. 

I would really appreciate your prayers.  For decisions about when and if to leave and go up.  For the doctors to make sure if he is okay all things considered.  For my Mom for peace that God is in control.  And all the other things that go with times like this.

They did an MRI today but I haven't heard anything yet.  They may move him into a private room instead of ICU.  They said he is doing considerably better.  But, I'm sure some of you can relate, do you know how bad I'm going to feel if I hesitate too long and he dies?  But Mom and my sister keep saying he's fine and just wait until our scheduled trip.  The doctors don't seem that concerned. 

I know, it can go either way and it could have just been the end without a stroke so with no warning at all I couldn't have been there.  I know, God is in Control and I did just see him in Sept and we talk often by phone.  I know, he could last another 10 years. 

So WHAT!  Family Time Is Never Wasted Time.  That used to be in my signature line here, after we lost a 2 year old grandson in an accident. 

When and how does one know it's time to just drop everything and go anyway?  No matter how positive it looks that he will pull through. 

Okay, I'm done.  Feels better just to put it down and tell someone.  Thanks for being a sounding board.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-14-2014 07:47
Brent, Firstly, you have my prayers for what they are worth! I think your signature is most apt in these situations! 'He is in Control'!

Mostly, our natural reactions to situations prove correct, thats why we have survived! If you have a 'gut' instinct to be home then go! If you wonder whether you should be home then chances are your OK for now!  I will say, as we get older, material belongings get less importance in our lives!
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-14-2014 13:17

My thoughts and my prayers are with you and your family.  There is absolutely no doubt in my mind of the power of prayer, as I am living proof of it.  You and I both know that through him, all things are possible.  I pray that God will surround you and your family within the confines of his love and his compassion.  I pray that God removes your fear and your concerns, and that he guides you in your decision.  I pray that your dad is blessed with the presence of the Lord and that his heart is encouraged through this very difficult time.  I pray that God looks upon him with the eyes of his mercy, and that God comforts him with the sense of his goodness.  I pray that your dad is blessed with the strength to fully recover and that your family is blessed with the ease of suffering as they see their husband and their father moving towards recovery.   As James 4:2 says, we have not because we ask not.  These things we ask, in Jesus almighty name.  Amen
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 11-14-2014 15:01

For me, I would drop everything and go.
My Father passed 8 years ago after a long and gruelling bout with Altzheimer's. I'd not had the pleasure of a lucid conversation with him for at least 2 years prior to that. He was the last one. All the Aunts and Uncles are gone basically leaving me as the family elder/patriarch at the ripe old age of 50... Tough row to hoe there.
As I see it, the immediate loss of revenue means nothing. I can work extra later down the road if I need more money. If I can bring comfort to a loved one in time of need, then I have done something good for everyone. Including myself.
I much prefer to spend time conversing than mumbling to myself in a cemetery.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 11-14-2014 15:59
Simply put Brent, GO! Everyone has essentially said that there will be plenty of time for work and any number of other things in life. Family time is precious and can't be rewound to be lived differently or over again to change things that you wish you had done in hindsight. This past year for me has been one that is similar. My folks (87 & 89) went from living in their home with mobility to living in a retirement center without a car for transportation and living through the process of selling their "castle" that they have lived in for almost 60 years. I have been spending a lot of time on the freeway going from my side of the state to theirs. I don't regret any of this time and appreciate my family's support that has allowed me to do so. So once again, GO. I will be praying for your folks as well. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By lo-hi (**) Date 11-15-2014 00:48
Prayers be with you. Perley
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-17-2014 01:49
Thoughts and prayers Brent.

My Grandpa was 82 or so when he had his stroke. WWII Veteran and stuck around years after his stroke. Although, after 20 plus years as a non smoker he picked up the habit again and was eating chocolate cake, pies, basically whatever he wanted. I asked him one day why he started smoking again and he said, "by God, I'm going to die so I'm going to die happy"(with a smile). My Mom had a stroke this year and I'm 600 miles away, I know what you're going thru, it's not easy hanging on the other end of a phone line, going to work, mind wondering if you're doing the right thing or should I just jump in the truck and make some hasty tracks.

My best to your Dad and family,

Bail รณ Dhia ort
(The blessing of God on you)

- By 803056 (*****) Date 11-14-2014 22:02
He'll be in my prayer this evening.

- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-15-2014 06:06
Man, you guys are great.  Someone out there must really be in touch with God.

Mom brought Dad home this evening.  Of course, she has already found out she may have been a little premature in that move.  :roll:

On one hand, the stroke was worse than they were telling me.  On the other hand, he has pulled through pretty well.  He talks fairly plain, drawback being sometimes it is the unconscious part of the brain controlling the mouth so that while he is thinking one thing, his mouth is saying something else completely.  Leg muscles are weak but doctors expect pretty good return over the next 3-6 months.  Well, for 84 and already down.

They caught it really soon but the MRI revealed he has actually had 4 over the past couple of years.  Not unusual from what I hear.  The others were really small but it explains some of the memory, speech, and physical deterioration.  Mom just put it to dementia but when he went out the door Wednesday afternoon to do something not dressed for the cold and saying something totally different than what she knew he was going to do she called the hospital and my sister and took him in right then.  Good thing as it was the stroke. 

