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- - By grizzzly (**) Date 11-02-2014 06:31
While hiking down along the border this morning, I saw a Muslim jihadist
fall into the Rio Grande River; he was struggling to stay afloat because of
all the guns and bombs he was carrying.

Along with him was an illegal Mexican who was also struggling to stay afloat
because of the large backpack of drugs that was strapped to his back.

If they didn't get help, they'd surely drown. Being a responsible Texan and
abiding by the law to help those in distress, I informed the El Paso County
Sheriff 's Office and Homeland Security.

It is now 4 PM, both have drowned, and neither authority has responded.
I'm starting to think that I completely wasted two stamps...
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-02-2014 19:54
I would expect a post like this from Scotty. That does nothing to diminish the humor. The only difference is I would have omitted the stamps and posted it "to be paid by the recipient."

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-24-2014 01:07
THE funny part is its easy to laugh at until it is taking over you neighborhood.   It will do that very thing if you sit and let the decisions get made to let it happen.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-02-2014 21:12
How do you know for sure that the so called illegal Mexican is illegal? Maybe you meant to say illegal alien because every Mexican I know was a legal one just based on their birth certificates alone... I hope your not profiling these folks based on some news reports you recently saw because that is a form of racial profiling and as far as I'm concerned is unacceptable in this forum... Now you may have been correct with the jihadist if you did actually see the weapons he was attempting to infiltrate across the border but, that Mexican could have easily had everything he has ever owned in that back pack... So unless you saw the actual drugs then you obviously only made the assumption that he was carrying drugs without witnessing the drugs yourself...

Now I realize that this is a joke but it is one in poor taste Grizzzly and I would have expected better coming from you.

Parent - By grizzzly (**) Date 11-04-2014 07:52
Could just be a local thing, but the place I work is about 85% Hispanic and when the Hispanic guys say “Illegal or illegal  Mexican” they are referring to a drug runner

sorry it offended you.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-02-2014 21:58
Not sure this is right!
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-03-2014 14:20 Edited 11-03-2014 14:40

Don’t be so hard on grizzzly.  I don’t think he wasted those two stamps, but I do think that stamps are sometimes a waste of money.  I took a package to the Post Office the other day and the clerk told me that my package was too heavy and that I needed to put more stamps on it.  I argued that adding more stamps to it was only going to make it heavier, but it didn't work. 
And grizzzly’s reference to hiking brought back so many memories.  I remember taking a girlfriend hiking in the mountains and ending up getting caught in a blizzard.  The wheels started turning in my mind and I suggested that the best way to keep warm was from the heat generated by the body through orgasm.  Fortunately due to my considerable prowess in the bedroom, I survived the three week ordeal, but she died sometime during the  first night.  Dealing with the cold is one thing, but bears are much worse to deal with.  My first wife and I went camping and she asked me what to do in case we’re attacked by a grizzly.  I just told her “pretend to be a fish.  The bear will bang your head against a rock, stun you and then you won't feel anything as it rips off both your arms.”  She didn’t think that was very funny and she made me bring a gun.  It ended up being one of her best ideas because as we hiked, out of nowhere, a large brown bear began to charge at us.  The only thing I could think of was that we must have been near one of its cubs.  Needless to say, I had a small pistol on me, and, if it hadn't been for that I wouldn't be here today.  She and I started to run, but I was carrying all the camping stuff in my backpack, making it extremely hard for me to pick up any speed.  The bear was right behind us.  I somehow managed to get the gun out of my backpack, and just as my wife ran past me, I shot her in the kneecap.  That one shot was all it took for me to escape.  I should have known from the beginning that taking a woman on a camping trip was a bad idea.  After hiking for less than an hour, she needed to pee.  We found a stream, but we were unable to cross it, so we decided to walk along the stream and look for a narrower place.  Fortunately, we came to an old bridge spanning the stream.  After checking the bridge, I decided that it was safe to cross, and being the gentleman that I am, I let the lady go first.  About halfway across, she turned and told me that she always wanted to be like the guys and pee off the bridge.  She proceeded to drop her hiking shorts and she backed to the side of the bridge.  As she began to pee, she looked over her shoulder, and yelled “Oh my God.  I just peed in a canoe!”  I ran over and looked down at the stream.  “Calm down.” I said.  “That’s not a canoe, it’s your reflection.”
With regard to muslims, I have a muslim neighbor.  I had a clogged sink one day and I went over and asked him to borrow a plunger.  He sarcastically said, “Why? Are you making a bomb too?” Then he started complaining about how sick and tired he is of all the stereotyping.  At least I think that's what he said.  It’s kind of hard to lip read through the fogged up visor of my bomb proof suit.  As I stood at the door waiting for him to bring me the plunger, I couldn’t help but notice two of his wives, who were both wearing tight fitting rucksacks.  As they looked at each other, I heard one of them say “Does my bomb look big in this?”
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-03-2014 21:55
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-03-2014 21:58
I am on the floor laughing!
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-04-2014 04:18
Now that is what I call a joke!!!:lol::yell::lol::twisted::yell::lol::grin::wink::cool:

