Hi Dennis!
I need to point out that I meant to write: "So unless one has the newer auto darkening technology included in the Miller "Digital Elite" series welding hood, one must heed to the safety warnings regarding the older auto-darkening lens models." Instead of mentioning "the older Elite models" so, I stand corrected Dennis!!!
I agree with most of what you are saying regarding the Miller digital Elite but, not all auto darkening hoods are alike and, I was'nt specifically referring to the Miller elite or digital elite's warning with respect to overhead welding... I was referring to the other brands out there that recommend not use welding overhead without the proper PPE equipment, and not to stand directly overhead like some of the less experienced welders tend to do. Now recommending something does'nt mean that it's not allowed... It just means that in order to be safe, and to prevent potential injury, the suggestion is not to attempt the aforementioned action especially without the use of any of the recommended PPE included in the action.
They - meaning the less quality minded, and less expensive auto-darkening lenses also point out that even with a shade 3 lens as a sort of back up protection when the sensor tells the lens to turn off, one can experience arc flash or even in some cases, greater damage to the eyes, and it all depends on the individual as far as the extent of the potential damge occurring... Just because you did not experience any long term effects on your eyes, does'nt mean that another totally different individual will be just as fortunate!!!
Look, I do'nt mean to challenge what Miller has to say about their "Digital Elite" welding hood but does'nt it seem strange that if they already were producing, and selling the "Elite" series without the "X" mode feature, then why all of a sudden come out with a newer one if the safety features which include the sensors for the regular, older, "Elite" series were adequate??? It's pretty logical to presume that they needed to come out with something better, and they did which is the Miller "Digital Elite"!!!
I mean - you even admitted that the sensors could be turned off if one inadvertantly blocked the sensors and that is my point because, the more sensors one has on their hood at different locations, the better protection one will have from the potential of premature lens shut off. There are many other brands of auto-darkening systems that do have specific recommendations/warnings/suggestions that are mainly written to cover their potential for liability law suits, much like the labels used by the pharmaceutical industries. I did try to weld overhead with my older "Elite" hood only to find that sometimes, premature lens shutoff would most definitely occurr
"X" mode works differently than conventional sensors so, premature lens shutoff would not be an issue when one is using the Miller "Digital Elite" series lens... Not so with other auto-darkening lens systems unless they're loaded with sensors all around the lens system & hood... Common sense tells me that the older Miller caution is referring to the need for adequate PPE protection, indirectly referring to the sensitivity of the sensors, and indirectly referring to the potential for premature lens shutoff... Just about every brand mentions about wearing the proper PPE when welding in the overhead or any awkward position that could potentially harm them... Remember that we only have one pair of eyes, and as of yet, they're not replaceable!!! I never mentioned that the hood would burn or melt when one is welding in the overhead position though. ;)
I still like my old 3M hardhat, fresh air, flip type lens helmet/hood system better because, the design was just rock solid, and gave you so much confidence that you were totally protected in comfort while welding, and gouging in any location and in any position. My Hornell Speedglass 9000X is pretty good but, not as solid as my older 3M.I do'nt know for sure but, I heard or read somewhere that the division of 3M that made the older fresh air helmet/hood systems is now part of Hornell???
Anywho, This has been a good discussion that I hope has been helpful to other folks interested in purchasing welding hoods with auto-darkening technology... Not all auto-darkening lens are made the same, so buyer beware!!! ;) Happy New Year Dennis, and the same goes to everyone else!!!