Mom said they are both having to go through adjustments to how they communicate to not offend each other and hopefully be able to patiently understand each other.  

They both assured me they need this time of adjustment and that while they would love to see us and have some help they would rather we wait and come as scheduled so they can be prepared and recovered as much as possible. 

Thanks guys for all the comments, concerns, and prayers (please don't stop these).  Be assured, none of my hesitation was MONEY.  There were many things at play both down here and up there.  My wife and I were about to go this weekend and stay the extra week but now we are going to return to original plan 'A'. 

And boy do we have thanks to be giving this year.  And hopefully, next year's 60th anniversary party will still be on.  Praise The Lord. 

I hope yours isn't this extreme, but...take a breath, look around, count your blessings and give thanks to HIM who showers us with so much more than we deserve. 

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-15-2014 13:16
Sounds like you and your family have it pretty sorted! Still praying for you all!
Parent - - By jrw159 (*****) Date 11-15-2014 21:45
  Sorry, I just saw this thread! Really glad to hear he has pulled through as well as he has!!!

We will keep you all in our prayers.

God bless,

Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-17-2014 11:58

The power of prayer is most definitely with your dad and his family.  When we pray, God hears more than we say, answers more than we ask, and gives more than we imagine, in his own time and in his own way. The bible has never once said "figure it out", but over and over, it simply says "Trust God."  He's already got it figured out, and when everything seems like it's falling apart, that's when God is putting things together just the way he wants it, and as you know, we just have to trust his will.  May God continue to bless your dad, you, your mom, and the family, as your dad progresses and adjusts.
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-17-2014 13:19
I want to send out a great big THANK YOU to all of you who sent regards and especially prayers.  Each in his own way, and even if it was only once when you first read this.  It all counts.  God hears our hearts and the Holy Spirit is our mediator to make sure even what we can't put into words but is from our heart gets put through loud and clear.

It is really good to know that our industry does have so many who believe in God even if, as in welding areas, we don't agree 100% in the application of our beliefs. 

And good to know so many others who haven't really put together a belief system for themselves in the area of God, Heaven, salvation, etc, will still be considerate of our beliefs and in times of need will keep one another in their hearts with truly heart felt compassion and sympathy. 

This time of year, with Thanksgiving and Christmas and New Year's, with all the celebration, remembering the past, planning for the future, and setting new goals for our lives, think about how truly blessed you are.  And give thanks to the ONE who showers us with Heavenly Gifts.  They may not always seem to us to be blessings, but, All things work together for good and He Is In Control of ALL things.  He knows what we truly need.

Enough preaching.  I've said it before, though I will always take every possible opportunity to give Him Glory and tell of His Gift of Salvation for mankind, this forum is not really a good place for these discussions.  Internet communications can get so muddled up and there are too many diverse voices.  But, if you ever want to call, write, email, pm me and talk about my beliefs, I welcome the opportunity.  You know how to reach me.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-18-2014 10:34
I knew your dad was going to pull through and so it doesn't surprise me that he's getting better... I don't always express in writing when I pray for someone because to me it's a very personal connection I have with God... Just know that your dad was being prayed for by quite a few folks in East Brady, PA and I was once amazed by the power of prayer many years ago which is why I never had a doubt that your dad would pull through... I could just imagine how many more people of faith were praying for your dad to recover also! I'm living proof that God does answer prayers when enough good people pray for helping someone recover...I'll continue to keep him in my daily prayers Brent. Dios te bendigas siempres!

- By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-23-2014 00:43
In OR with Mom and Dad.  Stroke was worse than they had let on and yet not as bad as it could have been.  The 4-5 that he had over the past 2 years have affected the brain which has caused muscle weakness and dementia type disorientation, past memories, subconscious brain taking control so he does and says things that are not what he actually remembers thinking or saying, etc. 

But, the clot buster has worked wonders and he is actually doing very well.  Doesn't want me to do much work while we are here, just be together and spend time.  That is more than okay even though we both know there are things that should be done.

Don't be surprised if I don't show up much for the next week.  This time is obviously important to him and who knows....

Brought one of our grandsons, their first/oldest great-grandson with us.  Good time all around.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
- By welderbrent (*****) Date 12-03-2014 17:58
Update for all the faithful 'internet friends' who are genuinely concerned about our fellow members and their families.

Dad is not nearly as well as my Mom and sis portrayed him.  But, all things considered, for 84 and having a series of 4-5 strokes over the past two years that they didn't know about, he is doing pretty well.

BUT, adrenaline pumping because of Thanksgiving with family and my wife and I being the 4th-5th day he was slowing down and by the time we left after being there for a week he was the worst I have ever seen him.  Even my Mom asked him if he thought he had had another stroke he was doing so bad that day.  But so was Mom.  Forgetting things.  Starting to get dad a coffee to go with his desert and then not remembering to finish pouring it and taking it to him.  Yep, it sure is golden getting up there into those late blooming days of our lives. 

But who can complain really?  84 glorious years with very little health concerns to cause problems.  A good job as a fire fighter and farmer/rancher.  A fairly comfortable retirement.  If this is his time...he is ready.  

Won't be surprised if Dad doesn't make it to next summer for their 60th anniversary.  But hoping so.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers.  They are appreciated.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Dad, Veteran's Day, and a Prayer Request

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