SCOTT MAN you're the best brother!!!:lol::yell::twisted::yell::lol::yell::twisted::yell::lol::yell::grin::smile::wink::cool:

Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 11-04-2014 02:11 Edited 11-04-2014 02:28
Attachment: 43cents.jpg - :D (83k)
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-04-2014 02:59
God you make me laugh! You know we would be locked up in the UK for this!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-04-2014 04:20
Now that's a poster to hang up in your apartment or outside one of your windows Clif!!!:yell::lol::yell::lol::twisted::yell::lol::twisted::yell::grin::surprised::wink::cool:

Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-04-2014 13:37
I know I joke around a lot, but seeing that picture really hit home and reminded me of something a bit disturbing and very personal.  My daughter asks a lot of questions.  I’ve always tried to keep her from seeing disturbing things on tv, but the other day she came to me and asked “Daddy, what's a terrorist?”  She’s 11 years old and I decided that it was time she knew, so as I held her hands and looked into her eyes, I carefully explained “Well sweetheart, it's someone who wants to destroy your way of life.  It’s someone who can't understand our values and through ignorance, it’s someone who wants to inflict fear into our very hearts.” My daughter is smarter than most kids her age, and I’ll never forget her answer.  “Oh my God.  Mommy is a terrorist!”  Those words hit home with me.  I really need to pay more attention to my wife, because when she’s on her period, there’s no negotiating with her.  On top of that, any time I leave the house, I return to relentless interrogation.  At least a terrorist would eventually end my suffering.  Because of the way I get treated at home, I’m always a bit leery of anyone who resembles my idea of what a terrorist should look like.  Yesterday, my built up anger finally came out and I shouted across the street “Take that burka off and integrate into society properly you terrorist!” Then she said “Would an Amazonian tribesman demand you remove your wife's bra if she visited the rain forest?” “Probably not,” I said.  “But my wife is obviously uglier than you, and I don't even know what you look like.”  Seriously though, my daughter has been subjected to some of the same things that a suspected terrorist is subjected to, but thank God she was just too young to remember.  When she was 4 years old, the fear of terrorism was at its highest level, and she ended up getting expelled from preschool, interrogated for three hours by the police, and then she had to undergo psychiatric evaluation, just for bringing a “Hello Kitty” bubble gun to school.  I’m glad that she left her “Hello Kitty” terrorist backpack home that day or she probably would be in prison right now.  All jokes aside, any threat of a terrorist act is very real and should not be taken lightly.    I've been trying to do my part and working with various government agencies to set up a complex sting operation to expose a large number of terrorist organizations.  The nuclear bomb goes on sale on eBay tonight.  Once the bidding starts, they’ll all probably get busted, except for a few of the more hardcore terrorists, who probably won’t get on the internet until after they finish watching “Dancing With The Stars”.  This will expose terrorists on a national level.  I also have a plan to expose them locally.  We know that it’s a sin for the male to see any woman other than his wife naked.  If he sees another female naked other than his wife, he must commit suicide.  So I’ve asked all the women in my neighborhood to walk out of their house, completely naked, this coming Sunday at 2:00 pm, to help weed out any terrorists that may be living in our neighborhood.  I suggest that you all do the same thing in yours.  The women have to slowly and suggestively walk through the neighborhood to make sure that the terrorists see them.  And while they’re walking, I’m also encouraging them to stop and slowly bend over to pick up any trash that might be on the street, while pausing ever so slightly.  The men in the neighborhood will be showing their support by positioning themselves in reclining lawn chairs in front of their house to prove to the other neighbors that they are not terrorists.  More importantly, and I can’t stress this enough, but to also demonstrate that it’s ok for a man to see naked women other than his wife.  And since the Koran also does not approve of alcohol, a cold six pack at their side is further proof of their support for anti terrorism.  I’ll be setting up a tripod and a video camera to capture this “one of a kind” event.  Copies will be available on Monday for $10, with the proceeds being split 50/50 between two anti terrorism support groups.  The RSP (Red Sea Pedestrians) and the GGLF (Garden Gnome Liberation Front).
Parent - - By grizzzly (**) Date 11-05-2014 04:19
the only problem i see with that is most of the men i know would want to kill themselves after seeing some of the old fat heffers in my neighborhood
