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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Happy Father's Day
- By SCOTTN (***) Date 06-21-2015 22:40
On Father's Day, a lot of us tend to think of our biological father, whether he's here with us on Earth, or whether he's in the perfect joy and the perfect beauty of Heaven, and walking in the everlasting light of our Heavenly Father. So, here's a Father's Day letter to Him...


I wanted to take the time to write to You on this Father’s Day because I haven’t seen You in a very long time, since before I was born, actually, and I miss You terribly. I know that You are always here with me, but sometimes it’s hard for me to remember that. When things are going well, I find myself forgetting to talk to You as much as I should.... To thank You for what you’re doing in my life, to thank You for the things you have given me, and to thank You for what You've done for me. And forgive me Father, as I sometimes have a tendency to praise myself for my success instead of giving You all the praise and all the glory. It takes the world closing in on me, threatening to swallow me up and spit me out in little pieces, to remind me to get on my knees and look for You, and Father, I apologize for that.
The main reason for writing is that I needed to let You know how much You mean to me…especially since I can’t buy anything for someone who has everything. So Father, here are just a few things that I want to thank You for….
Thank You Father for being so kind…. kind enough to make me who I am and to give me the material things that provide for me and my family. Thank You Father for being so merciful…. that no matter how many times I mess up and get it wrong, You’re always willing to forgive me. Thank You Father for Your grace.… not only do You forgive my failings, but You continue to bless me and love me unfailingly. Thank You Father for your love.… for loving me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son to die for me. Thank You Father for being a light unto my path when darkness begins to fall…. for guiding me through my trials and tribulations. Thank You Father for Your peace that falls over me when I embrace Your light.… a peace that only comes from knowing that You are in control of my life.
I realize Father that I may do things that disappoint You. Father You know I’m trying very hard to work on that. And I know that it seems like I’m always asking You for something…. healing, money, wisdom, strength, mercy, and so much more. But, Father, I couldn’t do anything without You. I couldn’t be successful at my job. I couldn’t be a good parent. I couldn't be a good spouse. I couldn't be a good sibling. I couldn't be a good child to my earthly father and mother. I couldn’t be the person that You are calling me to be, without You. Father, I couldn’t write this letter without You. You are my everything, Father, and the thought of You and all that You are, sometimes moves me to tears.
Father, Your power is awesome. You created Heaven and Earth just by speaking, but I didn’t want to take it for granted that You already knew I felt this way. I hope and I pray that this letter finds You and gives You some small measure of the depths of my feelings for You. I love You, Father. I love You more than anything that You have put on this earth, and Father, I gladly give You my life.

Happy Father’s Day,
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Happy Father's Day

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