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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Not a Weekend I Want To Repeat
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-20-2015 19:12
So, here I am trying to finish up the house remodel we started 6 months ago by doing the finish base trim kneeling on the tile floors all weekend. Knees swelling up and hurting like crazy, haven't been this bad since I left the Boilermakers field work about 30 years ago.

I notice the shop phone ringing. ON SUNDAY. Ignore it.  The minute it goes to voice mail it starts ringing again.  And again. By the time it dawns on me something has got to be wrong and I don't have my cell phone on me it is on at least it's 4 cycle of rings. 

Back up:  So, right after church our 23 year old son, still lives at home and works with us in the business and has another job as well, wanted to go to one of the other boys home.  My wife gets this premonition and says, 'I really wish you wouldn't ride dirt bikes today or blow anything up.'  Well, they rode dirt bikes.  Hit a mound of dirt wrong out in the horse pasture.  Took an uncontrolled flying leap.  Got clear of the bike but landed wrong. 

So, back to the phone call, yep.  The other boys mom is a nurse.  They were headed to the hospital with an indisputable broken leg.  Snapped both bones just at the top of his 9" boots.  Came through the skin.  Arterial bleeding.  Left the boot on which controlled swelling and hid the fact that there was bleeding as it had enough pressure on it to stop it until the hospital removed the boot. 

Now, he has a rod from his knee to his ankle and I lost all afternoon crawling on the floor ruining my knees while trying to finish the house.  UUMM.  A blessing or a trial? 

Well, pray for our son to heal properly and not to get an infection in this leg.  He will be out of commission for 4-6 months.  Then he gets to start therapy.  JOY, JOY. 

Had to change our plans and move the company office for now, no furniture in the house yet anyway, and put his bedroom downstairs so he doesn't have to negotiate the stairs and has a bathroom close by. 

Best laid plans of mice and men.  At least he will have time to complete his UT and MT training. 

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 10-20-2015 20:43
So,so sorry to hear this! I'll be praying! ALWAYS listen to MOM! They are ALWAYS right and know best!
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 10-20-2015 22:21
Ouch Brent, we have been down that road with my middle son. I know that feeling when you get the call. I hope that he heals up real quick and without incident. My son has a titanium rod from his hip to his knee, he broke his femur in 4 places when he had his "get off". Godspeed and best regards, Allan
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-20-2015 21:36
You never know when a bad accident is going to happen. So often it is because we didn't see what was waiting for us just over the horizon or the next event in the sequence of events. I remember when I broke my wrist. It wasn't because I did something silly, it was because I didn't foresee my foot hanging up on a tree root as I slide down the side of the tarp covering the lumber.

I feel your son's pain. His leg will never be the same. Tell him to listen to the doctor and don't try to rush the healing process. It takes time and there is no way to rush things.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-20-2015 23:47
Thanks guys.

BTW Al, this is not the son you met at FabTech in Las Vegas a couple years back, that was Darrell, our oldest.  He still works with me too.  This is our youngest, Luke.  Don't know if this will speed up or slow down his training.  The book part he can now get finished with for UT, already has the MT done.  But all three of us need some hours for the UT and he isn't going anywhere for a while.

Just for your info since you have met part of my family.

Parent - - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 10-20-2015 23:57
Brent he's young so he will get over it fairly quick. It probably want brother him right now but later on it might my prayer's and thought is with your family and tell him to do the therapy.

Parent - - By mcostello (**) Date 10-21-2015 02:36
I'll let the BIG MAN know tonight! (As if He already didn't know):wink:
Parent - By SCOTTN (***) Date 10-21-2015 12:26
I'm sorry to hear this about you and your son.  May The Great Physician touch and heal your bodies.  May it be to you according to His Word.
- - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-21-2015 22:58

He came home Tuesday afternoon.  Doing pretty good all things considered.  Good color.  No fever.  Good spirits.  And his normal pain in the neck.  Yep, doing just fine. 

Thanks for the responses and prayers.  Don't stop them, there is still a lot that can happen before the bone heals enough to hold in place even with that rod supporting it.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-22-2015 02:47
Tell him I wish him a speedy recovery. Stay off the leg until the doctor gives him the OK.

Parent - - By Dualie (***) Date 10-23-2015 04:38
dont let them give him the normal crutches or wheel chairs,  I think he earned the racing models strait out the gate.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-23-2015 04:58
Yeah right!!  You're a big help.

Thanks for the true concern I hear in your jest.

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Not a Weekend I Want To Repeat

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