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-09-2014 22:05
Scott  I wish to ask in all sincerity....are you some kind of rouge member of the Flying Circus?   Do you have John Cleese's or the late Eric Idle's home/cell phone number?
Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-10-2014 14:30
Sorry.  I don’t have either one of their numbers.  The only number I have is 666.  When I dial it, my wife answers.  The funny thing about that is, she doesn’t even own a cell phone.  I was telling a guy in a bar the other night that my first wife died in a mobile phone charging accident.  He said, “I’ve heard of that happening”. “Was she electrocuted?” I said, “No.”  “I just needed a place to plug my charger into and I accidentally unplugged her life support.” I really miss that phone.  It could do anything.  It even gave my wife the lumps on her head that put her in the hospital in the first place.  But more often than not, those lumps resulted in my dinner being brought to me faster.  Then there was the time my mother-in-law came over for dinner.  All of a sudden, halfway through the meal she started choking.  “Do something for her!” screamed my wife.  “What should I do?” I asked.  “Anything!” she screamed, “Just do something for her!” So I took my cell phone from my pocket, used it as a pretend microphone as I stood up in my chair, and I showed her my best Tiny Tim impression.  Seriously, the only problem I can remember ever having with that cell phone happened the morning I went backpacking.  I encountered a problem and I was unable to reach my wife.  “Get a stick or something, you idiot!” she shouted from the quicksand.  In hindsight,  think it was just a bad battery, because the day before, she asked me to record her attempt to parallel park her brand new used car, but the cell phone battery died after 90 minutes. As if that wasn’t enough, earlier in the week, speeding along at 60 mph, there was a buzz from my cell phone on the dashboard.  “Your phone just went off”, said my wife.  "Aren't you going to answer it?" she asked.  “It's only a text," I replied. “I'll check it when we stop”.  I guess she couldn’t wait, so she grabbed the phone, looked at it, and then began staring at me with an unnerving degree of suspicion.  Then she tapped the screen, scrolled down and started reading. “I thought so”, she sneered. “It's another smart ass joke from one of your pals about women being bad drivers.” Then I yelled, “Watch the road!”  “You just ran a red light!!” In her defense, things started bad that day, before we even left the driveway.  She simply got in the car the wrong way….. from the driver’s side.  At least it wasn’t a text from one of my girlfriends.  I’m one step ahead of my wife on that one.  She’ll never find their phone numbers on my cell phone because I’ve written them all on the one place she’ll never look….. the rear view mirror.  I think it’s true what they say about marriage being a lot like a cell phone contract.  At first it's love at first sight, you love your new shiny cell phone and you want to show it off to everyone.  Despite thinking that it’s “the one”, time passes and the cell phone develops faults. Then the new cell phones come out.  Cell phones that do things that yours can’t do, or won’t do.  Then you get curious and start looking at other cell phones.  You pick them up and play with all their features, causing you to want to leave yours and get another one.  One that’s much better looking and more user friendly, but it will cost too much money to get out of your contract.  What the hell.  Eventually, just like every other cell phone you’ve ever had, a new one will have issues that you’ve never encountered before, and then you're back at square one again.  On second thought, maybe I’d better back off a bit and lighten up on my wife a little.  After all, she was so sick this morning that I had to carry her to the kitchen to make my breakfast.  Things used to be so different with us.  I used to love to pamper her after she had a stressful day at work. I used to get her to text me when she left work so I can get the water nice and warm.  I even swirled around the foam to make sure there were plenty of bubbles, and I’d time everything just right, so that the moment she walks through the door, the dishes are piled up and waiting for her.  When we had that house built, I even made sure that there was a nice big window above the kitchen sink, because it was important to me for her to have a point of view.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-23-2014 22:17
You did better than I would have. I would have taken both letters and put them in an old envelope saved from my disability check and wrote return to sender on it. Inside the envelope would have been a third letter requesting that the U.S Treasury forward the other two letters to Homeland Security and the El Paso Sheriff's office. :-)
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-24-2014 01:19
46 If you do not know if you should be laughing.....well what is your limits or sense of time.....this will be yours to joke about soon enough.   Our immigration policies are those that will establish your own in due funny is it really?
Parent - - By SCOTTN (***) Date 11-24-2014 14:41
In light of Obama’s recent immigration plans, I have just one question.  What is the world coming to? Evidently, most of it is coming to America.  I guess on the plus side there will end up being fewer and fewer immigrants having to send the money they earn back home, because pretty soon, they’ll be able to walk next door and hand it to them.  Letting immigrants settle into this country is like a game of poker.  You start with pair and you end up with a full house.  They’re even coming up with a new version of Monopoly that will make it much easier to win.  Rather than choosing a traditional token like the shoe or the iron, a player will have the option of choosing the immigrant token.  The best part about choosing the immigrant token is that you immediately get a free house on Baltic Avenue and three times more money than the other players.  Do any of you remember years ago when we were kids, our teachers and parents made us give money to all the poor kids in the world? Who would have thought back then that so many of them would grow up and come all the way here to thank us personally? And remember when we were in school and we had foreign exchange students, and they always went back home? I can sympathize with all the people who worry about immigration.  I just wish they could understand our politicians long term plan as well as I do….  when the rest of the world is empty, we can move wherever we like.  Meanwhile, does anyone know where I can get the forms to be an illegal immigrant? I sure could use their benefits right now.  I recently saw a survey that asked the question, Are there too many immigrants in the US? To which 7% said no, 27% said yes, and 66% said “I no understand the question please.” I’m not saying it’s bad, but Saturday I walked into a shop around the corner, and wondered if I could pay on my card.  All I asked was Visa?  Four people heard me and ran out the door.  One of them was the cashier. 
I have a safety tip for upcoming and new illegal immigrants:  If you’re ever trapped in a burning house or you’ve been seriously injured in an accident, a special 911 emergency number has been set up especially for you.  If you find yourself in one of the above unfortunate situations, please dial: 349872154639338908137434920134898234100847883388920101770016541019746791324676283723246792430928435970342945173364.  If there’s no answer, that means they’re busy helping someone else.  When this happens, wait five minutes, hang up, and dial the number again.  They always answer calls in the order in which they’re received, so you may need to hang up and re-dial several times before you get an answer.  Before you start dialing, make sure to dial the area code first.  If you don’t know your area code, it’s conveniently located underneath your refrigerator, near the heating element. 
And let me get this straight.  If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you get 12 years of hard labor.  If you cross the Afghanistan border illegally, you get shot.  But if you cross the U.S. border illegally, you end up with a job, a driver’s license, food stamps, a place to live, health care, housing, child benefits, education, and a tax free business for 7 years.  They should have the same security on our borders as they do at the white house.  If someone climbs the White House fence, they’re arrested before they get to the door.
All the above was purely for fun, but in all seriousness, the U.S. is a nation of immigrants, and except for the original Native Americans, everyone in America is an immigrant or the descendant of an immigrant.  The early colonists came from England, Holland, and France. Then came Scandinavians, Welsh, Scottish, Irish, and Germans. By the end of the 1800’s, Italians, Polish, Armenians, Russians, Greeks, Hungarians, and Turks began to pour into America.  Soon, Chinese and Japanese immigrants arrived in great numbers.  Immigrants came for many reasons. They came in hopes of owning land or getting a better job. Some came for adventure or to avoid military service in their former country. Many came to escape persecution. But mostly they came for the hope of a better life for themselves and for their families.  I believe that the latter is still true today, and I, for one, will never hold that against them, because after all, isn’t that what we’re all looking for? On a much smaller scale but of no lesser importance, that’s why I moved from NC to Georgia…. to have the opportunity to be a better provider for my family.  That being said, I do think we need to do something with the amount of people pouring into this country, and I think we have to draw the line somewhere.
Parent - By Tyrone (***) Date 11-25-2014 11:51
I agree with you Scott.  How can anyone blame someone who's trying to make a better life for themselves and their families? I wonder where I would have ended up if Canada didn't accept my parents immigating.  Most people on this forum could wonder the same thing if they go back far enough.

What is contentious is amount and duration of free handouts.  But that's why politicians get the big bucks to determine.

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-24-2014 15:47
Parent - - By mcostello (**) Date 11-26-2014 03:02
I don't think very much is said about LEGAL immigrants. It's the ILLEGAL part that chafes!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-26-2014 05:02
I agree because if you fix that broken system there's going to be more legal immigration than the blatant illegal immigration that's currently an epidemic... And if you want to fix it even more, then make serious and blunt statements to Mexico and the other Central American countries to enforce their own immigration policing and threatening them with a total cut off of any foreign aid that's already earmarked for them along with assisting them to strengthening their own borders as well as continuing the increasing strengthening of our own borders...

We should also make incentives for companies that relocate from either the US or from elsewhere to those countries in question in order to make it less likely for the unemployed in those countries to immigrate illegally to the US... And finally mandate quality of life improvements so that the citizenry stays in their own countries because of the much improved conditions to raise a family and to keep them from having any excuse to try and immigrate illegally into the US...In summary, only a multi-pronged approach targeting every aspect and potential cause of why there is illegal immigration must be worked on with equal intensity in order to ultimately fix this problem because as we already have seen, strengthening the border alone just doesn't fix the problem... it only lessens it until they find another way of getting into the US illegally...

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-06-2014 05:03 Edited 12-06-2014 05:20
No issues here with someone with the guts it takes to pull up stakes and change residency.   THe issue I have is we do have a process for this, because it is run by the FED it is convoluted and fubar, hence the fence jumping.  Secure the borders for REAL, gives the national guard something to do as well as provide fabulous real world training for Army, Marine and Navy snipers.   Then let whosoever may line up and sign on the dotted line.  I cannot go to (name a European country, Canada, dodgy i dunno south America, Most African countries, Austrailia...forget about it...they got thier ducks in a row economy wise and several established Asian countries and just squat down without a helluva lot of hullabalo and most at best will offer a temp get out of jail free change countries will require a serious long term pass to stay will take some EFFORT.  Why should we be any different...what do you have to offer us?  This part of our charter is outdated/outmoded at best.  Give us your tired your poor your oppressed...well to be perfectly honest we needed labor to build a country at that we do not.  What to do with what is entrenched here now...I do not know a good answer.....HOWEVER how about before you make an executive mandate on immigration you fulfill your first obligation to ENFORCE the LAW already on the books Mr. President. I am sure there are plenty of legislators in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, and Florida who would love to here your answer to that question, of course on official record.  We got it wrong and the Fed is mucking it up totally, that is very clear.

Hank as far as companies outsourcing to cheap labor overseas....I got no worries there.  When it comes down to nut cutting who can do it faster, better, the highest quality bar none....I have tremendous faith in my fellow Americans.  We can cinch out belts, pull our boots up tight and outperform anyone on the planet when we have to.....I am confident in that. America has not been tested in a long time, we will rise to any test and be the best at it when our buttons get pushed.  My Mom was a bombmaker during WWII she also was a machinist for Wright Aero during that period, My Dad was an MP for the US Army at the time, Every cousin, uncle I know on both sides of the family was a volunteer for every single war this country has been involved in since 1917.  First generation German Immigrants who loved the opportunity this country provided to us.  I am sure there are millions out there given the same opportunity I have been provided with, will have the same attitude toward the country they are living in.  God Bless us all, We are Americans, we are far from perfect but we strive to be so for our fellow man ever single day we breathe.

Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 12-06-2014 12:06
Here's a thought....  If you're ready for the adventure of a lifetime, try this:

a.  Go to Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq illegally.  Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.

b.  Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.

c.  Demand that all nurses and doctors be fluent in English, and that all food be cooked according to your special specifications in the

d.  Demand free local government forms, bulletins, etc. be printed in English.

e.  Procreate abundantly.

f.   Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive behavior with, "It is a cultural thing; you wouldn't understand."

g.  Keep your original identity strong. Fly your previous country's national flag from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window, 
     or on your car bumper.

h.  Speak only English at home and in public, and make sure that your children do likewise.

i.   Demand classes on English culture in the Muslim school system.

j.   Demand a local country driver license or national insurance number equivalent

k.  This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimize your unauthorized, illegal, presence in Pakistan , Afghanistan or Iraq

l.   Drive around with no insurance and ignore local traffic laws.

m.  Insist that local country law enforcement teaches English to all its officers.

n.  Organize protest marches against your host country, inciting violence against non-white, non-Christians, and the government that let
     you in.

Good luck
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